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Everything posted by Raul

  1. No more that $80. I was thinking about a Clarus 6'6" MHF with 15 lb PowerPro, for senkos. What do you think? I have that rod, the blank is very powerful but not with 15 lb test Powerpro is as thin as a hair and won 't stand sharp objects ( like rocks ), I wouldn 't spool such thin line, 30 lbs is what I would use.
  2. Now the big question, how much you want/will/have to spend ?
  3. Weigthless ? how light ?, senkos ? how light ? Any rod can cast a 5 inch senko, weighting around 3/8 of an ounce the bait is anything but light; a 4" senko weights little less, any rod can cast a 4 inch senko, now a 3" senko that 's when things start to get interesting, that 's the point where you need a rod that loads with the lighter weight. Weightless ( the correct term should be unweighted or no sinker ) would also have a lot to do with how heavy the bait is, a "weightless" Sweet Beaver or a Brush Hog for example are still pretty beefy baits, while a "weightless" trickworm is pretty light and won 't cast well on a MH rod because it doesn 't have enough weight to load the rod properly. I don 't understand why you can 't get a solid hookset with a MF rod, I get solid hooksets with a UL rod so that makes me think that your lack of good hooksets has more to do with: 1.- Your hooksetting technique 2.- The way you rig your baits 3.- The sharpness of your hooks 4.- The thickness of your hooks Alone or in combination or all together. You use a very different approach to hook setting when you fish with a low power rod and light line than when you fish with a more powerful rod and heavier line.
  4. Uhhhh :-?..... nope. Don 't see any particular reason to get one, specially after witnessing yesterday what my one of my Pixies was capable of doing, casting an unweighted 3" dinger 50 yards away against a strong wind. 8-)
  5. Call 1-800-DUMBLEDORE, ask the dude to wave his magic wand and turn the Revos S into a Citica.
  6. Here we go .... again :, another stickbait ( Senko/senko look alike ) thread. :-/
  7. It 's hard for me to determine the size by looking at a picture alone without any references or having something to compare, it could be indeed a Spooky Jack Jr ( have no reason to doubt it ), Ospreys and Optimuns are not expensive but the Fish Arrow is, it sells normally for around 40 dollars if it is a Jr and for around 50 dollars if it 's a regular. You got them all for $15, that 's most definately not a bad deal.
  8. It doesn 't have hinges connecting the sections like the Strike King Sexy Swimmer.
  9. Just a note, never ever mix that Fish Arrow with any other kind of bait, the tail melts if put in contact with other soft plastic. Also, the tail is attached to the swimbait by a couple of wood picks, be shure the wood picks are tight in the holes or you 'll end up with a tail less bait and those tails are not easy to find. It 's almost impossible to find replacement tails. Lobina Lures used to carry them but apparently they clearanced all their Fish Arrow stock, which included baits and replacements.
  10. From left to right: There are several swimbait companies that manufacture those line-thru swimbaits, so it 's hard to tell exactly which brand, they look like Osprey Talons. That 's a Fish Arrow Spooky Jack swimbait Sebile Magic Swimmer. Optimum Internal Head
  11. Change the tip, you need a tip guide, a lighter, a little piece of Hot Glue and pliers. 1.- Heat the tip 2.- Grab it with the pliers and pull it out 3.- Heat the glue until it 's pliable and make a small roll with your fingers 4.- Insert the glue roll in the new guide 5.- Hold the tip guide with the pliers and heat it until the Hot Glue melts 6.- Insert the new tip and align 7.- Soak your fingers and smooth the excess glue, while the glue is still hot ( if you don 't soak your fingers you can get a really nasty burn ) 8.- Insert the tip in cold water to harden the glue.
  12. Some of the reasons why I stopped using pork: 1.- Well in the hot dry climate I live in pork becomes a pork rind in an eyeblink, leave your jig dressed with a pork trailer unatended and the trailer rapidly becomes a mass that won 't come easy from the hook. 2.- Pork requires tunning cuz 90% of the time the legs of the pork frog are all kinked and twisted. 3.- Back in the old days pork trailers came in them little cute glass jars with a metal lid, the brine solution caused corrosion and corrosion cause the jar to get sealed kinda like ..... forever ! 4.- The lid seal ends up getting worn up, the brine seeps through the lid and if the bait is colored the brine is colored too, if that solution happens to fall on your clothes or let 's say the carpet of your boat it gets stained like .... forever ! if the bait is not colored then the brine falls on everything you got in yor t-box and corrodes anything it touches, I want to see your face when you happen to open your terminal tackle box and you see all your precious hooks all rusty. 5.- The jars, man, they don 't fit anywhere ! The Allmighty be blessed for the invention of soft plastic.
  13. Durability ? the rod is as durable as you make it durable, my oldest rods date back when I began fishing, that would be 36 years ago. Build quality ? you can get build quality from a 25 dollars rod, quality components ? now that 's a different story. Sensitivity ? depends on how much you want/need, from 70 and up you begin to obtain sensitivity an you begin the diminishing returns around the 250 mark.
  14. Well I 'm a bait junkie like since I can remember, at the beginning of my bait addiction when I began purchasing tackle and being a novice I just had to purchase everything I saw so I ended up having spinnerbaits in almost every blade shape you can find, in almost every configuration you can find; nowdays and 30 years later the ones that see all the action are: single Tennessee and single willow leaf, with those two I cover almost any fishing situation. I put much more emphasis on depth and speed than I put in blade shape.
  15. Don 't have picture of it. Weight = 13.86 lbs Bait = Rapala Shad Rap SR7 SD Rod = Berkley Ligthing Rod LR16 5 '6" Reel = Abu Garcia Ambassadeur XLT Plus Line = Trilene Big Game 10 lbs Place = Presa Emilio Portes Gil aka " San Lorenzo ", Tamaulipas. Month = March 7, 1989 Weather = Clear bluebird skies, sunny, slightly windy Time = exactly ? man I don 't have that good of a memory but it was between 12 and 3 pm.
  16. Are you inferring that I am not enthusiastic?! Just kidding:) It is a relief that I can pull it all off with three casting rods, cuz that is all I can afford... Ok, the sheriff didn 't word it right, let me rephrase that song: If I were on a very tight budget that 's what I would get, 3 rods and 3 reels: 1 spinning, 2 baitcasting.
  17. Do we Make Fishing Too Complicated? Yup, most people make fishing too complicated.
  18. Okie dokie, you want screw lock shakey heads. So far and I 've purchased from several brands to try, I haven 't found a single non screw shakey head that keeps the bait attached to the head, the bait most of the times simply slides from the bait keeper when a fish bites and what gets ripped and broken is the head of the bait, the next time you insert the head on the bait keeper once it 's torn on the first fish just keeps popping off. So back to pouring my own, now that Do-it has a mold for shakey heads it 's easier all you do is get the hooks, the bait keeper and the lead.
  19. Rod, reel, & line suggestion for shakey heading ? ....... uhhhhh ..... that would depend on how much the shakey head weights and how much the bait to be riggged weights so I might start anywhere from UL to H rod, from 6 lbs to 14 lbs line ( and maybe even 17 ) depending upon cover density and type and reel either baitcasting or spinning depending upon what mood I am.
  20. Veterinary surgeon, you need to make good money just to keep the BaitMonkey alive and well. :
  21. Look at all that BLOOOOOOOOD !!! :) ( note: Quantum Red Sauce used for demonatration use only )
  22. Nice Pike ! Down here we don 't have those, but we do have theethy toothy critters along the Gulf, gars !
  23. 80 mm. The handle is measured from the center of the knob screw/rivet to the other.
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