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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Daniel, fluoro does not absorb water, nylon does, reason why after a while if you are fishing with clear nylon line it turns milky due to the water absortion.
  2. Raul


    Medal of Honor Airbone Assault Call of Duty The World at War Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Watch out for them nazi super storm troopers in MOH, tough MFs to kill and they pack you up with lead in an eyeblink.
  3. Not really, it depends greatly on how the reel foot is placed, I can 't palm an Abu C, on the other hand I can palm a Calcutt or Cardiff of the same size.
  4. I have a set of Flying Lures, my now ball and chain gave them to me as a present, needless to say I can 't get rid of them or ...... . Do they work ? yes they do However that sink away from you action can be found in many of today 's baits, that swim away action is wat made them good for fishing for example under docks or fishing rip rap. As I said, many of today 's baits have that same action, they are cheaper and don 't need no stinkin "special" jighead, you can purchase them in many colors and with your ordinary EWG hook you get the same action, it 's just a matter of rigging the bait right. Baits that sink away: Sweet Beaver Yamamoto Senko Yamamoto Fat Ika Now if you want to go a little bit more exotic: Imakatsu Dynagone ( BTW ! DelMart Has the mold so you can pour your own ) BaitBreath Teardrop
  5. Bluegill if you are in Mexico Tilapia if you are in Mexico Baby bass if you are in Mexico Rainbow trout if you are in Mexico where 90 % of the bass have never seen a trout Shad if you are in Mexico where there are no shad Hitch if you are in Mexico where there are no hitch Ayu if you are in Mexico and .... guess what ? there ain 't no ayu in Mexico And the list can go on patterns that in theory imitate something and that maybe something the bass have never seen anf if fished in the right location with the right presentation will work.
  6. www.carolinachip.com
  7. Physically measurable are the vibration transmiting properties of line, blank, reel seat material and such, but what is not measurable is the perception, everybody is different. Ask me what color is the sky and I 'll say blue, ask my friend Luis and he 'll tell you the sky is light purple.
  8. In all my reels spooled with 12 lb test the line is green.
  9. I seriously think that bass are more opportunistic feeders than we want to admit, shure if the prey is or appears swallable and they can catch it picking it 's nose they will grab it, I 've caught numerous fish of 10 inches with a 4 inch shad ( half in the stomach and half in the mouth ) in the mouth, we 've found 3 + pounders floating dead or near death with a tilapia stuck in their mouths half their size; I bet that me catching big fish on teeny tiny baits is a matter of the fish taking the advantage of the fact that the bait was right on their noses, they see the opportunity of an easy meal with little or no effort and they grab it, it doesn 't matter if it 's small.
  10. The problem is not paying for a pretty wife, the problem is paying to keep her pretty.
  11. You tell me about it, how you think I hooked 4,5 & 6 lbs bass ? ( once hooked a really nice one but couldn 't land it, it ran straight into the weeds ) well, for starters I wasn 't fishing for bass : and they got hooked .... on a Mepps Black Fury 00 :-?, on a squirt ( teeny tiny tube ) : , on a itsy bitsy shad assasin :, then how come when I 'm after them with bass gear they simply vanish ? :. Murphy 's laws of fishing, so now I 'm prepared. And now that I 'm prepared I 'm shure they can smell something fishy going on cuz haven 't caught one since I 'm prepared for them. :-/
  12. I have the SJR782S, for 1/4 oz and under is a great finesse rod.
  13. My friend Pedro ..... what can I say about my friend Pedro ? oh well, he 's as stubborn as a mule and when he gets an idea he 's all in for it. The carpet on his bloat was light blue, after years of exposure it was literally coming to pieces so he had the boat recarpeted in black, I told him not to do so but ya know .... stubborn as a mule, soon after the carpeting was done we went fishing ( man he does love to walk barefoot on the boat ) early in the morning no problem walking barefoot on the boat, but by mid day with our nice warm climate it 's like walking on a frying pan, so he learned the hard way that black carpet under the sun ain 't such a good idea no matter how nice it looks. Now the carpet is light gray.
  14. I don 't know where I get the feeling that Sam likes soft plastics.
  15. A blast from the past: Trilene Big Game.
  16. You can land a big fish on an UL rig ? Yes you can ....... with the right drag setting, with the right fishing technique, without any obstructions, with plenty line, yes you can catch and land a bigun, I 've done it and not only once. Do I recomend it ? Uhhhmmmm ....... nope You need a little bit more muscle ( just in case ), ML is light enough for panfish without having to sacrifice the fun factor and if you happen to hook something interesting you have enough power plus you 'll have a lot of fun.
  17. Hey ! what 's wrong with having a pretty rod ? Now back on the subject again, I would return it immediately and ask for another one, of course a pretty reel seat don 't catch you more feesh but I 'm all in for having one if that 's how it 's supposed to be. Brown pearlescent blank, wood grain like reel seat + nice cork + a Daiwa Sol or Daiwa Liberto Pixy 2003 limited edition model ------> YUMMI !, a mean bass fishing machine with panàge.
  18. LOL. You know you have mastered the art of casting when you visualize the place where you want the bait to land and it magically lands where you want it to land. Really, it 's a matter of eye-hand coordination, to master it you have to practice frequently.
  19. Shaft length is just the same as it is thrust, get the longest one you can get because sooner or later you 'll need it.
  20. Man, I don 't care who you are, that 's too darned funny ! ;D
  21. Well, Paul, they are redneck bass so we can 't ask miracles ( other than growing big ) out of them.
  22. All year long I 'm here boring ya 'll, the 'puter is at my business so I 'm logged in during the business hours I 'm here ( 10 AM - 3, 3:30 PM ).
  23. Exactly, the last 4-5 years have been years with an abundance of rainfall after many years of a relative drought, for many years the lakes were never full so lots of vegetation grew between the regular level we were used to and the real full pool level, now all those areas are flooded so there 's lots of new vegetation turning it into an underwater jungle, you do need rope thick line.
  24. The most I carry are 5 rods on the boat, from those 3 rods are always the same: (M) GLoomis CR722 or MBR782 ---> finesse presentations and cranks (MH)GLoomis CR723 or MBR783 ---> worming & jigging (H) GLoomis CR724 or MBR784 ---> jigging/spinnerbaiting Then if necessary I add other rods like a SJR782 or the CR721 or the Bosco or the swimbait rod, the additions to those basic 3 depends greatly on which lake I 'm going to fish.
  25. If space is a real problem then you got to purchase an extension arm so you don 't have to reach down and steer, other than that consideration I would go for a foot pedal.
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