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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Uhhhh, no, I don 't think so, you won 't take my Daiwas unless you take my TDZs, Alphas & Pixies from my cold dead hands.
  2. Jerkbaits : just don 't play macho with it, 10 lbs is the most you 'll need, 12 + pounds ..... you really need to fish with a coiled wire ? Spinnerbaits: you gotta do what you have to do.
  3. The oil is NOT for the drag washers, it 's for the spool supporting bearings.
  4. From now on you 'll be known as Darth Core, Darth Core .......... rise !
  5. Define what "work well" means to you. Will they serve you ? yes they will But they won 't work and behave as they were designed for because they are no longer how they are supposed to be, that M XF is no longer M XF if it 's missing 6 inches.
  6. I 'm not a crafty kind of guy, if I were I would have molds n 'stuff to pour my own creations, so I don 't recycle used soft plastics. What I do is I use them until they are repairless and then into the trash can.
  7. Well, I got one boy and one girl, so far this is what I 've discovered: 1.- Purchasing toys for the kid ain 't much of a problem, there 's a bunch of stuff from where to choose and whatever I like ---> he likes; purchasing toys for the girl ....... you got me on that one ! 2.- Purchasing clothes for the kid, no problem either, denim trousers, shirts and t- shirts, if I like them ---> he likes them !, purchasing clothes for the girl .... better have her mom choose them otherwise ---> got me on that one too. BTW, it 's cheaper to dress a boy than it is to dress a girl. 3.- Almighty pulled a fast one on me, the boy is like me, no body hair ( no hair on the head either ), the girl ? ...... she 's like her mom ( hairy ), she 's only 5 and I can see them hairy legs already , gotta save for her body hair removal laser treatment. Truely, I wouln 't have minded if it were the other way around, there 's nothing wrong with a hairy guy. 4.- The kid and I can have a good time together, we can play video games, go fishing, play ball, with the girl ...... you got me there too ! 5.- The kid, oh well, he 's like a tornado, his mom always whines that he plays with dirt, with the dogs, he enters the house looking like Pigpen ( actually I think he 's he is Pigpen in the flesh ) The girl is the exact opposite, she 's always clean, well groomed and so on. So I wonder, why the Almighty didn 't give me two boys ?
  8. Bait monkey is biting everyone No s*t ! FEDEX guy passed by my home yesterday, dropped a box with my name on it, I opened the box and there they were, 5 packs of Jackall Sasuteki Craws, 5 packs of Jackall Cover Craws, 10 packs of Strike King Rage Craws, 5 packs of Strike King Rage Shads and 5 packs of different size/style Owner hooks. ..... Man, I don 't remember ordering anything lately :-?
  9. No mistake, it was intentional, otherwise it wouldn 't be funny.
  10. You ain 't an old fart ... yet, like many of us.
  11. 60 bones is a flesh wound, $450 is a good bite on the left cheek. ;D
  12. If you guyz up north are thinking I 'm going to stop rubbing it me being in bass fishing paradise being able to fish all year long-----> forget it ! ok ?
  13. Man, I 'm are surprised to read what I 've read or what ?!? The_Natural a scammer ? I 'm not going to say I 've got Sherlock Holmes abilities to discern the character and behavior of a person by his tackle "purchases" and say "there 's something fishy going up here", no kidding, my pals and I when we go to purchase tackle we purchase like if it was the end of the Earth and tackle was no longer going to be made. Purchasing that much tackle is not strange to me, selling it later is also not strange either. I feel sorry for him, what drives a person to take the things to that point is simply beyond me. I wish he learns the lesson when the authorities catch him. But also, my idea of justice is that you weep what you sow and if you have to pay ( in time and/or money ) you will have to pay at the fullest extent of the law.
  14. I haven 't tried those yet, some years ago at a flea market I stepped upon by accident with guy that sells factory seconds baits buy the piece, I saw this BassAssasin Mag Assassin look alike baits but with the paddle tail, obviously they are saltwater baits, who made them ? I have no idea because there 's nothing on them ( no label no nothing ), well they looked interesting so I purchased a few and as usual with so much stuff I got I simply forgot them, then about 6 months ago, while organizing my stuff ( a direct order from the Dictator herself ) I "found" them, well, why not give them a try ? I took them to my usual lake, rigged them with a weighted hook and proceeded to swim or flip them into cover ... oh boy ! did I get a surprise, I caught fish with them all day long. By looking a the swimming fluke I imagine they are kind of a smaller version of those baits I got, something like a mini paddle tail swimbait, maybe a good substitute for my Ecogear 's BTS ? ( which are expensive, hard to find and literally tear down if you happen to look ugly at them ).
