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Everything posted by Raul

  1. I fish with mono, for me it 's better.
  2. With cranks as with all other baits the colors I throw are the colors I like and not necessarily what the "experts" say you should be throwing. Let me give you an example, I like to fish at night as much as anybody else, I love to fish with jitterbugs at night and day, well in theory I should use a black jitterbug, that 's what the experts say, how come my frog and white jitterbugs get as much hits as a black one ?, spinnerbaits at night ? oh yeah, black or white or firetiger, they all work at night, cranks at night ? sure ! I like Rat L-Traps and Bayou Boogies .... with exception of one black Bayou Boogie all of them are any other color than black, gotta tell you, that black Bayou Boogie has never touched the water ( incredible given the fact that is has been in my box for more than 15 years ), all the fish I catch at night with lipless cranks are caught with any color. It doesn 't matter much what color you pick, now if you want to play safe, use black.
  3. The BaitMonkey was as powerful then as it is now ya know.
  4. I already have what I want..... several times.
  5. Daiwa discontinued the TDZ ok ? but the TDZ and the Zillion are so close I 'd rather think of the Zillion as a more heavy TDZ, Daiwa had the TD Big Bait Special and other than the color paint, the spool type and depth, the type of braking and a few minor components the Big Bait Special was labeled for big baits, I don 't think you 'll have a problem using your zillion to cast them big baits.
  6. Man, that BaitMonkey acts differently on me, he says: "This bait needs to have it 's bill modified, get 3 or 4 just in case you blow it and it doesn 't get done right at the first attempt. Plus get some of those, they are different, some more of those ones and .... the list goes on ! "
  7. Shaving the lip ( sometimes that killer bait you have doesn 't have a shallow running version : ) Changing hooks Removing the split ring Adding a feathered treble Heating and bending the lip Giving it different color accents Off tuning
  8. I've never seen a wacky rig look like this..............I'm a newbie. Why doens't this look right? I thought you just hook it through the middle of the worm. LikeI said, I'm a newbie to all these different styles of fishing. You 'll learn a lot of rigs that "don 't look right" because they are not your everyday what you are used to see rigs, rigs that don 't appear anywhere else but only surface ocassionally in places like BR, sometimes they are "secret" rigs taught to us buy other anglers or other times discovered by us when we try to do something different out of pure necessity when the regular rigs don 't work or are not the best suited for a particular condition. I fish in waters with timber, heavy vegetation Guy ( Wayne ) knows a wacky rigged worm is the ticket to ketch them fish, But Wacky rigged how ? there 's a lot of cover ( timber and/or heavy vegetation ) You have this rigging method ( wacky ) you know is going to work but you are fished with the problem there 's a lot of cover. The dilemma is the hook: you either hook it with an open hook ( and hang up ) or use a hook with a weedguard ( which aren 't as good in heavy cover ( hooks with weedguards aren 't exactly "weedless" ). After thinking about it for a while Wayne gets this idea: to use the worm as weedguard just like you do when you T rig a worm. He tries and the rig works, result: a non conventional ( what you are used to see ) rigging method. Don 't look "right" but it works like a charm ---> you got yourself now a new method for your bag of tricks all thanks to people who think out of the box like Wayne. Want to learn another rigging method that "doesn 't look right" ? Look at Wayne 's picture, the hook eye is pinting to the head of the worm, do it in reverse, insert the hook with the hook eye pointing to the tail, now insert a nail weight in the head of the worm and now you have a wacky head weighted worm.
  9. I do the minimalist approach whenever I fish from the shore, a backpack, two 3600 boxes and two small boxes for hooks, sinkers n 'stuff, one rod, one reel and that 's all I need to spend an afternoon. Have done it when fishing from the boat with about the same results I get when I carry all my boat stuff, so it only proves what I 've known for years: a few carefully selcted lures do the same damage or more to the fish than carrying a truckload of lures. The only relief I get when carrying all my junk is that if I ever happen to need a very particular lure ( which seldomly sees action ) I know it 's going to be there if I need it, better having and not need than needing and not having.
  10. I 've tried that one and BPS ' lokust, not as good as the Jitterbug plus, the lip can 't be "doctored" like the aluminum lip on the Jitterbug.
