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Everything posted by Raul

  1. For those ?......... never; I 've fished it for piña coladas, cuba libres and margaritas and it was a blast right then , don 't ask about later --->
  2. Throughout my life I 've broken 3 rods, 2 out of my own stupidity, 1 due to manufacturer defect, so breaking rods is more a matter of operator error than manufacturer defect. If the rod breaks then the most probable cause of such event is you.
  3. Which Honda SUV ? I owned a CRV and I cartoped my 12 ft jon on it, I had a blacksmith make me 2 bases I screwed to where you screw the luggage basket.
  4. Just let me ask, are you planning to fish electric motor only lakes ? Cuz ........ I don 't get it :-[ Lots of batteries = lots of weight ----- better a small outboard, like a 2.5 HP plus 1 battery for the TM.
  5. Daiwa Liberto Pixy Daiwa Presso Daiwa Sol Daiwa Alphas Type F Daiwa Alphas Itö Chronarch Mg Curado 100/101D Scorpion 1000/1001 Scorpion 1000/1001 Mg Conquest 50/51 Any of them is a finesse baitcaster. If I were on the hunt for a finesse baicaster none beats the price of the Chronarch 50/51 Mg fot $187@ TW.
  6. When the bite is hot I don 't waste my time pursuing bigger fish, not because I 'm catching lots of fish, it 's because the bite is hot and there will be hundreds of fish ready to pounce on whatever I throw that will get to the bait a lot before a bigger fish has a chance of even sniffing at the bait. The bite is hot right now, been 4 Sundays to the same lake and have caught a little over 300 fish, all of them between 8" and a pound, have thrown big worms, jigs with monster sized trailers, spinnerbaits with blades the size of a hub cap, swimbaits and they still manage to get hooked on them. Benn serously thinking about changing my screen name to "DINKMASTER".
  7. Hey, I 'm an international member and the least place I post is here.
  8. There 's nothing near Ixtapa, everything is hundreds of miles away from it.
  9. I wouldn 't say for "weightless" soft plastics, I 'd say that for light weight soft plastics spinning tackle will do a better job than non finesse type baitcasters. "Weightless" 5" senko = 3/8 oz ......... dude, any baitcaster can cast that. "Weigthless" 4" grub < 1/8 th oz ----> better use a spinning reel.
  10. The only difference between a Florida rig and a Texas rig is the type of weight you use. In the Texas rig you use a bullet shape sinker ok ?, well to make a Florida rig what you do is that instead of using a regular bullet weight you use a Florida rig weight, a Florida rig weight is a bullet shape sinker with a piece of metal coil atached to it where you screw in your bait so the bait and sink are pegged together. Florida rig weight:
  11. Where I live there ain 't no gators, coons and coyotes for sure, skunks, you need to be very unlucky to "encounter" a skunk when you can actually smell it a mile away but it can happen, rattlesnakes are quite common, it 's the lil critters what make life intersting around here like them darned fire ants are everywhere >, those red wasps with more fire power than a Longbow helicopter with an attitude , those black bumble bees with enough fire power to make a C130 Spectre feel humble, those wolly caterpillars that look like a porcupine and just to round up our hot climates = hot bugs we 've got scorpions. Add to that the ever present thorny vegetation of all sorts.
  12. With "only $200" I wouldn 't think it too much, I 'd jump on a Chronarch Mg.
  13. For my entire life I 've only owned 1 specialized rod, a Kistler Mag TS crankbait series, bought it a couple of years ago, fished with it a few times, liked very much how it fished crankbaits but finally sold it. What I mean by this is that all other rods I 've owned are fast action rods but with different power ratings depending upon cover ( density and type ) and structural features; I fish cranks mostly with ML-M rods but if cover demands me fishing with heavier line I may fish with MH or H, finesse fish with ML-M rods, worm/jig with M/MH/H, flip and pitch with M/MH/H, spinnerbaits with M/MH/H. That 's how it has worked for me for over 20 years, saying you fish lakes, rivers and ponds says nothing, I fish lakes and ponds too, it 's what 's in them ( cover and structural features ) that makes me decide which rod power I have to take with me, that 's why I told you, the only person that can answer the qustion about which one is you. In practical terms any rod can cast almost anything as long as it weights as much as the power rating of the rod can handle. You asked about which ones, as I said, if I were to purchase 3 rods based on my experience those are the ones I would purchase. Not saying that Avids are bad, they are great rods, but knowing what I know now and after trying with many rod brands I would jump on the IMXs without thinking it too much.
