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Everything posted by Raul

  1. A good part of my best fish have been caught with topwater baits in the middle of the day under clear cloudless skies below the blazing sun and scorching heat we get here. So, anytime is good time to try with topwater baits, on the other hand, what you can loose by trying ?
  2. Yes, however, it depends on how deep the "scratch" or "chip" is and clear coat unless very thick is not going to protect much the blank, it 's only hundreds of an inch thick ( not much protection ).
  3. Clear coat only up to about half the distance between the foregrip and the first guide, the rest of the blank all the way up to the tip is mattè.
  4. Exactly, that 's what I said.
  5. The more I see The Dog the more YUMMI ! it looks and I know bass in my neck of the woods are going to have the same opinion.
  6. Try with a finesse jig.
  7. Good to know, he 's my favorite Marine ! You maggot !
  8. If you want to catch fish lipless cranks and spinnerbaits are a good option, now, if you want to have a heart attack and probably catch fish ---> Jitterbug and hold on to your pants !.
  9. What 's "sense" :-?, never heard about it..... ah, you mean like having all your braincells completely operational ? oooops, sorry to say I ain 't in that group of people, burnt my last one many years ago, it just popped like a fire cracker when I purchased my first japanese bait.
  10. Schooling serves sevral purposes, the two most important ones: 1.- Protection 2.- Wolf pack ( hunting ) Not always highly efficient predatory fish are loners, a good example are barracudas.
  11. I agree with Raul, the premium for the GLX doesn't buy much, but there is a little. Is it worth it? I don't know for you, but it is for me. This same discussion holds for high end reels, but I won't bring up Raul's affliction for JDM in general and the Pixy in particular! "Collectors" or "enthusiasts" have interests that are not always measured in dollars and cents. 8-) GLoomis CR721IMX + Daiwa Liberto Pixy + You-Zuri Hybrid 6 lb test = FUNtastic !!!!!
  12. Old steel tanks develop rust, a little or a lot but with time they develop rust, rust particles can be very tiny but still they are there and make their way to the carburator ( or injectors ) and clog it. Like you my friend a buddy of mine when facing similar problems said the exact thing to me when I told him the tank was rusty, it only took a gas filter to prove him he was wrong, small as dust, but still, rust particles appeared in the gas filter.
  13. The "best bang for the buck" in the GLoomis line is the IMX.
  14. I would change that old RUSTY steel tank for a new one. ( rust particles getting into the carb and choking it ) I would change the hose, connector ( it may be allowing air to get in, the O ring is cracked, broken or inexistant ) and bulb ( it may be allowing the gas to return to the gas tank ) for new ones and add a gas filter in between the bulb and the connector. Check the carburator for debris Check the fuel pump ( the membranes become brittle with time )
  15. Don 't put me in that group.
  16. Raul

    6 x 9 = 54

    "LaTinaSesina" doesn 't have rod lockers.
  17. Braided line ? You need mono backing Nylon/copoly/Fluro ? Fuegos do not have wet drag system, they have dry drag system, the only drawback of the drag system in those reels is that it 's very suceptible to malfunction ( studdering and/or lack of pressure ) if the drag pads get contanimated with any kind of lubricant. The problem can be solved by cleaning the drag pads, but since you are already at it better change the drag pads with Carbontex drag pads. Do not tighten the drag all the way down to get more power, you can damage the drag system.
  18. Well, that makes 3 of us who have experienced pork rind jar sealing like forever. Another thought: Only once in my time of fishing with pork I 've pulled out a bait that was straight, the rest were all crooked, had to "doctor" them, doctoring is a process that requires practice or you 'll end up chopping the bait ( a frog ain 't good without them legs ), been there done that. :
  19. Nice toy and they are great as long as the water is crystal clear, the farthest you can see is as much as water clarity is. If it were me I would rather save some money and get me a 3D fishfinder, no matter how murky/muddy the water is it will always show what 's underneath.
  20. Where you think those weeds are growing on ? ---> structure Why don 't weeds grow like a carpet ? because weeds only grow where they can find the adequate soil substrate ( bottom composition aka structural feature ) & the right ammount of light, those change when structure changes, a hole in a weedbed indicates either a change in bottom composition or a change in depth ( change of the bottom contour, bottom contour = structure ). The shape of the weedbed is telling you on what the weedbed is growing, and it reflects the shape of what 's underneath. Got topo maps ? those help a lot when they are available, they tell you where everything is. Got sonar ? Have you looked around the terrain above the water level ? what you see above water level is most likely going to continue below water level. What do you know about where certain plants grow ? in my neck of the woods willows only grow where there 's moist soil year round, that only happens in my neck of the woods along the river & creek channels, if I see willow trees it 's only a matter of following the way they are placed on the lake, I know the channel is at their feet or not very far, a creek/river channel is a structural feature.
  21. I 've fished with numerous craws, some with legs other without them, to add more, I 've removed the legs from legged craws and so far I haven 't found any difference in the catch ratio legged vs unlegged. I belive all the magic is in the claws.
  22. Raul

    6 x 9 = 54

    You tell me, I say: I 'm no longer interested in baits .... ahh, but he ain 't gonna leave it just like that, he gotta find me something to make me spend some money. The never ending story. :
  23. Raul

    6 x 9 = 54

    Already got the neoprene covers , what I needed were those rod covers. Good to have a review from someone who has them. Funny, it used to be baits what caught my eye, now it 's terminal tackle ( hooks, sinkers, jigheads, etc ) and stuff to protect my gear what 's catching my eye, the BaitMonkey works in mysterious ways. :-?
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