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Everything posted by Raul

  1. There is no right way nor wrong way, like with all baits you have to figure it out by trying in different ways until you find the "right" one. Haven 't fished that bait in particular because I haven 't purchased it but I 've got similar baits. Sometimes deadsticking and an ocassional twitch works, other times is reel in steadily at a slow pace, other times it 's jerking the bait continously and so on. As about the deep water, there are a couple of lakes I fish that were created by damming a canyon, the lakes are very deep and the shorelines are from pretty steep ( more than 45° slope ) to almost or vertical walls, those lakes are commomly quite clear and you can see the fish either rising from the depths or come for the baits for a very long distance.
  2. Ozone can destroy the chemicals.
  3. I 've got a Color C-Lector unit I inherited from a friend who passed away, he was a sucker for fishing gadgets and got any gadgety looking thing, if he were alive now I bet he would have purchased a Biosonix unit. I even got a big bunch of Color C-Lector approved baits form during the Color C-Lector craze/era ( same way I 've got photofinish lures from the photofinish craze/era and guanim finish lures from the guanim craze/era ). I 've never paid too much attention to the gadget when my pal was alive and we went fishing, he used it extensively and don 't remember seeing any evidence his catch ratio getting better when choosing the colors the unit recommended. :-? The unit is there somewhere gatheting dust and the only reason I haven 't trashed it is because it has sentimental value.
  4. Braid doesn 't do well when rubbed against rocks, the tournament guys from northeast Mexico learned that lesson the hard way when fishing tournaments down here in the canyon reservoirs in central Mexico where their 50-65 lb braid snapped on a regular basis. You should have seen their faces when they saw us fishing with 6/8/10 lb test copoly or FC.
  5. We use The Force my young padawan. Hard to explain, it all adds up, you feel with the thumb as the line getting low on the spool, you hear the reel ( hums different as the line gets lower ); something you get with practice and time. Many moons ago when I began fishing with baitcasters I used to watch the spool to determine when to stop it, nowdays I hardly ever watch it, I just cast and know when to stop it.
  6. You would have to start by having to define "finesse", for many finesse means light lures, light line; for others finesse means not exactly fishing with teeny tiny baits and hair thin line but a slow methodical approach with regular baits and line ( ex: deadsticking a 7" inch senko with 12+ lbs test ). To me the first is UL/L fishing and the second would be finesse.
  7. It 's a miracle that a bill lasts so long, but no matter how well they are made the Federal Reserve has to print a lot of new bills on a regular basis, also, bill crispiness has a lot to do with how bills are handled nowdays, old soft bills and bill counting machines and ATMs don 't work too well together ( the bills stick to each other ) so when an old bill ( those that look pretty beat up ) reaches a bank it 's removed and the Federal Reserve changes it for a new one. In many countries low value bills have been replaced from money paper to plastic, it 's cheaper, lasts longer and it 's a lot more difficult to counterfit, also, it works a lot better with bill counting machines and ATMs.
  8. Hope it with passion, it ain 't pretty ! My maternal granfather died of larynx cancer, horrible is a mild way to put it, I was a kid and sadly the only thing I remember about my grandfather was him on a hospital bed with tunes coming out of him and the sound of the suction machine removing those putrid fluids out of his lungs. My mom had breast cancer, she lost a boob and all the nodules on her left arm pit, thankfully it hasn 't appeared again. One of my aunts ( sister to my father ) also had breast cancer, later she had uterine cervix cancer, she spend the last five or six years of her life in pain, not because of the cancer but because of the destroyed nerves after the radiation therapy. She didn 't die of cancer, she died of something else. My paternal grandfather 's brother died of skin cancer, pieces of skin literally fell from him, at his funeral the mortuary had to place towels around his casket because all the fluids that came out from the skin falling to pieces, yucky and sad. Many members of my family have suffered from various types of cancer.
  9. Why? Because we (humans) have a history of making mountains out of mole hills. Chicken Little syndrome. Global warming? It's CFC's. Fish kills? Gotta be poison. Weird sex organs in fish? Gotta be birth control. We want a simple explanation for every event regardless of it's complexity. We have such a short view of nature in general... in the context of time that is. 1000 years ago we were, for the most part, living in huts and eating bugs and stuff. Now we know why the planet is warming up and why bass have some weird organs. As a whole I consider us very pretentious in regards to our environment. We may mean well, but we actually know very little... and we are darn quick to accept simple answers (especially those which fit agendas). My two cents. You don 't buy the birth control pills theory ? dude didn 't you read what a fish farmer replied ? how about reading what a veterinarian says about what hormones can do and are used for, I also worked for several years at Mexico 's fish department, we used hormones ( testoterone ) to grow an all male tilapia population in fish farms. We know when the gonads ( sexual organs ) of tilapia and other fish differentiate ( turning males into males and females into males ) and we can manipulate them to do what we want to do, in this case, we want them all to be males and that what we get after feeding them with testosterone, scientific fact with a very practical purpose. Fit agendas ? whose agendas ? or it 's just another of those conspiracy theories ?
