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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Trolling the right way is more than dragging a lure with the boat.
  2. Been eyeballing that one lately Robert, what happened with the Zonda ?
  3. Watching the video reminded me about a trip my friend Pedro, his BIL Alejandro and I did to Tampico many years ago. We got friends in Tampico who are also avid fishermen ( actually we first met them at a fishing trip ), one of them called and asked us when we were going to pay them a visit, they were interested in taking us fishing to some lagoons they have been surveing in the area near Tampico. So we packed our stuff and paid them a visit, that particular day they were going to take us to a lagoon known as "La Escondida", in order to get to it you had to launch from another lagoon called Laguna Del Chairel, navigate the channel that connects El Chairel with the Tamesí river, navigate up river for about 30 min and then turn and get into a narrow channel that connects La Escondida with the river, the reason they calle it La Escondida ( the translation would be The Hidden ) is because it 's not easily accesible. We loaded a couple of 12 ft boats with the stuff and headed to the other lagoon, I took a ride with Tony from Tampico, Pedro and Alejandro took the other boat and that 's when stoopid began his act, Alejandro has driven boats many times, the catch is, he has never driven flat bottoms ( flat bottoms and semiV/V hulls are different animals ) so he put the boat on half throttle as we navigated the channel, the point where you have to turn to navigate the river is a sharp T turn to the right, on a flat bottom you have to reduce the speed, open wide to the opposite direction you are going to turn and make the turn as wide as possible or the boat raises on it 's side and begins to skid; well, Alejandro did exactly what you shouldn 't do when driving a flat bottom, he didn 't reduce the speed and he didn 't open wide to make the turn, I and Tony were driving ahead of them and all we saw was how the boat lifted on it 's side and skid for about 20 yards, if it weren 't for Pedro 's quick thinking ( he managed to level the boat ) they would have ended plowing the fields right along the Tamesí river. Now when we look back at incidents like that we all remeber them as "stuff that happens in a trip", when we are there fishing and remembering some of the stuff that happened we even find it funny however one thing important is that many of those "stuff that happens in a trip" provide a lesson, lesson: Don 't ever let Alejandro drive a flat bottom, he don 't know how, he stoopid flat bottom driver ! Drive safely folks !
  4. If to get your driver 's license you have to present an exam why is it that nobody is asked to do the same to drive a boat ? Just WONDERING :-?
  5. Agreed, 110%!!! Looooove the red shad! Red Shad and Tequila Shad ----> classic southern boy worm colors.
  6. For the past 30 years, no self respecting southern boy will leave his home without a pack of 7.5 inch Culprit ribbontail worms and Texas rig it to ketch them big bass..
  7. Tackle junky .... who ? me ? nah.
  8. CR721 CR722 CR723 CR724 MBR782 MBR783 Those are the rods I use for fishing weightless palstics, senkos and jerkbaits included.
  9. The good part is, you don 't have to pay again until next year and you can fish any lake in any state plus all the coastal waters you want with it.
  10. $30 per year fishing license, but in Mexico it 's Federal, you don 't have to pay per state.
  11. I 'll be danged :-?, Chris thinks the way I do about colors. Good to see ya back man !
  12. Play it in reverse Muddy ! You 'll see yourself removing the ring, you 'll see her walking away from the altar, getting into the vehicle and saying goodbye.
  13. A nut examination could shed some light on the subject.
  14. You can fish for trout with your bass gear, the "catch" is where, my experience with trout is limited to stocked trout ( which can grow really large ) in lakes and ponds, most of the baits I fish for bass also catch trout with a few exceptions, spinnerbaits don 't seem to catch trout ( have never caught one ), soft plastics do catch trout, just avoid the long slender baits like 4"+ worms ( 99% of the time they return tail less ) but short 4" worms do catch them, cranks also catch trout ( or at least mine do ). In-line spinners and lipless cranks are killa baits with trout. Smaller trout do offer a lot more acrobatical display than bass when hooked ( they jump like mad ) and are quite fun to catch.
  15. An hypothetical question: Which you prefer ? Being an artificially enhanced athlete or not have your balls shrunk to the size of a raisin ? :-? Don 't know about you but I like my balls the way they are.
  16. If you want to develop the feel for a bait in my experience: leave everything behind, forget everything else and stick to it until you consistently catch fish with that bait and them move on to the next one; that 's how I learned to fish everything in my T-box. The only bait I 've always had problems of lack of consistency is buzzbaits, I know the bait is productive but I can 't make them work for me, I don 't know what 's the problem, but I can still try to figure them out ( conditions, location, presentation ) by sticking to them, heck, been doing it for the past two decades so a few more hours try won 't hurt, if I happen to live to my grandfathers age I still have another 40 years to try.
