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Everything posted by Raul

  1. My older Abus have it, have used it maybe 20 times in about 25 years.
  2. (free bump to see if anyone has other options ;D) I wouldn 't touch that thing with a 20 ft pole. :-?
  3. One of my uncles owns a dairy farm ( like many of my uncles ) and I worked for him for a couple of years, he had 3 vets working for him, my "field" job was to run mastitis tests twice a week, most of my work took place at the office ( checking production reports, clinical reports, mastitis reports and things like that ), one day he came at the office ( I was with my head up reading reports ) and joking he asked : "Is that what I pay you for, sitting all morning long at the office reading, typing at the 'puter and printing more reports ?"; to which I replied: "you pay me for what I know to do and not exactly for what I actually do". He just laughed. I seldomly touched a cow and got paid 50% more than the other two vets.
  4. Weapons of Dink Destruction LOL !
  5. The engine looks very clean so the oil seeping through is recent, if the engine were dirtier then that oil would have been seeping through who knows for how long, I don 't think you have damaged anything yet but you do need first to check those bolts ( they may not be tightened up properly, they may be loose ) or if they are ok then the seam could have broke. Either way, better have it checked at the dealer.
  6. The kitty/pooch clinic hasn 't suffered, can 't say much about others, but mine is business as usual, but I have a specialized practice. In my other business ( hair treatments, shampoos n 'such ) the company is expanding pretty fast, we increased our sales 40% last year. When bad stuff happens it 's time of oportunity for those who know how to exploit it. Everybody whines ( as usual ) but "the crisis" for the local industry has nothing to do with what is happening right now, it has other origins, state paternalism creates loss of competitivity, poor management and bad decissions against foreign factors. You think things will always be the way they are and you are dead wrong if you think that way, you gotta be more rutheless than the competition, it 's a jungle out there and you can choose, you can be the predator or the prey.
  7. Oh well, what can I say, when you got GLoomis rods you know you don 't need anything else, can 't beat perfect !.
  8. Well, I 've been fishing for bass for 29 years now, I was shorebound for 24 years and did pretty good fishing from shore, couldn 't catch more fish not cuz I didn 't know where they were, I had to walk sometimes for an hour or more to get to the next spot, the boat has offered me more time to fish, more surface I can cover and therefore more fish caught per trip, I do have the finder but I swear, I don 't "need" it.
  9. Man, you don 't know me very well, I don 't save, I try to keep the fishing tackle industry going to help the economy, just placed an order. Don 't "need" anything I ordered but what the heck ? you gotta help !
  10. Call Star Fleet Command and ask Scotty if he can do something for you.
  11. I had a Calais 100A, nice reel, sold it to get me my first TDZ.
  12. The only software I use is the one in my head.
  13. Exactly, bass are not monogamous !
  14. If I order on a Monday it arrives Wednesday in the afternoon, from Cali to Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico. Can 't be faster than that.
  15. I 've had that reel in my sights for some time and the cheapest place you can find it is Ichiban.
  16. Well, I don 't have a Steez so I can 't say anything about it ..... TDZ, man those reels are really sweet, but I can 't say they are my favorites ....... oh yeah, I know which one I like the most of all the junk I 've got ----> Liberto Pixy.
  17. 2 stroke outboards look like toys right next to a 4 stroke of the same HP.
  18. True, not all reel oils mix.
  19. Ok, here 's when we start the discussion between what you do, what you supposed to do and what you should not do. The boat has a weight carrying capacity. Let 's say you got a 12 fter, with a carrying capacity of 440 pounds, you weight 330 and your pal weights 250 330 + 250 = 580 .........uh, that 's 140 pounds more than the max carrying capacity of the boat. :-/ and you haven 't even included the outboard weight, let alone seats, cooler, batteries , seats and tackle. The boat can carry you both ? well it ain 't gonna sink if that 's what you are asking me. So you can put 580 lbs of people in the boat, you are not supposed to do it but seriously you should not do it. The boat can carry that weight but it 's unsafe to overload it. So it doesn 't matter what you do, it matters what you should do and that is what counts ......... it 's your hide and the other guy 's hide what 's at play and your hide is an invaluable asset. Safety comes first, never overload a vessel. For you two big guys the bare minimum is a 14 ft with a 64" width ( 1100 lbs of carrying capacity ).
  20. That would depend on how big the jonboat is, you two in a 12 footer -------> I don 't think so, you two on a 16 footer ----> about right.
  21. Great crankin reel !
  22. How you like them ? I like them grilled over charcoal, then chopped, placed on a tortilla to make a taco with finely chopped onion and cilantro and bathed with red pepper sauce. YUMMI ! Tried sheep fries once, too "musky".
  23. Dude, there ain 't no sign saying NO TRESSPASSING ON THIS BRUSHPILE, is there ? If they hammer you down by fishing those brushpiles why can 't you hammer them ?
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