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Everything posted by Raul

  1. If it were me I would get a GraphiteLeader Bosco ( around $130 ) or a Veloce ( around $230 )in 6 '6" MH power, but that 's me, I don 't mind ordering it to Japan.
  2. Rapala Poe 's Bagley 's
  3. Depends on who you ask, I fish with 5 '6" to 6'6" and most of the time with 6'. 7 ft rods do not fit with where I 'm fishing, with the closeness and density of cover, they are also 6 inches closer to the biggest animal in the lake ( my compadre ) when we fish from the tub, or are a foot or a foot and a half too long when I 'm fishing from the bank, and so on, I select the length of my rods to the conditions of the environment I 'm in and not the other way around.
  4. Technically speaking: Will a 2 piece be less sensitive than a 1 piece ? yes, at the joint you 'll have twice the material and the lack of continouity of the fibers, it 's a joint. But, many of the things said and learned were said and found back during the age of the dinosaurs when two piece rods had metal ferrules, which is no longer the case of modern fishing rods, modern two piece rods do not have metal ferrules and the pieces are joined by friction joints ( spigots ) which make a much better contact of the material so vibration transmitting properties are not lost as much as with metal joints. Of course, the better quality you purchase the better the rod will be, I 've got a two piece spinning 6' ML GraphiteLeader Bosco and in the sensitive department makes my GL2s run for their life, in the weight looks department leaves them stone cold dead and it cost a few more dollars than the GL2.
  5. Nope, I wouldn 't recommend the MBR785C for cranks, it has the subtle softness of a pool cue. But for everything else you mentioned it 's a bomb. For cranks I would go with a CBR783-785C just because of the action.
  6. MBR785 IMX, think of it as the Chuck Norris of vegetation, wood and teethy toothy critters like pike.
  7. What do all us old farts say on a regular basis ? check the condition of your line and retie oftenly. Well, you learned the lesson the hard way, we hope that it will never happen again. The Devil knows more from being old than from being the Devil.
  8. 3 pages of thread and ......... where 's Irene ? :-?
  9. Ima Roumba. And they don 't miss it as much as other topwaters.
  10. I 'm 45, been fishing since I was 9 ( 36 years ago ), bass fishing for the past 29 years ( trout fisherman originally ... well you gotta start somewhere ! : ) and I still are in the process of learning, who knows ? maybe by the time I reach 90 I will know all there is to know about bass fishing.
  11. Old hardbaits you 'll see me fishing frequently: Jitterbug ( by far my favorite topwater ) Hula Popper Suptterbuzz Spook ( Zara, Spook II, Puppy ) Torpedo ( Baby, Tiny ) Sonic & Super Sonic Bayou Boogie Hellbender Ratlin RRR Mepps Aglia size #4 & #5 Mepps Black Fury River Runt Lucky 13
  12. Must be really tuff to launch from the dirt right next to the ramp. :
  13. In Spanish that kinda flu is called "catarro polaco" ( catarro po la cola, flu through the b hole ;D ) , pretty virulent if you ask me, YOU DON 'T WANNA CATCH THAT ONE !!!!.
  14. I learned to fish on my own, got help by reading magazines but still had to practice ( time on the water ) what I read.
  15. Re: THE ANGUISH, HORROR AND PAIN..... That sounded like a Hitchcock or Stephen King movie. ;D Good things come for those who are patient enough to wait.
  16. DEFCON 1 on a limited scale. Anybody remember the film "Outbreak" ? some of the measures you see in that film are for real, but in order to implement those contingency plans the disease has to be out of control and proven to have a high mortality rate. This influenza outbreak hasn 't done either so far.
