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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Spreading disease ---> probable, so from that point of view they can be dangerous. Eating bass eggs ---> I don 't think they can even reach 6-7 inches, most probably they end up as lunch in the first couple of weeks. When I stock tilapias in a bass pond I have to stock tilapias at least 8 inches long, anything smaller ends up as lunch almost as soon as I open the bags and they begin swimming in the pond.
  2. Yes you can.
  3. Which ones depend greaty on the slope degree and the type and ammount of cover available. Fot the better part of my life I fished from shore, I still do it a lot ( when there 's nobody to help me cartop the boat ); so I say it depends on those two factors which cranks you can fish with and which ones you shouldn 't. If the place you fish doesn 't have a steep slope you are limited to a certain point to lipless cranks, super shallow, shallow and mid running cranks, but that would also depend on how much cover. If the place you fish has a steep slope then you can, along with the previous, fish with deep divers if the cover allows it. So it depends, some of the lakes I fish near my home town have steep slopes and I fish a lot with deep divers, other lakes I fish don 't have that steep slope and there 's no point in fishing them with deep divers, I limit my cranks to the ones I mentioned.
  4. If plastic baits are what tickle your fancy you can try first by using the lightest sinker you can get away with so it doesn 't dig into the weeds, you can change one thing for other, for example, instead of c-rigging you can use a split shot rig and change the split shot size until you find one that doesn 't dig into the weeds, same thing goes for shakey heads or T-rigs. Weightless rigging can also be another thing to consider. So it depends a lot, specially when it comes to how the weeds are distributed, how close to the surface they are and such.
  5. I experienced the same problem the first time I fished with CXX, all I did was to increase the braking a little bit.
  6. Action ---> fast/Xfast for soft plastics I 've got a ML/F rod, GraphiteLeader Bosco, paired to a Daiwa Revros 2004 spooled with 6 lbs test Trilene XT, man what a rush it is to fish with that rod. But your approach to hooksetting has to change, with rods that forgiving forget about crossing their eyes, razor sharp hooks, texposed or skin hooked baits; to set the hook you lift the rod tip while reeling in the slack until you feel the fish and then pull hard. If you try to set the hook without having a tight line the rod will absorb most of the energy and you won 't set the hook on the fish.
  7. Raul, ever tried a CR723, for me it works a lot better than the CR722 for cranks. Yup, a little bit stiff for my taste, I like more how the 2 power behaves and casts. I did use to have a crankbait rod, Kistler Mag TS crankbait series ( glass-graphite blend ), if it weren 't for the reel seat I would have not got rid of it, I liked a lot how the blank behaved.
  8. The only way to know if the lake is overpopulated with bass is to make a study of the population of fish by species and by sizes, that should only be done with somebody with experience in lake management ( like the local DNR office or a lake/pond management service ).
  9. Dial down and practice until you can control the rotation Reduce the tension and practice until you can cotrol the rotation Dial down again, practice Reduce the tension, practice and so on. How low I am ? magnetic reels 1-2 ( when casting into the wind ), centrifugal 1-2 brakes on ( depends on the reel ), tension, just enough to avoid the spool to move sideways. Takes a lot of time and practice to reach that level. Unweighted Zoom finesse worm ( which doesn 't weight a lot but has a little bit of wind resistance ) ---> 25-30 yards depending upon the reel, the line and the rod power and length ( 8-12 lbs test ) Weightless 4" grub ( better aerodynamic than the worm ) ---> 30-35 yards depending upon the reel, line and rod power. Weightless Fat Ika ---> 50-60 yards depending upon reel, line and rod power, if I cast with the Pixy I almost empty the spool with 8 lbs test.
  10. Cigar butts are made of the same tobacco the cigar is made from, even though they can decompose pretty fast ( being organic ) they are still tobacco which contains nicontin which is a very powerful poison. Don 't trash them in the lake either.
  11. Palming side cover: Magnetic break control dial or Centrifugal brake escape hatch Mangetic break control reels are normally adjusted on the oustide via a dial which may or may not have numbers. Centrifugal break reels are most commonly adjusted by removing the palming side plate to access the brake system weights. Some manufcturers have a hybrid system ( magnetic + centrifugal ) so in order to adjust the braking sytem you do as you do with either of the previous. Handle side plate: Tension adjust or cast control cap ( behind the handle ), applies pressure to the spool 's shaft and tightens or loosens the amount of rotation the spool can spin. Drag star: Has absolutely nothing to do with the cast, how far the bait can fly, how easy or how fast the spool spins, the drag only works when the spool is engaged ( when you cast the spool is disengaged ), it 's function is to protect the line transfering the pressure from the line to the drag pads and washers. How to get the most distance without backlashing ? The tension and the braking are meant to reduce the speed at which the spool rotates while mainting control of the spool as it spins, exactly the opposite of what you need to achieve more distance, so in order to gain more distance you have to loosen both to allow the spool to rotate more easily, so there is no other way. In order to obtain more distance what you do is to control the spool 's rotation with the thumb. Obtaining good casting distance with a BC reel is game played with the thumb, balancing the amount of tension and braking plus a lot of practice and practice and more practice, plus a good casting technique. Of course when you have reached the point where all your braking is almost zero, you have only enough tension to avoid the spool to move sideways, when your thumb has been "educated" and practically don 't backlash be pretty careful because if you happen to backlash ( and it will happen ocasionally ) the backlash will be something you 've never seen ---> phenomenal backlash.
