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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Shimano Clarus ( around $80 ), Shimano Compre ( around $100 ).
  2. Spool in a gazillion yards of line you don 't really "need"
  3. I like those banana shaped lures, they are kind of a mix between a flat and a fat crank, the tail dancer is silent, try also Storm 's Thundercrank, it has a wider and more powerful wobble than the Tail Dancer.
  4. Let me give you an example Gman: We go oftleny to a place called Cañada de Negros that has several ponds and a small lake, good place to spend a Sunaday picnicking cuz the place got big lawns, play areas for the kids, bathrooms, a convinience store, grills, lots of trees and shade, we pay 30 pesos per adult to get in and spend the entire day ( now that the kids are older I 'm becoming a family man ). The good thing is that the ponds are loaded with bass, bluegills and tilapia, most bass you catch are 8-12 inches long ( great for the kids not to get bored because you catch one fish after another all day long ), so I ain 't after a bigun, I 'm after my kids and nephews have a good time. My wife don 't feesh, she don 't know nuthin bout knots, hooks, sinkers n 'stuff, nor she does know how to retrieve and teaching her how to cast with a spinning reel is one of my greatest acomplishments of the year ( she still manages to cast to the trees n 'bushes 90 ft away from the water : ). The first time we got there I began fishing with soft plastics, catching almost a fish per cast, the wife comes next to me and I ask her if she wants to try, she grabs the rod and as I gave her instructions on how to work the bait I left her on her own, at about the 5 th cast she began to look bored, and for someone who doesn 't fish not catching is boring. So I traded the soft plastics for an in-line spinner, after a couple of casts she hooks her first fish, a few more casts another fish and so the time passed by, she casting and catching fish on a relatively consistent manner for a couple of hours; cast, retrieve and forget if you are doing it right, yup plastics are by far more productive in those ponds but only if you work them right and that 's the difficult part for a beginner.
  5. Muddy water ---> spinnerbaits, lipless cranks.
  6. Yup Nope Nah, I don 't think it is, Hybrid is good stuff but CXX is tuffer than nails.
  7. 12 million isn 't much these days, the company can easily pop a million just in the molds and tooling required to manufacture the reel.
  8. Retiredbosn, adding chemicals to the water is not going to solve the problem, it solves it immediately by killing the weeds and plants but it 's a short term solution, you gotta find first the reason why the weeds are there and start from there, if you do not correct the problem from it 's root the weeds will come back again.
  9. What a bunch of whiners :, what you rather have, a couple of 100 degree weeks or freezing for several months like our northern brothers ? Down here where I 'm at temps plummetted to the 90 's cuz all these cloud cover, now intestead of roasting 100 's we got turkish bath 90 's with all that darned humidity > and ......... I ain 't whinning !.
  10. That depends on type and ammount of cover and on bottom composition, from 6 lbs to 17.
  11. A crankbait that sinks, like lipless cranks or countdown models.
  12. 100° which is normal for this time of the year. Temps are going to drop in the next days, it rained yesterday and it 's the beginning of the rainy season. Unlike many of you guys, summer here is quite "cold", temps drop to the 80 's cuz we see no more sunlight once the rainy season begins, it rains daily.
  13. Sure, you do need another adult, it 's pretty unsafe to be on your own with only two kids with you. You never know what may happen.
  14. Instead of changing your rod you should most definately take a real good close look to those hooks you are using. BTW, did I mention I get really nice hooksets with a 6' ML rod and 6 lb test ? what hook I use ? ---> Owner.
  15. Get a friendly neighboor or a fishing partner, it will make your life a lot easier. The problem is not really the weight in a 12 fter, it 's the bulk, flip the boat, lift the bow until it reaches the top of the vehicle, go to the back, lift the back of the boat and push to slide it, then let it drop gently on the top, push more so the back is inline with the back of the vehicle, place the tie downs, tighten and you are ready to go. That 's it, sounds easy, yeah, right : specially when you are short and the darn vehicle is too tall for you. With somebody helping you it takes about 10 min to do the entire operation, on your own it 's going to take a lot more. I know it 's easy to say, sure ! get a trailer, but what you do when you don 't have place to store a trailered boat ? ---> you gotta cartop it, like I do.
  16. Better have and not need than need and not have, besides I ain 't carrying them on my back.
  17. From 9 to 10, from 10 to 11, from 11 to 12, reel in the slack line and start all over again.
  18. I do, and not only for crankbaiting, for slow rolling spinnerbaits.
  19. I 've got one of mine spooled with 8 lb Hybrid, no problems whatsoever.
  20. Yup, unless you have one of those 8 ft jonboats it 's pretty safe, I fish with my kid ( 6 ) from a 12 ft. 12 Ft will fit on top of a Liberty, mine fitted on top of my Honda CRV. Problem was cartopping it, darn bulky tub :-/
  21. Accuracy my friend is something you obtain with practice.
  22. You aren't alone. We ought form a support group for unsuccessful Senko fishermen. There should be another group: group of fishermen who don 't fish senkos cuz ........ I don 't get what 's all the fuzz about :-?. I don 't catch more fish with senkos than what I catch with other baits.
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