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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Whomever says you can 't fish swimbaits with spinning gear should look at Fish Chris 'catches, pretty fast he is going to shut up.
  2. Over my dead body.
  3. Understandable, in war big guns rule but in fishing big reels may not rule, besides you don 't need rope thick line, that 's why we have braided and copoly for, spool in some 8 lb test CXX and you can uproot a stump with it
  4. He don 't make s*y baits.
  5. Let's face it: Lures are not all about "fishing", we're "collectors". : He who has the most toyz when dies wins !
  6. From more than 800 cranks I have I say that I fish with 50 in the best case. From more than 200 spinnerbaits I fish with 10 From maybe a good couple thousand senkos I 've fished with maybe 3 packs. And the list may go on. But better having and not needing than needing and not having.
  7. A Coke can ( or a Modelo beer can is better, you drink the Modelo and then use it as reel ), some yards of line and some baits and you are in business.
  8. For 2 dollars more I wouldn 't think it too much, I would get me a 6" weedless Huddleston Deluxe.
  9. The smoothest line I 've ever tried was Magnathin, man it sure was silky smooth but it had no abrassion resistance whatsoever. Trilene XL is very smooth, limp and manageable, but it 's very little abrassion resistant so don 't fish with it on rocks or standing timber.
  10. All those things that I love to eat and shouldn 't eat cuz I 'm on a low cholesterol diet: Salami Prosciutto Serrano Black Leg Ham Bacon Octopus Brains Spinal cord Guts Kidneys Liver Pork Rind Carnitas Fatty meat I 'm only 45 years young and I have to care about cholesterol levels ..... s*t ! >
  11. Watch your line, "feel" your line and you 'll deep hook a lot less fish. "FEEL" YOUR LINE: Most people when you talk about "feel" the line immediately think about actually what you can feel ( thump, tap, scratch, pull ) on the line, it 's importat, however, what you don 't "feel" is equally important. When you cast a bait like a senko as it sinks the bait drags the line along with it, you can ( if you 've got practice, a good line and a good rod ) really feel the drag, but let 's say you can feel it for whatever reason, you can see the bait pulling the line as it sinks. If you are out there and don 't pay attention to what the bait is doing from the moment the bait touches the water and until it hits the bottom you are missing 50% of what is happening as the bait sinks, bass do hit the bait as it sinks, a lot more oftleny than what you think, so you are not paying attention, ny the time you actually feel that 's something 's going on the fish already has swallowed the bait, obviously when you set the hook you gut hook the fish. Watch your line ( the line no longer sinks ) Feel your line ( you don 't feel the bait dragging the line ) Any of those happen, set the hook, more often than not you 'll find you hooked a fish.
  12. I 've got several reels capable of casting 1/16 th oz without much trouble and for what I 've seen the gear ratio doesn 't play any part in the capability of the reel to cast light tackle. Now which reels I suggest you look into: Chronarch 50/51 Mg Curado 100/101 D Sol Any of those will cast light tackle, but of course, the rod and line also has a lot to play in the equation.
  13. Old lure collections are kool.
  14. Also, not all JDM reels are noticeably "different" or the differences are not significant enough to justify the purchase other than when you can get a JDM for less than what a domestic cost ( like when GinRinPeche had it 's melt down and they were clearancing their inventory offering really cheap prices plus free shipping ) JDM Zillion vs Domestic Zillion.- 1.- The JDM has screwed in handle knobs ( you can change them ) vs riveted handle knobs ( non removable ) 2.- The model label is in different place 3.- The JDM has a 6 cosmetic dimples on the magnetic brake dial Other than those which add nothing to the performance of the reel the reels are the same. JDM Steez vs Domestic Steez.- Other than STEEZ labels everywhere on the reel on the JDM both reels are exactly the same. Old Metanium Mg vs Chronarch 100 Mg 1.- Titanium coated spool on the Metanium ( adds nothing ) 2.- Silver handle, silver drag star, silver cast control cap in the JDM vs gold in the domestic version. Other than those the reel is the same. Japanese reels can have lots of versions and special editions, but domestic reels also, let 's take for example the Metanium XT vs Chronarch 100B JDM Metanium XT: weights less ( 1 oz less ), has clicking cast control knob but it was manufactured only in one speed, 6.2:1 Chonarch 100: an ounce heavier, no clicking cast control knob, but the finish is by far superior to the one found in the JDM counterpart plus you had 3 versions: 100B, 100BSV, 100BPV.
