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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Not true, the diving depth of a crank is inversely proportional to the line diameter regardless of the line material. And fluoro does stretch, as much as nylon.
  2. Mine are older versions without weedguards, I did remove the stock hooks and put new ones. Can 't complaint about them I 've caught a lot of fish with them ( the three are preatty chewed ) but not by reeling in them steadily ( like a buzzbait ), I fish them more like a Torpedo ( jerk-jerk-stop ).
  3. He does something like this: When you get home you just store the box in a vertical position.
  4. Nope, my goal is to be there even if I don 't catch anything, doesn 't happen normally ( not catching anything ) but "catching" is no longer the goal of my fishing trips.
  5. Yup. Yup
  6. Why lie ? what 's wrong with being honest ? Yes, it will still work, it will be a completely different rod, remove the guide and insert a new tip.
  7. My man, no reel is sealed to the point where it won 't allow water to get in. In practical terms, any reel can be used in salt/brackish water ( if it has corrosion resistan bearings better ) but it 's durability is going to depend on you, even saltwater reels need maintenance after being used in saltwater. So as long as you rinse the reel thoroughly with fresh water after being used in salt/brackish water your reel will be fine and last a long time.
  8. Yup.
  9. Bearing count doesn 't matter, casting distance is influenced by many factors, some are in the reel, some are in the line, some are in the rod, some are in the lure, some are in you and some are in the environment. Some can be changed or modified, some can 't be changed or modified. You didn 't mention your rod length, you didn 't mention your line diameter and line type, you didn 't mention what lure you 're trying to cast, you only mentioned your reel but not how the tension and the brakes were set.
  10. I like the acoustic properties of tungsten, louder than any other kind of sinker material.
  11. And to make it worse for the color focused guys, the same color is different from brand to brand and even between a metal flake vs a plain. If you look closely a green pumpkin w black metal flake is a lot darker than a green pumpkin red metal flake and they look completly different under water depending upon water clarity and cloud cover ( ammount of available light ), a green pumkin red metalflake bait looks shiny red, so much for the green pumpkin, what you are actually seeing is the red metal flake.
  12. Most of the lakes I fish and all the ponds I fish are crystal clear, catching fish from them is more a matter of approach than bait color selection. You see them they see you and start from there.
  13. Because I like the way it looks, I 'm a sucker for pretty colored baits, if they have metal flake or are laminated/ swirled even better than plain colored ones. In esence I fish the colors I like, from there depending on water clarity and cloud cover I might choose metal flake over laminate or the other way around. Why I say it doesn 't matter ? because in my experience very seldomly I 've found myself in a situation in which the fish specifically chose one color over other; I choose the bait to present something in particular that I think it will be better for the conditions, for example in clear water I prefer straight tail worms, for murkier/muddier water I prefer C,ribbon, U or G tailed worms because of the vibration, so first I choose shape, size, profile, appendages n 'such ( like metal flake size ) and at the very last I choose the color, which color ? the color I like.
  14. Not very big, not heavy. My friend Pedro has that truck, yes it can tow his 18 ft/50 HP V hull aluminum boat, can 't go faster than 55 MPH .... on flat surface, climb a hill ? well by the time you reach the top of the hill you are going 30 MPH, downhill ? you can go pretty fast, the boat pushes you. Changing lanes ? do it slowly or the boat pulls you and the real problem happens when you have to pull out your boat from the lake and the ramp is steep. Wanna stop ? better have a lot of space, step on the brakes and the truck just keeps going and going as the boat pushes you. Those little trucks are not meant for towing big boats, after driving his truck when towing his boat I 'd say no more than a 14 ft/25 hp.
  15. Check your fuel line, conector, bulb, if everything is fine then ---> better take it to the dealer, there are lots of reasons why an engine won 't fire up fast: Bad gas pump Clogged carburator Dirty spark plugs Accelerator Choke I had the same problem with my outboard, 1-2 pulls and it fired right away and then one day I began having trouble, it turned out to be dirty spark plugs. Now I 'm having the same problem again, time to take it for service.
  16. Sorry for the pretty short reply, I was in a hurry :-/. But RM already replied what has to be done, the line must be trapped somewhere in all those parts.
  17. Not really, I have a particular preference for certain colors so those are the ones I fish the most ( man I love watermelon green/red metalflake ), but that I can tell a difference most times, not at all. My pal Cesar and I were fishing a couple of months ago, he was catching them with one of his favorite colors: black/blue laminate on the other hand I was catching them ( those rare ocassions I was fishing with a senko ) with chartreuse-chartreuse/green metalflake. Both colors have nothing in common. Now to make it more interesting, this past weekend I tied a watermelon black flake Fat Ika, after a couple of hours the color of the bait had changed, instead of being watermelon it looked like some sort of green pumpkin and it made no difference, it still caught them.
  18. Raul

    GI Joe

    Not the same, Transformers are cybernetic organisms, robotic suits of armor ---> Iron Man knockoff.
  19. Jigs are not just for bottom hopping, igs are also for vertical jigging and for swimming, so the basic three would be those: Bottom hopping Jigging Swimming. Bottom hopping, pretty much as described by IB. Vertical jigging, place yourself above a likely place, lower your jig to the depth you belive the fish are holding plus a foot and lower and rise your rod, not the most galmorous fishing method but it catches fish. Swimming, cast the jig and allow it to sink to the depth you think the fish are holding, retrieve, either slowly cranking in the bait or by carnking a certain distance, stopping and shaking the rod tip to reel in steadily again.
  20. Culprit used to manufacture a copy of the Slug-go called Jerk Worm, then stopped making them for many years and then resumed production a couple of years ago, they used to have this worm in pearl white with pink tail and pure pink ( but I mean PINK !, pink like pink, ya know what I mean ), man those were really good. Course, when somebody asked what I was ketchin them on I just said "Jerk Worms" but nobody except a few friends knew which color jerk worms I was using. Got a pic:
  21. Those pink colored ( bubble gum ) trickworms are deadly, but don 't tell I told you !.
  22. You gotta be real sure about your sexuality and to have a bullet proof sense of humor to show at the dock with the pink flowered one. I have 4 ( not the pink flowered one ok ? ) but for whatever reason you may think I simply forget about them and therefore fished them a few times ( the next weekend mine arrived I just had to try at least one and that 's what I did, broke in one and the remaining three are still in their original package ). I liked the way the bait moved, got a few fish on it and ...... the last time I fished it was probably 8 months ago. Darn memory, don 't know if it 's failing me or that I 've become too much of a creature of habits by fishing with the same baits over and over again. :
  23. In a public lake there are no secret spots, any good angler will find those "secret" spots sooner or later, as for the newbie angler why should I worry ? shure, they can luck out and locate and fishing the spot succesfully bot most often than not they do no harm. Ponds are another story, those I don 't share with anyone, aside from the ones on my realative 's land which nobody can fish except the family the rest are either neighboors of my relatives or people whom I approached that finally allowed me to fish the ponds and I don 't want strangers messing up what took me weeks, months and even years to accomplish ( permission to fish the pond ).
  24. I tried Floroclear, can 't say I was not satisfied but never fell in love with it, most probably will not purchase it again, but P_line CXX .... man that 's a whole 'nother story, hats off to it. It 's not a line I would recommend for everyone, but if you fish sharp rocks and/or them extra tuff mesquite trees, huizache brush or bullrushes like me I 'd say ---> what are you waiting for man ?
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