  15. Well, with spinnerbaits and buzzbaits and jigs the problem is the hook itself, those kind of baits have thick gauge wire hooks, they need more energy to penetrate the tissue, if the tip bends faster that means that the full power ( backbone ) of the rod blank kicks in faster and drives in the hook literally causing the fish to impale itself on the hook.
  16. Them Roumbas down here are the kind of bait that only a few know about and nobody wants to talk about, you literally anhilate bass with them here. And you didn 't hear it from me, ok ?
  17. That 's exactly the idea, the hook point reaches the point of entry in the tissue faster in an extra fast tip that it does with a fast tip, also, it reduces the ammount of energy necessary to set the hook because the rod is stiffer at the the tip and has to bend less. Now, how faster it is ? miliseconds How less energy is needed ? a few newtons But, as usual it depends, there are days when a bass hits a bait and literally munches on it, on days like those it makes no difference if you have a fast tip over an extra fast, and there are days when bass barely mouths the bait and spits it right away, on days like those the extra fast tip helps you to hook the fish before it spits the bait.
  18. When a blank is rolled on a mandril the blank material creates a seam between the two parts of the material as it cures, this seam is known as "spine", an area where the blank material is slightly thicker. But this spine doesn 't follow a straight line beacuse the material is rolled. When the rod is under stress ( bent ) the blank twists along the most resistant part along it 's length, the spine. Spiral wrapping places the line guides along the spine to make use of the strongest part of the blank, if not placed along the spine the guide lines follow the torsion of the blank misaligning them, the load is not even, spiral wrapping follows the spine thus reducing the tendency of the rod to rotate as it loads or when it 's loaded. Off the shelf rods are not spiral wrapped for several reasons, most of them have to do with cost production: 1.- It takes an experienced person to find the spine --->increases the cost of production 2.- Since you need an experienced person to find the spine the process takes time, and when you are manufacturing hundreds of rods on a daily basis ---> increases the cost of production 3.- Increases the time of production and reduces the output ---> increases the cost of manufacturing 4.- To compensate for the increase of production the rod should cost more. So spiral wrapping has very little place in the mass production system, it has place in the custom rod built system or in the relative "mass" production of very high end gear where the price of the rod compensates for those small "inconviniencies".
  19. "Needed" ---> no Useful ---> jigs, soft plastics, spinnerbaits.
  20. Not bad. We down here ? oh man, we don 't have to wait for "spring" so the fury critter has all the time in the world to bug us.
  21. You can fish through your entire life with one rod and reel if they are chosen to be realtively multipurpose, shure, I like many other got sometimes more money than brains, add to that that I 'm a tackle junkie and I 've got a big bunch of reels and rods, however looking at in retrospective 1 rod and reel combo gets to see more action than the rest all together. That means that the rest of the setups I carry are there practically just to rub my ego ( look, I got a bunch of stuff ! ). 4 rods and 4 reels ? ---> man you 've got all you need.
  22. Falcon this, Falcon that, El Salto this, El Salto that, yadda, yadda, bla, bla ..... You 'll never know how Paradise looks like unless you 've been to Sugar Lake. only a stone cast away from MacAllen.
  23. Fluorocarbon goes back to a very long time, but it was only sold for leader material, not for main line, also, spools of fluorocarbon were teeny tiny and $$$$$$$$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . Let 's take a look at shakey heads, well, shakey heads and I go way back to the early 80 's, the jighead rig is one of my favorites, but regular jigheads had several disadvantages: 1.- the relation of wight vs hook size was always wrong for my purposes, light jigheads always came with a teeny hook, not big enough to rig weedless the bait, and the ones that had a big enough hook were too heavy. 2.- you had to fish them with an exposed hook and in my neck of the woods that meant you hang up in an eyeblink. So I wondered, what if ? ..... I get a mold and pour my own jigheads with an oversized hook ? got the mold and began pouring my own jigheads with an oversized hook so I could rig my baits weedless on a jighead. First time my buddies saw me with them they went ---> :-? I 'm not going to say I invented the shakey head, it 's hard to "invent" something new when ther must be a good hundred guys with the same preference I have that must have also wondered ..... what if ? I learned to fish on my own and I see no particular reason why a fish won 't hit a bait even if it looks rather unusual, I 'm a tackle junkie and I like to read the history of tackle development, the inventor of the spoon developed it after seeing a fish hitting a spoon that fell overboard when he was having lunch on a boat while fishing, after seeing that he must have wondered ..... what if ?
  24. If braid is what you like then you can use braid for weightless soft plastics, nowhere is written that you should use other kind of line, as long as you use the appropiate thickness you are using the "right" line. 30 lb braid is as thin as 6 pound test mono.
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