  11. Who ? me ? don 't know what you are talking about. Really, I have to admit it I 'm a tackle junky ( how many times I 've admited it already ? ), the truth is, tackle fascinates me and I do enjoy purchasing tackle, some people like to jog, others like electronics and so on, fishing tackle is what tickles my fancy. Here 's my everyday baits: Topwater.- Jitterbug, Hula Popper, Baby Torpedo Middle.- Shad Rap SR7, Wiggle Wart, ThunderCrank, Rapala Original Floating Minnow, Rat L-Trap 3/8 oz Single Tennessee blade Strike King spinnerbait Bottom.- 5 " Zoom Salty Fat Albert ( grub ) Zoom Trickworm 1/2 oz jig Shad Assassin or Superfluke, that one doesn 't fit any of the bove because you can fish it from the top all the way to the bottom. That 's what you will see in my rods the most times. What ? NO SENKO ?!?!?!?!?! Nope, I do have senkos, hundreds of them, I seldomly touch them. You don 't "need" all the crap I 've got ( neither do I ), with a few carefully selected baits you can do all the damage you want ... if you know how to fish them right ( the right location & presentation ), of what I 've got 95% of it has never touched the water, I only fish with 5% of what I 've got ( and probably less ), very seldomly I do need something else other than what I usually fish with.
  12. Eczema.
  13. T-rigged C-rigged Wacky rigged T-rigged weightless Florida rigged Split shot rigged Shakey head rigged Jighead rigged D-shot rigged Plus some other rigs are the ways I rig my trickworms.
  14. Don 't know what kind of monolithic idiot would ever add alcohol to a moisturizing lotion. : Alcohol is a dessicant !
  15. You have no idea how many fish I 've caught, released just to be caught again with the same bait and same fishing technique three or four casts later in the same general location.
  16. Catt, you are about this close to become my hero. Seriously, what makes KVD to be KVD ? it ain 't the wand, it has never been, it 's the magician who makes the magic.
  17. The original hooks are pretty much ....... crap. Do not unscrew the hook holder, you 'll make a bigger hole when you screw it in again. Add a drop of glue to each screw to keep it glued to the body, cut the hook instead, add a split ring to each hook holder and a good quality treble hook. When I purchased my first Jitters I made the mistake of unscrewing the hook holder 's screws, like many think I thought: "nothing is going to happen" :, yup nothing happened until it happened, caught a goodun and guess what ? yeah, it went away swimming with a treble on it 's mouth. From that moment I no longer unscrewed the hook holder 's screws when changing the hooks.
  18. I 've purchased a lot of painted blade spinnerbaits from other manufacturers, they end up pretty much the same, the paint chips and falls off, some last a few trips others last a little more. I guess the only way the paint is going to last longer would be if the paint were powder coated on the blade instead of just sprayed on.
  19. MBR785 IMX, that 's my jig baby.
  20. How can anyone refuse such a deal ? not me !
  21. Florida rig: Texas rig with a Florida weight Florida weight: bullet sinker with a wire on the back for you to screw in the bait.
  22. Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle ..... WHAM !!!!!!. Who don 't love that ? My absolute favorite topwater, it doesn 't matter if it 's not the best bait for the moment, I don 't care, I can Jitterbug for hours.
  23. I wouldn 't describe XL merely as a good enough/ok line, it 's one heck of a line and long time proven, however and even though I am an XL user I do see the line has some limitations; it 's not a good line for abrassive environments ( wood, rocks ) reason why I prefer Big Game, where I 'm at Big Game is a much better choice for most of the places I fish. It 's more abrassion resistant than XL, still quite user friendly and an in between in properties between XL and XT.
  24. Shimano doesn 't give me a cent divided in two for recommending their products, in most cases of people recommending Shimano the case is the same. I own Daiwa, Shimano and Abu, I 'm not on the payroll of any of them. I recommend what I 've owned, what I own, what has proven time and time again: durability, price, features, performance. If I were to purchase me a reel like right now I would go with a Shimano without hesitation ( actually I purchased a Chronarch B that I don 't need a few weeks ago ). For around 180 I would go with a Curado, don 't want to spend the whole $180 ? get a Citica.
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