Man, we crankers do that, banging the bait against objects only helps out to create an erratic action the catch is you don 't necessarily need them you can live without them, the art of crankbaiting is giving the bait an erratic action added to the built in action to create a positive response of the fish ( attack response ) making it look like if:
1.- It is alive
2.- It is an easy meal
In your own words: "ram the bait and the fish then can not swim upright, veers wildly, goes to the surface, nose dives down"
That is what we recreate with the bait, many people tend to think of crankbaits as cast and reel in and leave all the work to the built in action but that most of the times doesn 't cut it, most of the times the built in action only is good to attract the fish but not enough to trigger the attack response we are trying to obtain.
We reel in, stop, twitch or jerk, allow the bait to rise, remain neutral or sink, twitch, jerk, pause, reel in, pull, change directions to make the bait come to life; how many times we pause, how many times we twitch or jerk, how much we pull or how fast or how slow we reel in is not written as a book of instructions, we try several times with variations until we find the type of erratic action the fish respond to, it 's something you learn with time and practice.
Crankbaits can be divided, cataloged or grouped depending upon how deep they dive, upon their profile, upon the presence of rattles and so on, in other words crankbaits are not equal and even between groups and divisions there are differences, let 's put an example with lipless cranks, the most well known or the most representative bait of this group is Bill Lewis ' Rat L-Trap but this gruop has lots of other lipless cranks like Rapala 's Rattling Rap or Cotton Cordell Spot or Heddon 's Bayou Boogie, they are lipless cranks but the difference in the frequency they wiggle, the sound they emit ( in case of rattling baits ), the vibration they emit is different, one day you slain them with the Trap the next day they don 't even sniff at it. One day reeling in a lipless crank at warp speed is the ticket, the next day that approach doesn 't work, you have to experiment to find the retrieve technique that works best.