  17. I have a love-hate relationship with bullrushes, I love them cuz I know there are fish hiding there, I hate them because they overrun and choke to death the ponds. In my nearby lakes they don 't grow, the slope and bottom composition deter them from growing, but the ponds are another planet, they can ruin bass/bluegill ponds pretty fast.
  18. Yup, I saw it a couple of days ago, looks nice ! But I gotta be strong, I must resist the temptation ! just got the Alphas R Edition ( a couple of weeks ago ) and I haven 't even tried it yet. It doesn 't even have line spooled in. The Chronarch B I purchased a month ( or month and a half ? yikes ! I can 't remember when I purchased it, let 's say recently purchased ) ago it 's still there also, lineless, don 't know why I purchased it though .... must have been the fury critter. :-?
  19. Most of the questions many people ask can be answered by them if they only took a little time and meditate about the problem. With that and a little basic bass anatomy knowledge you can answer to your own question. I can tell you with what, but that 's not the point, I 'm more interested in teaching you why. Give a man a fish and you 'll feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish .... and frustrate him for the rest of his life. Bass are primarily sight hunters, but that doesn 't mean that it 's the only way they can catch their prey. Bass can hear Bass can smell Bass like many other fish have an organ we don 't have and that organ allows them to "touch" at distance. So bass even though they are sight hunters don 't need to see in order to hunt, when facing a low visibility environment bass use their other senses to hunt. Bass can hear ok ? use sound Bass can smell ok ? use scent Bass can touch at distance ? use vibration Incorporate those elements in your baits and you have the baits you 'll need. With what: Spinnerbaits In-line spinners Lipless cranks Jigs with rattles dressed with curlytail trailers Lipped cranks with fat bodies Lipped cranks with fat bodies and rattles Wacky rigged worms Shakey head rigged worms Texas rigged worms and if you want to add a glass bead between the sinker and the worm All those generate sound and/or strong vibration, you can add scent if you want.
  20. I think it 's going to be the way it 's always been, those JDM limited edition reels I 've always wanted are never available in the condition I want them when I have the dough and when I don 't have the dough one or two pop up :, sad isn 't it ? :-[ I 'm gonna pass on the tackle purchases and better save the profit for something else. ( I must be sick or sumthin ' :-? ).
  21. Aside from being a vet and have the kitty/pooch hospital I have several other businesses going on at the same time ( oh yeah, I 'm a greedy sob ), one of them is I have a bussines partner and we manufacture hair treatments, shampoos and stuff like that, we sell them directly to the beauty shops or have distributors for them. Because of the pork flu outbreak I had in idea a couple of weeks ago, manufacturing antiseptic gel is pretty easy, we manufacture hair styling gel and the formula ain 't that different, so we made a couple of buckets of antiseptic gel, bottled it and gave it away to our beautician customers, think of it as a professional courtesy, gave a couple of bottles to a friend of mine who worked with me as my asistant and forgot about the situation. Well, last Monday my phone rang, it was Ramiro ( my former asistant, he now works for the Secretaría de Salubridad ( Health Department ) and asked me if we can manufacture the antiseptic gel in large quantities, large quantities ..... low how large ? :-?, he said that there 's a huge shortage of antiseptic gel in the market nowdays ( because of the pork flu hysteria ) and that the SSA needs it like ... right now. Ok, how many and right now like how right now ? :-? 100,000 bottles of 120 grams of antiseptic gel deliverable in one week . Uhhhhh ...... lemme see, I 'll call you in an hour, so I called my partner and explained the situation to him and to see if we can deliver them in that time ( cuz you not only need the raw materials but also the bottles, the caps and the labels ), not everyday we have to make 100,00 units of anything in so short term. Well, we finally talked the guys who manufacture the bottles into making the 100,000 bottles we need, they fortunately have the caps and the guy who prints all our paperwork can print the labels in two days. We talked to another person we know who also has a bottle filling machine and he accepted to outsource us with 40,000 units @ 50 cents a piece ( we can 't bottle 100,000 units with one machine in a week ). And to think that all this began just because I had the idea to gift a few bottles of antiseptic gel for our customers. Now we got ourselves a nice bussines.
  22. When I worked at the state 's fish farm we had LMB breeders, the biggest oldest males were in the 4.5 lb mark, now think about it, these were fish kept in tip top condition with the best care and all the food they can eat, no predators, no fishermen, optimum water quality parameters so you can assume that males normally don 't grow that big nor live that long to achieve that size.
  23. They have a smaller oral cavity, everything is closer, no wonder why they get hurt a lot more than bigger fish with larger oral cavity.
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