  17. Now on the subject of what our friend has seen: West nile virus.- it 's an animal deasese transmissible to humans, the problem with that one is that it 's transmitted to humans through biological vectors ( mosquitoes ), just like equine encephalitis or malaria or yellow fever. Avian influenza.- that one has two sides, one is the possibility of transmission to humans ( and become the 1918 pandemia all over again ), the other one is that it 's transmissible to birds, which birds ? the birds we eat so it can wipe out the entire poultry industry of a country, that 's why it is important. Foot and mouth disease.- it does not transmit to humans but it transmits between hoofed animals ( swine, cattle, goats, sheep ), even though the mortality rate is extremely low the morbility rate is extremely high and the economic cost of it is in the billions, cows, goats and sheep don 't produce milk, swine don 't fatten fast, cattle abort, animals can 't eat nor move, the reason why it was erradicated was the economic cost. Canada, the US and Mexico are foot and mouth disease free and they plan to keep it that way. Anthrax.- anthrax is what we call a teluric disease ( bound to earth ), for those not familiar with it, take a soil sample from and incubate it on a media like blood agar and you 'll see anthrax colonies growing, in hundreds of places anthrax used to be quite common to find in the cattle and if wasn 't for vaccination in areas where it 's prevalent cattle would not be able to graze. So why the alert ? cuz it was not the ordinary common anthrax what was in those letters, it was biological weapons grade anthrax, a much more virulent strain developed for biological weapons. Mad Cow disease.- it 's caused by a molecule called prion and causes a degenerative disease in the brain ( spongiform encephalitis ), why the alert ? because if you eat meat contaminated with the molecule you can get it. Also, it can get into our meat chain of production when our domestic animals consume contaminated material in the form of meat and meat by products flour used to feed them. So, "out of proportion" it depends on how you look at it.
  18. The alert stages of the WHO are not like DEFCON stages, all right ? Raising it to stage 5 doesn 't mean the international borders are closed, flights get cancelled and no people are allowed to travel, no you ain 't gonna see the USAMRID of the CDC personnel wandering aroung wearing hazmat suits nor the Army and the National Guard blocking roads and deterring you from traveling at gun point. Raising the alert to stage 5 only means that all countries should implement the basic sanitary precautions, stage 5 means the disease is transmissible from human to human and that there are more than two countries involved and that the contingency plans should come into effect. Of course the media makes it look worse than it is and turns the situation into a circus.
  19. If it bothers you get painted or paint your weights, the fish don 't care.
  20. Hunger is not the only reason why fish bite a bait, they ain 't got no hands so every contact is done with the mouth. Alright smarty so answer this question. How many baits will you go through if you know there are fish at the location but will not eat/move the bait/nudge/attack/ETC...? I only need ONE bait. Which one ? well, that depends.
  21. Transmission: Direct: contact with the infected person Indirect: contact with the bodily fluids through an object Example of direct contact.- there you are minding your own business, and sombody with the disease coughs or sneezes, when you cough or sneeze the saliva and the secretions of the respiratory system pulverize and are expelled from the body at high speed creating a mist ( aerosol ) in which the virus is, you inhale ( well you gotta breathe ya know ) air, the air contains particles of the bodily fluids expelled by the infected person and you inhale them, result ---> you receive a dosis of the disease. Example of indirect contact.- the infected person touches his mouth or nose to wipe the secretions, then touches let 's say a door knob, you come and touch the door knob and sooner or later you touch your mouth or nose, result ---> you receive a dose of the disease. Now why is this disease more dangerous: Crash course on virology.- There are two types of viruses: DNA viruses and RNA viruses DNA viruses are stable, they make identical copies of themselves and in practical terms they are always the same, example of DNA virus: Small Pox. RNA viruses are unstable ( they only got half of the material ) in order to make copies of themselves they have to complement what they are lacking of so they grab DNA material from their host cell, the result of this way of replication is that the new generation of virus contains alien genetic material so the next generation is not an identical copy, it 's a variation from the original virus. The resuling mutant has different infectious properties than the original, properties that may allow the new generation to act different; example of a RNA virus: Influenza. The problem with the influenza virus is that it can jump from humans to birds or to swine and viceversa, the "alien" genetic material in the virus is not human but avian or swine, that 's what makes it dangerous and you instead of getting the common old flu you get a flu that 's capable of causing a rampant life threatening pneumonia. The people who died during the 1918 influenza outbreak literally drowned themselves with their respiratory secretions.
  22. Too big :-? .........nope, I don 't think a 10 inch worm is too big, 5" on one side, 5" on the other side, if a bass strikes an 8 inch swimbait I don 't see how a 10 inch wacky rigged worm can be "too big". Of course you 'll never know if you don 't try, right ?
  23. Hunger is not the only reason why fish bite a bait, they ain 't got no hands so every contact is done with the mouth.
  24. The Sustain is a very nice reel but .... not 100 bucks nicer !
  25. Nochebuena ! ( the translation would be Christamas Eve, not good night ok ? )
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