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Everything posted by Raul

  1. My man, no "how to" is going to bring you success, fishing is an art, it depends greatly on the ways and forms an individual makes use of hi/hers tools and most of the fishing rigs and techniques were and are created by the people with the "what if ?" mentality, it 's a matter of creativity not a matter of following instructions like if it was a manual.
  2. A lot of crankbaits don 't like to be retrieved fast, the first thing they do when reeled in fast is to lay down on it 's side, they run a few yards rolled on one side and then roll to the other side, the baits moves crazily from left to right ( or right to left ) just to jump to the opposite after sevaral feet, si your bait never runs true following a straight line.
  3. And it 's available in several colors.
  4. Oh my, somehow I missed the spinning vs baitcasting ole thread, it 's been weeks since this so popular thread has been touched ..... again. Wait, we are still missing the righty vs lefty thread Nonsense
  5. That 's how I learned, sticking to one bait until I consistently caught fish with it.
  6. Same frame different animals, 1.- All domestic TDZs have Magforce V ( notice I said domestic, nowhere I said JDM versions ), Zillions have Magforce Z. 2.- TDZs have flipping/ pitching versions, Zillions don 't 3.- All domestic TDZs have a ceramic/graphite composite spool, Zillions have aluminum spools 4.- TDZs have a lower line capacity spool, Zillions have large capacity spools. 5.- TDZs are super lightweight, Zillions are heavy if compared to TDZs 6.- Most TDZs have 80 mm handle, Zillions have 90 mm handle. 7.- TDZs have a couple more bearings than Zillions. 8.- The fastest TDZ is slower than the fastest Zillion. From the performance stand point some TDZ versions ( TDZ105H ) will make a Zillion fall on it 's knees beggin for mercy when it comes to cast light lures, other TDZ versions vs Zillion versions are pretty much even. Even though discontinued TDZs are great reels and now they can be found relatively cheap ( used ).
  7. There are many brands from where to choose, Rapala has the Original Minnow, Husky Jerk ( suspending ), X-Rap; torm has the Thunderstick, BPS has several minnows from where to choose and all of them are cheap ( 5-7 dollars ).
  8. Me telling you do this and do that and you 'll catch fish would e misleading, so when I fish a jerkbait what do I do ? here we go again....... it depends. Let 's put an example, I caught my first 10+ lbs bass fishing a Rapala original minnow size 11 RT pattern, the pond where I caught it is typical of the irrigation ponds we have down here, rectangular shape, 10 ft deep at the deepest part, crystal clear, weedy bottom, this pond has about one third of it 's surface covered with cattails. I was standing on one of it 's side, made a cast and the bait landed about 2 meters from the cattail bed, what I did next was to leave the bait floating there ( deadsticking ) where I could see it, after a while I twitched the bait a little barely enough to make the bait 's head dive just to float again in the same spot, waited a couple of minutes, twitched again and so on, must have been 10 minutes of repeating the technique, about when I was going to retrieve the bait the bait dissapeared without any water movement around it, I watched the line as the fished moved away with the bait and then set the hook, after a few minutes of battle I landed the fish. So in order to make the bait produce you have to try different presentations until you find the one that tickles their fancy, there are many ways to retrieve a jerkbait.
  9. I 'm positive that if someone runs bove a spot you want to fish the fish don 't care long enough for it to matter. I troll a lot when moving form one spot to the other and the fish bite right after I passed upon them, don 't think it 's more than 20 seconds between the boat passing above them and the bait they bite passing at their noses behind the boat.
  10. I wouldn 't worry about the color, I 'd worry more about the fish being able to locate the bait which means moving the bait with a lot more frequency than I would if the water was clearer.
  11. Starter kit ?
  12. Well Cart does have a point there, but if mold is growing on the handles of your rods I 'd said that the basement environmental conditions are allowing the mold to grow, what kind of mold ? man I wouldn 't be in your basement without a face mask, I don 't want to catch lung aspergilosis. Dark, humid & poorly ventilated basement ----> rod and health hazard.
  13. You are welcomed to fish at Zimapán with me any time you want to find it out on your own.
  14. Double fluke ( or monkey ) rig.
  15. Well, I used to know the D-shot rig as "hook above sinker rig" before somebody renamed it as drop shot rig.
  16. The drawback of going under the specs is that the rod does not absorb the shock, the line does.
  17. Daiwa spinning reels are super smooth right out of the box because they also have more bearings than a comparable Shimano, Shimanos become silky smooth with use. In that size the Stradic is a lot faster than the Tierra/Sol, the Stradic has an IPT of pretty fast 34" while the Tierra/Sol only has 28", 6" mathematically speaking don 't seem like much but it 's a difference of 6" per turn of the handle, for example that would mean the difference between reeling in steadily a buzzbait and keeping it on top with little effort doing it with a Stradic while cranking like mad with a Tierra/sol to achieve the same result.