  10. The answer can be very simple: because he likes them. I 've got a truckload of GLoomis rods and those 20+ years old Berkley Lightnings are still amongst of my favorites.
  11. Oh yeah, it 's getting cooler ....... haven 't seen the sun in over a month either ! it 's been raining for over a couple of moths on a daily basis , it rained all night long, yesterday ? yup it rained, the day before ? you guessed right, it rained ! It 's rained so much that algae is growing on the concrete on the shady spots of my house 's patios, can go fishing to all the nearby lakes ( them dirt roads are mud ! > ) so I have to calm my desires fishing my cousin 's ponds. :-[, not that I complain too much, but it 's beginning to get boring catching the same fish and fishing the same place over and over again.
  12. Why aren 't you buying it ? in women it 's birth control pills, in cattle it 's all the hormones used to increase fertility and milk production in the case of cows, sheep and goats, those hormones gotta go somewhere and they leach from the soil ( impregnated with urine ) into the water systems. Sure, mother nature has it 's ways, some species of fish can change sex ( sea bass, clownfish, freshwater swordfish ) and that trait has a name: protogynous hermaphroditism, but that 's not the rule but a few exceptions. In cattle there 's syndrome called Freemartinism, when a cow is pregnant with twins and one of them is a male and the other is a female the female is born with male characteristics but it 's sexual organs are not well developed ( genital infantilism ) and the cause of that is the hormones ( testosterone ) released by the male fetus.
  13. Have you checked the BPS website ? not only they inform the gear ratio but also the IPT.
  14. The Devil knows more from being old than from being the Devil.
  15. Also depth, width and bottom contour of the lake has to do with it Sammy, for example, Zimapán is narrow ( canyon ) and very deep ( up to 600 ft ) while my everyday lake is "flat" and shallow ( 45 ft at the deepest part and when full pool ). Can become a roller coaster ride in a second.
  16. When fishing with removable split shots: Place the split shot on you line and crimp a little, turn around your line and loop it again on the split shot slot, crimp fully. That way your line won 't slide and won 't get damaged, otherwise the split shot slides ( even if crimped fully ) and causes abrassion to your line.
  17. Wiry lines do have a lot more tendency to fluff up and finally backlash than silkier lines, in this case 17 lb test XT is pretty wiry, so tighter brakes setting, more tension and thumbing help a lot reducing the tendency of the line to fluff up ( and backlash ). I 've been a XL, XT and Big Game user for years and I don 't recommend heavy XT unless you really need it, Big Game is a much better option beacuse it 's not as wiry as XT. However XT in the lower ranges ( 6-8 lbs ) is a great line for fishing, doesn 't coil much and it 's very abrassion resistant.
  18. Fast wind and big waves don 't necessarily happen together, the fastest wind I 've fished lately were 40 MPH at Zimapám, man you practically stripped your reels clean of line when casting in the direction the wind was blowing , but no big waves, on the other hand, at my everyday lake a small wind ( 10 mph ) turns it into something like a scene taken from the Perfect Storm film.
  19. There is no such thing as "the best" it depends on the application, I don 't get it why when somebody says spinnerbaiting everybody jumps on the "get the fastest you can" reel same ole story, burning a spinnerbait is not the only way to fish a spinnerbait. For slow rolling big bladed heavy spinerbaits you better have a reel with a lot of torque, so a slower reel is better for that application.
  20. Shimano 's Crucial St Croix Avid Those are nicer rods than a GL2 at that price range, but as I said, I don 't use my GL2s for fishing baits that require a lot of feel, I use them for cranking, spinnerbaiting and topwater fishing. The ammount of sensitivity they provide is enough for me to manuever a crank or spinnerbait through the standing timber in my everyday lake. If were to purchase a rod for worming/jigging not having ( or willing to spend a lot more ) GL2s would not be my first choice, I would rather purchase a Crucial or an Avid.
  21. You can rig french fries any way you want, as many I have my favorite ways to rig them: Split Shot rig Tail weighted wacky rigged C-rigged
  22. You still got FS454 ? ..... man that 's a blast from the past !
  23. As it should be, the CBR is a crankbait specific ( crankbait series ) rod with a moderate action ( regardless of the power ) while the MBR is a Fast action rod. Rooster, for a worm/jig rod I would purchase no less than IMX ( all my "feel" rods are IMX and that single GLX ), for other stuff like I mentioned GL2 's do the trick, sensitive enough to do what I want them for and not too pricey. I don 't see anything wrong in sitting an 80 dollars reel on an IMX but don 't ever sit a Chronarch Mg cuz you 'll get spoiled beyond repair forever. GLoomis IMX + Chronarch Mg = match made in heaven. CR721IMX + Daiwa Liberto Pixy = 11 in the scale of 1 to 10 in the funometer scale.
  24. Let 's go to the Shimano Waypoint ! ;D Kinda sad when you think about it.
  25. Used to be that way, not anymore, I still have my first older than dirt fiberglass spinning rod .... man it weights more than my graphite rods all together ! and I got a bunch of graphite rods, you can imagine how heavy it is, needless to say it 's like fishing with a rubber band.
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