  15. Depends on the lake, let me exemplify: Lake La Sauceda.- relatively flat, high water means I 'll move my hunting grounds towards where the creek and main river enter the lake. Lake La Laborcita.- very steep banks, dam built on the narrowest point of a canyon, high water means I 'll fish the same spots I always fish, why ? , the banks are pretty steep, fish ain 't going anywhere.
  16. How soon we forget. Make him fish with the Ron Popeil pocket fisherman, using only the lures that come stored in the handle. Hey ! that 's considered cruel and unusual punishment.
  17. Depends on what you call "better", some got features or characteristics not found in domestic models but that doesn 't necessarily make them "better", makes them different. What 's bad about JDM ? ----> no warranty, no customer support; you get JDM you are on your own.
  18. Exactly, you gotta shop around, take a look here 's some jighead types, all of them different and all are "shakey":
  19. Dude, the jighead doesn 't have to make the bait stand up, a stand up jighead is to give that particular head down tails up look but it 's not a must, it 's only one of the many ways in which you make use of a tool to create a particular presentation. The way the bait is attached to the jighead makes it behave differently than a T-rig so a T-rigged bait and a jighead rigged bait even though rigged weedless look and behave differently, so differently that to give you an example: A couple of months ago I and a pal were fishing at a nearby lake, for about an hour I hit them hard with a T-rigged finesse worm, 6 lb test and a 1/16 th oz bullet head sinker without even a sniff, changed the rig for one of my jigheads; the same worm, same line, same weight and I began catching fish. It was not the bait what made the difference, it was the rigging method, the rigging method gave the bait another presentation.
  20. A usual, it depends on how much and how willing you are in spending what you will get, there 's no point in me telling you go and get an GLX if you don 't have the money or the will to spend that much in a rod. The best rod in the 70 bones class IMHO is the Shimano Clarus, there are other good rods in that class, but if it were for me I pick the Clarus The best rod in the 80 bones class IMHO is the Shimano Compre, there are other good rods in that class, if it were for me I pick the Compre. In the $100/120 class there are a lot of nice rods, I don 't have a favorite, but thinking it carefully I 'm certain I would pick a Shimano Crucial.
  21. You are lacking a MH rod.
  22. Long hours waiting for clients to show up on slow days ( which you spend surfing around the net ), pet owners not following your instructions, dogs that bite, c-sections at the middle of the night because you told the pet owner the pet wasn 't going to be able to deliver the puppies but they know more about pets than you do :, medicating hospitalized pets at 12, 3 and 6 AM for 5-6-7 days, having to cancel fishing trips cuz when you where about to close on Saturday a pet arrives and you gotta hospitalize it right away or it will die without your care, having to measure urine and feces ( which saying it smells like s*t is a huge understatement ) plus perform tests on them in order to determine the fluid ammount the pet requires, having to re catheterize a pet for the 10th time cuz it pulled away the catheter you put barely 15 min ago ...... you think I do all that just for money ? I don 't think of my job to be a job, to me practicing veterinary medicine is a thing of passion, I wouldn 't trade fishing for it.
  23. Nope, you don 't "need" specific jigheads for shakey heading, been pouring mine since the mid 80 's, plain ordinary jighead with an oversized 3,4 & 5/0 hook. So as long as your jighead has a large enough hook you can shakeyhead. On the other hand, newer shakeyheads do have intersting designs meant to meet more specific demands ( like stand up shakey heads ) but they are like everything else in this world of fishing, another tool to do a job.
  24. Which do I prefer ? both Spool control is where it 's always been ---> in the thumb.
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