  12. Good for trolling too.
  13. Sour grape Zoom products: Brush Hogs Centipede Finesse worm Salty Chunk Trickworm Tube SS U-tale worm
  14. Duo lock snaps ---> okie dokie Duo lock snap/swivel combination ---> only for in-line spinners.
  15. Or flipping jig, my most productive method so far with hollow body swimbaits ( haven 't tried Brent 's but I 've fished with Basstrix ) has been flipping them into cover, go figure.
  16. Depends on the swimbait, depends upon conditions, like any other lure there are a lot of variables on where and how you are going to fish the swimbait, there is no standard. Let 's take for example this one: Daiwa 's Dead or Alive, there are days that I just cast it and reel it in stadily as slow pace and it works fine that way, there are days that they don 't want it that way, they want it first retrieved, then stopped and then jerked or wiggled, there are other days when I only use the reel to retrieve the slack line, they want it jerked, how I find out, by trying several retrieves until I find the one they respond better to. For another example let 's use this one: Matt 's bluegill, the bait sinks, well there are days when they want it reeled in steadily slow, other days they want it reeled in steadily "fast" and there are days they like it bouncing the bottom. So like with other baits you have to try different speeds, different depths, different retrieves until you find the one that they like best, and there are days that you can 't find which way they want it.
  17. By wildlife I don 't mean deer, coons and such, I mean bugs. Wonderful place this is, warm ( I should say hot ), semidesertic and where our lovely vegetation usually is thorny, the only thing I hate is them more than four legged critters, those about 2 inch long red wasps, those big fat black bumble bees, them nasty fire ants, those ugly black widows and those sneaky poisonous scorpions. Hot climates got hot bugs. Well, yesterday at night I killed my 4 th scorpion of the month inside the house. Went to bed at about 11 PM, thirst woke me up about an hour later so I went down the stairs to the kitchen for a glass of water and there was the danged critter about 2/3 down the staircase. Wasn 't very big ( about two inches including the tail ) but knowing what we have here that tiny one is big enough. Not normal to kill 4 scorpions in a month, normally at the house we may find one or two a year so 4 in a month is something to worry about, I wish the water and sewer service could finish the works they are doing around my house cuz the only thing they are doing ( aside from making the street look like a war zone ) is to scare the local "wildlife" into my house. Gotta call the exterminator just in case.
  18. A 2 piece version of a good quality rod is as good as the 1 piece version, the action and power of the one piece vs the two piece version is the same.
  19. Natural, please do me a favor, explain to me what makes them different to other cranks, my everyday cranks are mostly Rapalas so what 's special about this ones that makes you like them so much ?
  20. Chicken. ROASTER...OLD CHICKEN ;D Well, Catt is older than me, maybe he has ben ROASTED more times that I with those heat indexes.. On the other hand, about Wayne catching 40-100 fish on every outing, man I have no reason to doubt about those numbers, let 's say that you catch a fish in 5 minutes, that makes 12 fish per hour, summer time fishing trip beginning at dawn and ending at dusk in my neck of the woods is about 12 hours fishing, 12 x 12 =144 possible fish, not BSing but I 've been fishing a small lake since Dec last year where catching a fish every 5 minutes is a reality, Lil Raul loves going to that small lake because he catches fish one after another, practically have to drag the kid for a couple of hours lunch break, if it were for him he wouldn 't have lunch.
  21. Yup, from shore, wouldn 't dropshot in a place choked with weeds up to surface level or in a place choked with sumbmerged brush but other than those exceptions I would.
  22. 6-7" straight tail, worm ( what a surprise ! : ) 4-5" grub 2" Tailess Grub Zoom Super Fluke Jr Bass Assasin Shad Assasin Heddon Baby Torpedo Arbogast Jitterbug Rapala Skitter Pop Storm Chug Bug Zara Spook Arbogast Sputterbuzz LC Sammy LC Pointer Rapala Original Foating Minnow size 9 & 11 Storm Subwart Rapala Shallow Shad Rap Rapala Shallow Fat Rap Bill Lewis Rat L-Trap Rapala Rattlin Rap Bomber Rattlin RRR Cordell Spot Heddon Bayou Boogie Strike King 1/4 and 3/8 single colorado or tandem spinnerbait Blue Fox Vibrax in-line spinner size 3 & 4 Megabass Griffon Megabass Vision 110 Ima Roumba Rebel Wee Frog What ? No SENKOS ?!?!?!?! Nope, I don 't need them.
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