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Everything posted by Raul

  1. So now we determine a reel's quality by whether or not you have one in your collection? That is by far the most pompous and asinine statement I've seen you make in all my time here. Better get used to it.
  2. The only hooks I ever care to sharpen are the ones found on my spinnerbaits if they need it, other than that exception I just change the dull hooks for new sharp ones. For that I use a diamond file.
  3. Man, them must be really good ....... don 't got as single one of them. :
  4. More expensive reels with dual braking systems ....... which ones ? Lets 'see: Revo S --> centrifugal Citica --> centrifugal Curado --> centrifugal Revo SX ---> magnetic Viento ---> magnetic Zillion ---> magnetic Revo STX ---> magnetic Chronarch ---> centrifugal Core ---> centrifugal Revo Premier ----> magnetic Sol---> magnetic Fuego ---> magnetic Steez ---> magnetic Calais ---> centrifugal Calais DC ---> digital Calcuttas non DC ---> centrifugal Calcutta DC ---> digital Cardiff ---> centrifugal Energy PT---> centrifugal None of them have dual brakes. :-?
  5. Those kids deserve several Darwin awards.
  6. Nylon will loose the memory as you fish with it and once it begins to soak in water.
  7. X3, 4 ? .......oh whatever !
  8. Yeah, "colder" 80+ degrees. ;D
  9. You are catching them where ? Lake got what kind of cover ( if it has any ) ? Fish move and change location depending upon conditions throughout the day, so for example they move to shallow/flats during the late hours of the day and retreat to whatever connects to the deeper water during high light periods like the midday, instead of banging the flats & shallows attack the deepr portions of those areas that are productive consistently during the midday.
  10. From dawn to dusk.
  11. Dunno, I had this gut feeling that one was gonna pop up sooner or later.
  12. Better watch out with what you sayin uh, it 's a Shimano and it 's the Sheriff who askin ' ......... you can get in deep trubble in Dodge City.
  13. Aw, man, C 'mon, make up your mind ! MBR782 IMX, that would make a good crank/jerkbait/topwater rod but still verstaile enough to handle lighter applications ( not exactly finesse or you can say "muscle finesse" ).
  14. What the ... ? :-? that list looks very familiar
  15. Scratch the crankbaits from the list of wanna do 's and you 'll be fine witha GLoomis MBR783C IMX.
  16. Uhhh let 's see.... Rapala Shad Rap Rapala Original floating Minnow 7.5 inch Culprit Ribbontail worm 1/2 oz jig Jitterbug Rat L-Trap Storm Wiggle Wart Shad Assassin/Super Fluke Jelly Worm/Trickworm Zara Spook Hula Popper 5 inch curlytail grub Size 4 in line spinner 3/8 oz single Colorado blade spinnerbait Them "secret" enuff ? :-?
  17. False, hooks of today don 't have anything in common with hooks of yesterday other than the name. Not only the gauge of the wire has to do with how fast a hook will corrode away, but also with the properties of the steel it 's made from. Modern hooks last many times more under corrosive conditions than hooks of yesterday.
  18. In my neck of the woods bass have never seen a trout and the bite trout pattern lures, it don 't matter if it 's rainbow, brown or brook trout pattern. In my neck of the woods there ain 't no waterdogs, bass bite soft plastic lizards. In my neck of the woods there ain 't no shad, bass bite shad pattern baits. And the list of "we don 't haves" but bass bite can go on and on. Bass will bite anything as long as it moves like if it 's alive and an easy prey.
  19. Uhhhh, let 's see Daiwa Zillion limited edition $300 TDZ spool $80 That makes 380 ........ man you getting close and that 's without the handle and the cork knobs.
  20. Match the hatch....... never pay attention to it Show them something new ..... kinda like whut ? :-? Spinnerbaits catch fish for me, worms also, cranks ? yup, those too catch fish, jigs ? them ketch fish too.
  21. The same lures that are my favorites when it hasn 't rained.
  22. The first thing I would check would be the hook sharpness. The second thing I would check would be your hook setting technique. If the hook is razor sharp with a flick of the wrist you generate more than enough energy to drive in the hook. If the hook is razor sharp you don 't even need to set the hook with a tight line, the fish impales itself on the hook just by the pressure of the hook against the tissue.
  23. It 's a combination of three factors: 1.- In the reel: light spool, shallow spool design and freely rotation spool support bearings. 2.- The line: less diameter line ( which doesn 't necessarily mean you gotta fish with hairthin like line ) 3.- The rod: limber rods ( less power ) that can load up with lighter baits. The Chronarch Mg has a lighter spool ( with lots of holes ) with shallow spool ( don 't hold much line ) and more freely rotating spool supporting bearings ( ARBs, not because they are corrosion resitant, it 's because of the bearing design ). Nobody is saying you can 't cast light lures with other reels, you can, but not with the ease and the performance the Chronarch Mg can, if it serves you as an example, I can cast a 1/16 th oz bait with a Curado 200B with 10 lbs test on a GLoomis CR721 but for starters I won 't even be close to the distance I can achieve with the Chronarch Mg, needles to say that you gotta be really good at fine tunnning the braking and tension plus a very well trained thumb.
  24. Nobody said you have to do it like right now in this very instant. How good is their warranty ? heck, it ain 't even has to be a "new" rod, it applies to older rods too, if they don 't make anymore the model they send you the closest one to the one you broke.
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