  14. No one but you can answer the question because it depends a lot on where you fish and what you fish the most, to me it would be difficult to decide because I fish two completely different types of lakes ( one ultraclear, extra deep and with very little cover vs a relatively clear, shallow and very densely packed with woody cover ) pretty much the same ammount of times, one week I go to one, the other week I go to the other. I think that the first rod I would purchase will be the MBR783C.
  15. "Made in USA" rods, affect your decision? NO I simply won 't purchase a rod just because it says MADE IN USA, if it 's junk MADE IN USA won 't make it better.
  16. You guys recommending Navionics mapping are putting too much emphasis in technology, maps are cool and a great help .......if you can find the map of your lake :, me living in a 3 rd world country there 's no point in having a map cuz there 's no map for the lakes I fish, I gotta go with what I know and what I see in order to find the fish.
  17. If I were to purchase 3 rods after testing many rods for many years these would be the one I surely purchase: Spinning: SJR782 IMX Casting: MBR783C IMX MBR784C IMX IMHO the IMX is the best bang for the buck.
  18. You log into BPS' website Type "lure retriever" in the search box You get this one for 8 bucks:
  19. No dilusions here, I never "win", it 's a more a matter of how much I loose everytime. Yesterday I went to purchase a pack of 5/0 hooks, how I managed to break 50 bones is beyond my understanding. :-?
  20. Get the biggest one you can afford, I do have a 30 pounder for mt 12 ft jon .......... should have purchased a bigger one : Everything is fine with the 30 pounder ..... until the wind begins to blow :-/ , then 30 lbs ain 't enough ! >
  21. There will always be something newer, cooler, better, with more features to make your life easier, make the fishing experience more exciting and with more pleasure, there will always be something new to tickle your fancy, it 's the nature of the beast.
  22. There 's no wrong and no right, forget about all that dominant hand junk and all it 's reasoning, for me it 's simple: a ) I learned to cast right, switch hands and reel right b ) the most coordinated motion I can ask my left hand to do is to scratch my rear end ( and it don 't always scratch where I want it to ), needless to say I can 't ask it to perform such a coordinated motion as turning the reel handle, it 's good for: 1.- holding the rod 2.- twitching or jerking a bait ( and now as I 'm getting older it seems to do it better :-[ ) 3.- setting the hook 4.- fighting the fish. So there is no right or wrong, the only weird I 've ever seen is watching a guy with a spinning oufit turned upside down and reeling in backwards, now that 's what I call weird. :-?
  23. Uhhh, nope. Winter fishing down here where I live takes place with mostly crystal clear water, all the mud and debris washed down the lake by the rains has settled leaving the water crystal clear. Where I live normally doesn 't rain during the winter, so you fish with mostly bluebird skies and most fish you catch are caught after midday under a blazing and scorching sun with temps in the high 70 's/ low 80 's when the water has warmed enough for the fish to be more active. Where I live anything works, actually you more kinda rotate your baits depending more upon hour of the day, the earlier it is the slower you have to fish ( jigs, worms ) and you can speed up as the water warms and the fish become more active ( cranks, spinnerbaits, topwaters ).
  24. Daiwa Revros 2004, nope it 's not a domestic model, it 's a japanese model, I paid for the one I 've got 75 dollars, what makes it great ? The spool, it 's a shallow spool reel ( you don 't need to add filler line ), it 's designed to hold braided line, the spool is grooved ( to avoid slipping ) and has a hole for your knot ( for the knot to stay flush with the spool ), it has extra tough line roller and an extra though lip coating.
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