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Everything posted by Raul

  1. 12 lb test CXX will uproot a stump, with more you can uproot the entire tree. And we ain 't kiddin ', it 's true !
  2. They move and sound different, the color palette had nothing to do with the newer "old" version that 's been manufactured today. They are actually two different baits with the same name. Both are proven fish catcher for me, ya know, there are days that you slain them with one version while the other doesn 't get a sniff. Also, another difference were the models, you had the subwart, mid-wart, wiggle wart, deep wart, same body different bill.
  3. Yes, but they are different.
  4. The classic Raul answer: It depends It depends on what I 'm trying to present and the bait to look like, for example, I cut the front of the arms while keeping the rear attached, the arm now wiggles, sometimes I remove completely the arms, other times I remove the tails, other times I remove the tails and arms and keep only the flaps, other times I remove the flaps, other times I fish it as it comes from the bag. Each modification you do makes the bait look and move differently. So you may start with a hog just as it comes from the bag and modify the bait as needed/wanted.
  5. George Welcome 's thought 's in another WR LMB thread: The postal employee reply when asked to lie: Yep, it's only during the depression and if I get caught I'm out of a job, but I am sure my family will agree with my decision.. The notaries reply: Yep, I'll do it. What's a little jail time if I get caught. Field and Steams reply: well isn't this the most rediculous claim ever, but what the heck the readers are stupid, as are we, and it's only going to cause us a cheap rod and reel. G. Perry's comments: well I know it's going to make me the laughing stock of the world on bass resource in 2009 but I can get this neato rod and reel. I am sure my family will think it's all worth it. I share the same thoughts.
  6. I ain 't RW but I can answer your question, no, you don 't "need" Ultra Soft, RW recommends it because it 's thinner diamater than straight up Hybrid for the same pound test and Ultra Soft is more user friendly ( coils a lot less ) than straight up Hybrid.
  7. Rod power depends greatly on where you plan to fish, I fish from an UL to a MH, from 6 lb to 17 lb test line, so there 's no "right" nor "wrong" way to do it.
  8. Recent anatomical discoveries indicate that the nose hair folicule is neurologically connected to the bun hole. Pluck one of them and it hurts all the way down to there.
  9. The most common cause of line breakeage is operator error, 8 lbs test is quite strong and will normally break not at 8lbs ( unless you are fishing with ANDE Tournament which is IGFA certified ) but a much higher rating. Why operator error ? Bad knot tightening technique ( pulling the wrong side of the tag end when tightening the knot ) Not checking the line in search of nicks, wear or signs of abrassion oftleny, Not cutting and retying oftenly Drag settings too high If you have a lot of cover then it 's better to increase your test, sometimes is necessary other times is necessary peace of mind.
  10. Man, what a wonderful idea ! , how come I didn 't think about that one before ? :-? One of the many reasons why BR is great, being surrounded by all these great knowledgeable people is AWSOM !
  11. Man, we don 't pay you to make them in an assembly line, you do that they will immediately loose their charm, we pay exactly for what we have mentioned: you made them with your hands, your commitment to quality, your attention to detail. It 's like when you purchase a custom built rod.
  12. With patience and saliva an elephant can screw an ant Muddy. You are drilling too fast. You are drilling with a large diameter bit. Start with a small drill bit and go larger as needed, drill slow, don 't apply to much pressure or --- > Cracked both with the drill.
  13. 70 bucks doesn 't sound like much taking in consideration that Matt built it with HIS HANDS. It 's like purchasing a Katana sword built by Masamune himself.
  14. It was purchased two months ago, which doesn 't mean it 's two months old, the reel may have been purchased only two months ago but you don 't know when it was manufactured, the reel may have been sitting in various shelves for months and even a good couple of years when the newest version was released. That 's why Reel Mech says: older unserviced reel.
  15. Ever fished a Heddon Crazy Crawler ? about the same, reel in ---> the bait wobbles like in freestyle swimming.
  16. I 've got several Gatta X Turbuleance ( the one with the buzz blade on the back ) and Parahatch ( the one with the blades ), to tell you the thrith, I 've never fished them, they are collector 's items for me, it 's not the price ( "expensive " ) what stops me from fishing with them, it 's the availability what drives me nuts, they are not easy to find and replace.
  17. I appreciate you bother doing that for me, just let me make up my mind and I 'll contact you, thanks.
  18. There 's a custom rod builder down here in Mexico called H éctor Yamasaki, got a couple of buddies that have rods built by him but I have never fished with those so I can 't get an idea what to expect, both say they are some of the best rods they 've ever fished with but ....ya know how it is ( I 'm skeptical ). He offers three qualities being the best he offers built on CTS blanks, so before I pop 300+ dollars in a custom built I would like to get some info on the blanks. So how goos are those CTS blanks ? Your thoughts ? A sample of what he builds:
  19. Not only the paint job. Aurora: magnetic brake Akatsuki: centrifugal brake
  20. I cartop my boat all the time on my Ram Charger SUV placed on a Car-Go rack, 4 tie downs to the bumpers and we 're ready to go. Like the guys said, never on top of the roof, do not use a rope to tie it.
  21. Yup, very good reels Flipping, pitching .... kinda like a Shimano Castaic. Depends on what you call "light", 1/4 oz - so so, 1/4 oz +
  22. I have several GL2s, they were my first GLoomis rods, they are nice rods but there are a bunch of rods as nice as GL2 for about the same price like Crucials, I 'm not going to say Avids because they are a little more expensive ( better bang for the buck than the GL2 ). If you really want to know what 's all the hype about GLoomis you better start with an IMX.
  23. No, they aren 't harder to maintain than other reels, but you gotta be careful when you dissasemble them, like RM mentioned, there are no spare parts available no more. Reason why this baby fishes no more:
  24. For me I 'd rather catch one bigun than a bunch of little ones. But I 'm not always fishing all by and for myself, got the nephew and son and I have to think that it 's not always about what I want or wish for, kids gotta catch fish or they get bored, gotta choose numbers and that 's what I 've been doing for the past 6 years.
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