Many moons ago when I was younger and pterosaurs nested on my home 's roof we had the photographic finish craze, cranks came painted ( I say most probably covered with some sort of photographic layer ) in ultrarealistic extra detailed finish, you got a Bagley 's Baby Bass crank it not only came painted like a true baby bass, it even had the brighty thingy pearlscaly look, I 've got a couple yet and if you saw them on your hand you would swear you were holding a real baby bass, same applied to other cranks you could find in the market at that time.
Later came the Color CLector "authorized" colored patterns craze, later the G Finish ( G for guanim ) craze.
Being an old fart and having gone from plain colors ( what can be more classic than white and red ? ), to phographic realism, to gadget authorization, to shiny guanim, to cracked finishes, reflective surfaces and so on I 've found that ........ they all work in about the same level of success, what makes the difference is -----> the guy behind the rod.
If you think and/or believe that painting on the spot trying to match to whatever the fish might eat is going to help I 'll be the first one to say -----> my man go for it !
Bass bite spinnerbaits and them don 't look like anything a bass could eat.