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Everything posted by Raul

  1. I flip/pitch a lot in my everyday lake, nope, I don 't have a dedicated set-up for that purpose, I purchased a rod for flipping and I find myself using it for other purposes other than for what it was initially bought.
  2. If you only have 1 reel then it 's easier to speed up on a slow reel than slow down on a fast reel. Gear ratios ? gear ratio is not a measure of reel speed the reel speed is in the IPT. If you don 't know the IPT of a reel check at the manufacturers website or check at the BPS website, the IPT is there. Fast reels are for lures and techniques where you need to pick up line fast like worms, jigs, buzzbaits and most topwaters except wobblers.
  3. Yeah...and I bet three are still NIB! 8-) Close enough my friend, 2 are still NIB, also got a Scorpion 1000 Mg NIB, a Metanium XT NIB, a Pixy NIB. : Nothing is going to deter me from getting some of them new Curados and very probably an Aldebaran Mg, been thinking seriously about the Zillion, I 'm a sucker for anything that has written SPECIAL EDITION on it. ;D
  4. 25% of the LMB population exhibits the tongue tooth patch, so tongue tooth path to identify the species has a 25% margin error. The place where the mouth ends in relation to the eye is 100% accurate. The mouth extends beyond in imaginary line perpendicular to the eye it 's a LMB, if the mouth ends before or at the very imaginary line then it 's a spot.
  5. There ain 't no craws in most of the palces I fish, plastic craws work. There ain 't no salamanders ( not lizards, lizards are terrestrial creatures ), water puppies, mud puppies, water dogs ( however you want to call them ) not native ajolotes in most of the places I fish and plastic salamanders ) or lizards also work. Well, haven 't seen night crawlers swimming or crawling along the bottom of most of the places I fish and have caught fish with soft plastic worms for as long as I can remember. Frogs, don 't see much of them either where I fish, toads normally only go to the lakes and ponds to lay their eggs during the rainy season but you can 't find toads in lakes on a daily basis, soft plastic frogs also catch fish. There ain 't no spinnerbaits living in the lakes I fish and spinnerbaits also catch fish. In-line spinners also catch fish. A bait doesn 't have to mimic anything a fish eats on a regular basis, the bait only has to move like if it were "alive" and an easy prey in order to catch fish.
  6. Anybody remember the Cabela 's TDZ sale ? I purchased 4 reels, spent 800 dollars .....but "saved" 600 dollars since the regular TDZ price was $350. BaitMonkey logic.
  7. It makes all the difference in the world. That doesn 't matter, you know that underneath the line the spool is the color you want it to be.
  8. Yep, that actually why after the B model you get the D model. The silver should have been the A model, the Tomato the B model, the mean green the C model, the grey the D model and the new mean green the E model.
  9. This how the Scorpion 1000 looks at Japantackle: This is how it really looks: The old mean green fishing machine also has that chameleon finish, depending upon the angle of the light it looks green or it looks brownish/purpleish.
  10. It is a largemouth. Down here fish from some clear water lakes exhibit that pattern.
  11. I have the SJR782S, I use it for smaller baits where I need a little more muscle than a ML-L rod because of cover density.
  12. BaitMonkey HERE I COME !!!! And here I am with a big grin on my face and my credit card on my hand waiting anxiously to put my hands on one of them reels.
  13. Sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn 't, it depends. I fish two different kind of waters, ultra clear and not ultra clear. When the water is ultraclear detail matters specially when the conditions dictate that you have to fish very slow; if the water is not ultraclear then the importance of bait detail matters a lot less. Some of the lakes I fish are ultra clear almost year round except during the mid summer when the rain washes debris into the lakes and the water becomes murky, that 's when I say that detail is a lot less important. Lures that normally don 't even get sniffed at when the water is ultraclear catch fish when the water is dingy.
  14. Under that definition of frugal ----> I 'm "frugal".
  15. In many telescoping rods the telescoping part is the butt end of the rod.
  16. Spool capacity can be solved simply by purcahsing a spool assembly, what you can 't change are the larger knobs found in the Ch ASV.
  17. Geographically speaking North America begins in the Zuchiate River on the Mexico/Guatemala border.
  18. The Chronarch Mg won 't hold much heavy line, it 's a reel that does well with 6,8,10 and pushing the line capacity limits with 12 lbs test. But the low heavier line capacity issue can be solved, you get the reel, then order a Citica 100D spool assembly from Shimano and voilá, there you got it, a Chronarch Mg with spool capacity for heavier than 12 lbs line.
  19. Xfast for flipping, unweighted soft plastics, d-shot.
  20. If the condition of the rod is near mint then 200 dollars is a fair price for a used Leyend Elite, I say fair because take in consideration that Reeds is clearancing their old LE stock offering phenomenal discounts on those outstanding rods, you get a NIB LE rod from Reeds at about those 200 bones.
  21. Jackall has become popular, Jackall baits were not easily obtainable until a couple of years ago, before that you had to get them from overseas. Like many Japanese baits, they were hard to find, many japanese baits are still hard to find unless you get them from a specialized dealer or get them from japanese dealers.
  22. Here 's where I spend most of my time:
  23. Both have the handle on the right side and no, I 'm not left handed.
  24. Al Qeda geese ? Now that 's a new one.
  25. Round reels are better suited for swimbaits because of the line capacity, they can hold more line of higher test than a comparable low profile of the same size. But you now have deep spool/high capacity LPs like the Curado 300.
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