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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Gl2s are nice rods for the money, there are nicer rods in that price level. GL3, well ..... being so close in price to an IMX I 'd rather go for an IMX. IMX, "best bang for the buck" ( yeah a 230+ best bang for the buck : ) in the GLoomis line. GLX, the crème of the crème of the GLoomis line. Nowdays about half of my GLoomis rods are GL2s, good rods where being able to detect what the fish is thinking when watching a bait is not a must ( cranks, spinnerbaits, topwaters ), the other half are IMX where being able to detect what the fish is thinking when watching a bait is a must ( worms/ jigs ). Got a GLX and I swear I can 't feel difference sensitivity wise between it and an IMX .... but that 's me. I 'm not familiar with the Mossyback so I can 't comment anything.
  2. I do, when you purchase baits Raul style you can expect to have a stock of baits that wil last you for a good couple of decades and maybe a little bit more. ( no wonder why I still fish with them and in colors long time discontinued ) Back to the question, Which one is my favorite worm ? --> straight tail worm ( used to be Mann 's Jelly worm ( no longer in my stock ), now it 's Zoom Trickworm ). Which one is my favorite hook ? 3/0 offset Owner for that worm.
  3. Back in the old days glass blanks had the stiffness of a rubber band, today 's glass blanks are a completely different animal, Back in the old days graphite blanks had the limberness of a pool cue, today 's graphite blanks are a completely different animal. So as the time passes and new developments in materials appear it getting increasingly harder to tell appart one from the other, nowdays we have glass blanks as stiff, as sensitive and as light as graphite and graphite has also come a long way to the point we now have graphite rods with a lot of flexibility. Now it all boils down to power and action. F/XF for single hook baits Moderate/MF for treble hook baits That in case you want bait/technique specific rods. Or go along with a F and change the power if you don 't want a bait/technique specific rod. ML/M for treble hooks and M/MH/H for single hook baits.
  4. None, almost lost a bc rig many years ago ( it flew away from my hand when I made a cast, duh ! : ) but fortunately I was able to retrieve it thanks to the lure.
  5. Exactly, the Sol is more light line/lure oriented and everything in it is meant for that purpose, the , the Fuego is more heavy line/lure oriented, doesn 't mean it won 't cast a light lure but it won 't cast is as far and effortlessly as the Sol does, also, for some applications ( like buzzbaiting ) it 's a better option, try buzzbaiting with a Sol and you 'll have to reel in like crazy trying to keep the buzzbait on the surface.
  6. Though that would probablly take a long time, right? Depends, if you don 't lubricate the worm gear it will happen quite fast, but adding a couple of drops of heavy oil ( not grease ) evry now and then will make the pawl last a very long time. My oldest reels are more than 20 years old and the pawl shows almost no sign of wear.
  7. The gear will nor wear out, what will wear out relatively faster would be the worm gear pawl.
  8. The only thing that a DD22 will wear out is you.
  9. It depends, the Sol doesn 't hold much line per se, wanna spool larger than 12 lbs ? ----> oops ! you end up with a pretty short ammount of line, also it 's not burning fast. The Fuego holds a lot more line, holds more heavy line and it 's faster than the Sol. But the Sol can do what the other won 't do as well, cast light baits into the next zip code with little effort.
  10. I would take it first for an inspection.
  11. For "ocassional schooling stripers" forget about the 782.
  12. Heat, the air inside the bait heats, expands and finally cracks open the bait normally at the seams. Keep your plastic cranks away from direct sunlight ( use a crank cover for baits on the deck ) and cover your T-box with a towel.
  13. That 's my story and I 'm sticking to it ! Here 's another: When faced to the dilemma of "which one ?" ---> get them both !
  14. Got more than 700 cranks, more than 100 spinnerbaits, more than 30 swimbaits and perhaps 100 pounds of soft plastics. From all those I fish with ( give or take a few ): 30 cranks, 5 spinnerbaits, 5 swimbaits and a few worms ( mostly straight tail worms most times ), few grubs and few creatures. But better having and not needing than needing and not having !
  15. When fishing with Tru Turn worm hooks that happened a lot to me, a huge percentage of the fish I caught were hooked in the mouth but the hook point exited through the eye socket >.
  16. You can place a more permanent cover other than Xmas trees or brush, those will eventually rot, but PVC piping or cinder blocks are forever.
  17. The line is slipping on the spool, your anchor knot was not tightened properly.
  18. Hey ! I like old fashioned rods.
  19. The reel backlashing has nothing to to with your thumb 's width, if such thing had to do anything with the reel backlashing I would have been in trouble the moment I purchased my first baitcaster, I 've got small hands and my thumb isn 't wide enough for the spool of a Chronarch Mg. The problem is that you don 't stop the spool rotation with your thumb when the bait hits the water. It 's a problem of eye-hand coordination that gets solved by practice.
  20. Yup, sacrifice accuracy and casting distance ---> nonsense. A short handle rod allows you to work your jerkbait with a snap of the wrist without having the longer handle bumping on your forearm. BTW, the only rod where I use both hands to cast is my swimbait rod, try casting a 2+ oz swimbait with one hand and you won 't last an hour.
  21. The Daiwa Tierra has a water sealed drag, but since there are no reels that are water tight you 'll have to do exactly what it needs to be done every time your reel gets wet ( sealed drag or not ) dry it.
  22. The only fishing goal I have since the moment lil Raul actually bacame a fisherman last Dec is to take the kid fishing the most I can.
  23. Bass will eat anything as long as it 's capable of swallowing it. As of how they relate to bass, well, they eat all the plankton they can get and being plankton the base upon which all aquatic life depends having a massive plankton eater is not exactly the best.
  24. I had a Mag TS Crankbait, I really liked the way it behaved, if it wasn 't for that Batson reel seat ( that is no longer used in the newer rods ) I wouldn 't have sold it.
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