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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Now that 's ugly ! ;D
  2. Hey look, it 's cotton candy !
  3. Lake Baccarac Sugar Lake Vicente Guerrero Lake El Salto Lake Falcon Amistad Choke Canyon
  4. Fish finder, it works in any water clarity all the time, it works at almost any boat speed, it don 't get snagged on obstructions.
  5. Casting accuracy is the same on both, it 's a matter of practice. I am dead accurate with either.
  6. Alton Jones is playing it safe, 50/65 lb braid is Ok for that lake, the lake has lots of highly abrassive submerged timber, so to answer your question, do you need to go that heavy ? -----> yes you do. To answer to your second question; no I do not throw fluoro in there, I throw nylon or copoly, Trilene Big Game 17-20 lbs or P-line CXX 15-17 lbs test.
  7. I don 't purchase Shad Rap "type" baits Micro, what for if there are Shad Raps ? I 'm a Shad Rap afficionado and have been for more than 20 years when I purchased my first ones, I caught my PB with a Shad Rap SR7SD and I still have that bait in my T box and it 's still catching fish, it 's all beat up, the finish is almost finished but I can 't see myslef retiring it. So what 's so kool about Shad Raps ? 1.- They catch fish 2.- There are many sizes from where to choose 3.- There are many models from where to choose ( Original, Shallow Running, RS, Jointed, Glass and Super ) Original Shad Raps, Shallow runners and Jointed work better in high visibility water ( 3 '+ of water visibility ) But if the water is less clear you 've got the plastic models, the RS and Glass do work in murkier muddier water. The RS is a suspending model but you can turn an original into a suspending model by increasing the size of the hooks to the next hook size up, the added weight of the larger hooks makes the bait neutrally bouyant.
  8. You may remenber them, that ain 't make your older than dirt. Using them them ? now that does make you older than dirt and holy cow, I am getting older than dirt !
  9. And in a Cancun resort she will have lots of things to don 't faint when her credit card bill arrives home, I don 't get it how come women always find a way to purchase all sorts of junk like shoes and clothes where you are supposed to be in a place where there ain 't no shoes and clothes to purchase. :-?
  10. Incorrect, the weight is on when it 's pushed outward.
  11. Holy cow , it is true ! Now that is what I call a revelation.
  12. 1.- No I don 't believe slooooooooooooooow is the only way to fish in cold water, as a joke I said in another post that there ain 't no cold water down here, well, I was kidding, there is cold water down here, just make a trip to the sierra 40 min away and 2,000 ft more of height above sea level and oh boy -----> it 's freezing up here ! When facing cold not frozen water you can fish two ways, arthritic snail pace ( dead slow ) or BURN THE WATER ! with your baits, baits like lipless cranks and spinnerbaits reeled in as fast as you can do catch fish in the frigid sierra waters down here. 2.- No I don 't believe you should use different baits, as a matter of fact what are "different baits", it 's a matter of application, presentation and location. 3.- Nope I vision craws as baits that can be used as trailers, same applies to worms, grubs and creatures. 4.- Nope, lizards are baits for all year long, I don 't buy that "theory" that they resemble mud puppies, where I 'm at there ain 't no salamanders but bass bite plastic lizards, there ain 't no mud puppies ( water dogs ) and bass bite plastic lizards, I belive that for bass fishing 99% of the time " match the hatch" is just nonsense and an excellent excuse for not catching fish consistently. 5.- Uphill or downhill ? it don 't matter as long as you maintain the danged CONTACT ! 6.- No, it covers the mistakes an angler makes, learn to cover your mistakes and you 'll catch more fish during the daytime, having to fish ultra clear water all my life has taught me how to cover my mistakes. 7.- Uhhh ...... Nope. I purchase lots of new baits because I like to purchase baits, I still catch fish with them 20 year old Heddon sonics, the Rapala original minnow has caught me fish ( bass and trout ) for as long as I can remember ( the same applies to in-line spinners ). 8.- Nope.
  13. The rod will make a perfect rod for those applications you want it for, it will cast easier, load better and perform over your 843 with the the same baits; and if instead of using 12 lbs test you use 10 lb test it will be better.
  14. True Machismo is also true But there 's something else, I 'm a crankbait fisherman, I like fishing with cranks, cranks are my primary tool for catching fish, I don 't mind paying 25 bones for a crank, not because it 's beautifully painted, I pay 25 bones for the action of the bait.
  15. Have you checked www.staminainc.com ?
  16. You are a MO resident. I 've ordered many, many, many times to BPS ( tackle junkie ya know ) have my goods shipped to my Texas adress ( and there are several BPS stores in TX ) and no sales tax.
  17. Take a good look y 'all, notice that Catt didn 't use the word "spring" , for us guyz down here in the south it 's the pre-spawn.
  18. Down here there ain 't no "cold" water.
  19. It depends on how long it has been sitting on a shelf. A couple of years ago I purchased 4 TDZ 's on a Cabela 's clearance, all of them were bone dry of lubricants, must have been stored on a shelf for a loooooong time. More often than not the reel you purchase is quite fresh so there 's no need to lube anything prior to use.
  20. Excellent excuse to get the Fuego, for that kind of money I wouldn 't think it too much, it 's still a 70 dollars saving.
  21. YES, you can 't know if you have never tried. Pair a Chronarch Mg to a GLoomis IMX and you will understand.
  22. If reel weight is an issue get the Fuego, if not ----> get the Advantage; you get pretty much the same performance for less money. Or, if what you want is looks + perfomance get the Fuego.
  23. my mistake experience with a Quantum reel dates back to the late 80 's. - The drag was terrible - The levelwind assembly stuck - The line pawl broke after 4 months of use - Cast control ........ gee, did actually had one ? - Broken spool bearing after 8 months of use Not to mention that annoying gear grinding feel as you turned the handle. You could say, "well that was 20 years ago", but then I would say: "then how come my XLTs Abus are older and they are still in operation ?" ( also got a Bantam Mag 1000 that 's as old and it 's still operational ).
  24. For both it 's good; size limits & slot limits benefits both the fishERIE and the fisherman.
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