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Everything posted by Raul

  1. You 'll find that there 's no right answer no wrong answer, how much weight depends greatly on how fast you want the bait to sink, so you 'll have to try with different weights util you find the one who is doing the job in a particular moment, today 1/32 of an ounce is killer tomorrow 1/8 oz is the one. There are no short cuts.
  2. Cheering every fish he catches is his way, if that makes him happy good for him. Nobody is a gold coin all the time. You see me fish and you might wonder : " does this guy ever get excited about anything ? " :-? You can think I 'm made of stone, sure, every fish I catch excites me but I don 't express it.
  3. A grub without tail and a ball like end.
  4. Sometimes the action is not listed, sometimes it 's encripted in the rod model, sometimes you can find the action in the manufacturer 's website ( if it has ones ), sometimes the action is labeled on the rod after the rod model. Example of encription in the rod model: Fenwick Techna model AV60MM Decoding.- Series ( AV )---> AV Length ( 60 )---> 6 ft Power ( M )---> Medium Action ( M )---> Moderate Shimano Clarus model CSSX66MHA Decoding Series ( CS )---> Clarus Type ( S )---> Spinning Action ( X )---> Extra Fast Length ( 66 )---> 6 '6" Power ( MHA )---> Medium Heavy Each manufacturer has it 's own way of encrypting, to know what they are talking about you have to know the system the manufacturer uses in order to understand it. Other manufacturers use different types of blank material to manufacture specific types of rods, for example al GLoomis crankbait series rods are moderate action regardless of the power rating, all spinnerbait series rods are extra fast action regardless of the power rating, all dropshot series rods are extra fast action regardless of the power rating and so on, you also have to know that when you purchase a rod from them. Like Seyone mentioned, you can 't find information about the rod then most probably it will be a fast action.
  5. Pure Fishing has the money and resources to produce great rods....they just haven't focused on this apparently. The series one was the **** back in the day. True, too bad that we don 't have here rods like the Fantasista Regista or the Fantasista Yabai.
  6. Different animals, the Core is the magnesium version of the Chronarch, the Metanium Mg is the version of the JDM Metanium XT ( not quite the Chronarch ). The Aldebaran Mg is the magnesium version of the JDM Scorpion ( Curado ).
  7. Then imagine the Curado but in magnesium ( 2+ ounces lighter ) ----> Oh Lord !, of course, the Aldebaran is worth almost twice as much but it has never been about the money. Obviously, when you get to the point you think like me you know you have blown out your last functional brain cell ( something that happened some time ago ) suddenly a 300+ dollars reel doesn 't sound THAT expensive.
  8. Watermelon Watermelon gold Green Pumpkin
  9. Ikas Beavers Tail Less Grubs Yamamoto Kreatures Senkos
  10. My experience with bass an gar is this: Where bass are gar are, I don 't normally fish for gar but them stubborn sobs got the bad habit of hitting my best baits and shredding them to pieces. Ah, but there 's another side of the story, when in my mind I get this idea of fishing for them ....... they are either nowhere to be found or don 't bite, go figure. :-?
  11. Nope, it ain 't "too much". People get this idea that braid is undestructible, which is far from the truth, 17-20 lbs test nylon for flippin ' ? oh yeah, 30 lb test braid for flippin '? uhhhhhh, I don 't think so. Why ? cuz 30 lb braid has a lot less diameter than 17 lb pound mono and aside from the tensile strength what helps lower test mono to stand against the rigors of flipping is it 's the thick diameter, lower the diameter of your braided line and branches won 't care how much tensilie resistance it has, they will use it as dental floss and chew it away. Thicker line ---> they 'll have to chew through more materail.
  12. For more than 2 decades I 've fish with this trio: Berkley Trilene XL Berkley Trilene XT Berkley Big Game Have tried lotz and lotz of lines and always return to those three.
  13. One thing is to look at the specs. Another thing is having it in your hands and play with it at the store. And a completly different thing is actually playing with it for a time, mounted on a rod, casting and retrieving. I 'm impressed ! Time to get me an Aldebaran Mg7.
  14. As usual, when it comes to choose between which one would be better between such a wide variety of very nice options ....... I end up buying one of each, problem solved !
  15. Problem was when I went to visit the real doctor he said that along with the pills n 'stuff I would have to rest and stop fishing ----> you gotta be s*g me ! > I visited him to give me pills, fix me up so I can continue my fishing. :
  16. Yup, but if you don 't have the extra cash you can still get a Compre, great rod for the money.
  17. You need better sensitivity ? ----> go for an IMX Is it worth the extra $60 ? every penny.
  18. Nope, it won 't be "too fast" specially when it comes to weightless plastics.
  19. You 're talking about POWER not action, two different animals. In layman 's term Power = stiffness ( line and weight capacity ), Action = where the rod bends along it 's length.
  20. I order on Mon it arrives Wednesday afternoon, international ! can 't beat that.
  21. Dropshot with a rubber band leader.
  22. I don 't care about which color if they can 't see it in muddy water, I care about how much water the bait displaces, how much and how loud sounds it makes and how much flash the bait can capture.
  23. High pressure: clear cloudless skies Low pressure: cloudy skies & rain
  24. My back nope, my elbow and shoulder yup, hey but that 's only on the right side, they aren 't worthless yet, so let 's see ... I 'm 45, I 'm pretty shure I can squeeze 45 years out of my left arm so by the time I 'm done with them most probably I won 't care about fishing no more, I 'm confident that I will have to worry more about not trusting a fart.
  25. BR 's fish weight calculator with those measurements = 11.294 lbs
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