Hope it with passion, it ain 't pretty !
My maternal granfather died of larynx cancer, horrible is a mild way to put it, I was a kid and sadly the only thing I remember about my grandfather was him on a hospital bed with tunes coming out of him and the sound of the suction machine removing those putrid fluids out of his lungs.
My mom had breast cancer, she lost a boob and all the nodules on her left arm pit, thankfully it hasn 't appeared again.
One of my aunts ( sister to my father ) also had breast cancer, later she had uterine cervix cancer, she spend the last five or six years of her life in pain, not because of the cancer but because of the destroyed nerves after the radiation therapy. She didn 't die of cancer, she died of something else.
My paternal grandfather 's brother died of skin cancer, pieces of skin literally fell from him, at his funeral the mortuary had to place towels around his casket because all the fluids that came out from the skin falling to pieces, yucky and sad.
Many members of my family have suffered from various types of cancer.