  18. How much is your eye sight worth ? Using El Cheapo is as good as using nothing, even using nothing is better than using El Cheapo, you can 't over ride your eyes built in protective systems when not using anything.
  19. Did a survey ---> how many samples ? every how many sq ft ? The degree of a survey is proportional to the ammount of samples taken.
  20. Ignorance Leo, let 's put an example ( I use the dairy farmer as an example because I 'm familiar with it, many of my relatives are and have been dairy farmers for generations and I 've worked with some of them ), the dairy farmer makes it 's livelyhood out of milk, to him cows are not only a source of income but also are viewed as milk producing factories on four legs. In order to produce milk the animal has to get pregnant and deliver a calf ( otherwise it doesn 't produce milk ), but that "simple" process is not as easy at it seems and it cost money, every day the cow is not pregnant is costing him food, shelter, workmanship, property taxes ( not upon the cow but upon the land ) and so on; farmers may posses a lot of empiric knowdlege about cattle, you may add to that empiric knowledge a little scientific knowledge provided by us vets or by pharmaceutical companies however you seldomly see a dairy farmer who is a veterinarian. The entire universe of a dairy farmer begins at the dairy farm door and ends at the same place, they don 't know and don 't care to know about waterways, ecosystems n 'all that stuff, all they want to know is about cows, sheep or goats producing milk to make his livelyhood so in a way we vets and pharmaceutical companies have part of blame because we only circusncribe our knowledge to provide the farmer with the elements he need in order for the animals to produce milk. Dang ! you didn 't notice the cow was in heat so you can 't inseminate it right now ..... no problem, I grab a bottle of Lutalyse ( a synthetic prostaglandin ) take out a dose, inject it to the cow and in about 72 hours the cow will be in heat and ready for insemination. But what happens to the product once it 's done the job it has to do ? it 's excreted whole or as a methabolite in the cow 's urine, falls on the floor and nobody worries about it anymore. One of my uncles has a 250 in-line cow dairy farm, that means he 's got at least twice as much animals, you know how many times I perform the procedure I described in a week ? at least 10 times a week on average, so it 's just a matter of multiplying, if that procedure takes place only in one dairy farm how many times it 's done in a region of dairy farms ? thousands of times. But we have rain, it rains and the product that nobody worried about is washed from the dairy farm floor and it goes into the soil and if it rains more then it leaches from the soil into the waterways, do that on hundreds of dairy farms and you are talking about pounds of a very powerful medication leaching into the waterways. But we ignore that ( not willingly most of the times ) because our entire universe is circunscribed to the dairy farm we own or we work on.
  21. Mmm, let 's see, birth control pills contain natural or synthetic estrogen & progesterone, dairy farmers use a lot of corionic gonadotropin, prolactin, prostaglandins, estrogens to boost milk production, correct fertilty problems or calendarize litter deliveries and knowing that we can maipulate the sex of farm fish by feeding them hormones ....... Why am I not surprised at all ? :-?
  22. Don 't forget the drain plug ! Been there done that. :
  23. Man, what a nice buck you got yourself there Paul !
  24. I never lost interest in fishing but for a period of 5-6 years gardening and attending to dog shows took a big chunk of the time I dedicated to fishing. Showing dogs and attending to dog shows for me is now a thing of the past, now I 'm only waiting for my dogs to die out of old age, from the 15 I had now I 'm down to 4 ( 3 of which are over 12 years old and they aren 't going to last much ). For a brief period of time during the last year I began to regain interest ( I wanted a beagle or a flat coat fox terrier ) but said to myself " what for ? " my wife doesn 't like dogs, my kids don 't pay attention to them, I 'm the doggy guy and I 'd rather not have anymore. Gardening ? well you can 't plant on top of another plant, now all is mowing, prunning, deadheading and that doesn 't take me too much time because my garden isn 't that big so I 've got a lot of spare time left. Flying RC planes and helos is cool but the kid 's ability to fly them is questionable to say the least and the club is only open if the weather is good ... So, let 's go fishin !
  25. Which chemicals, Doc? Proteins, hormones ( natural or analogs ) are proteins and ozone denaturalizes them.
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