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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Agreed. Algae will do more good than harm, in fact the worst it will do is louse-up the sight-fishing for spawning bass, and how bad is that? Roger So basically if the bass are always cleaning the nest,then in the Algae on the bottom,if conditions are right,I should have no trouble finding nests??? No, fish once nested don 't leave the nest and if they move from the nest they don 't go too far they come back. Of course if you hook and remove the fish from the nest and move it far away from it most probably it won 't come back, but if it 's a male it will make a new nest and wait for a female ( s ). Not all bass females spawn at the same time, they spawn thoughout a period of several weeks ( the season ) so throughout a season nests are filled with eggs from different females guarded by the same male. Algae blooms also help to maintain the water temperature high because the increased amount of suspended particles act like a heat reservoir.
  2. No, it will not affect the spawn, the fish continously clean the nest-
  3. Tilapia is the most common bass base forage, it 's everywhere, most of government run stocking programs are with tilapia and mirror carp, the intent is in theory to provide ejidatarios with a source of animal protein for them to consume and an alternative source of income ( by commercial fishing ) added to what they can obtain from farming. The lake is located in Jalisco, the town on Tepatitlán, 2 hours drive from my hometown.
  4. All the fish from that lake ( actually most of the fish you catch here in any lake ) look like that, just the way I like them short and fat, tilapia is a wonderful forage base. The tilapia from that lake get also quite large, catching a 5 pound tilapia is a common event. Remember what we were discussing about the lake productivity & fertilization ? I mentioned a lake near the town of Tepatitlán surrounded by chicken farms and the manure leaching into the lake, well the lake I mentioned is the place where that fish was caught. It has several names: Calderón, La Zurda, La Red.
  5. Saw those hooks I posted ? those are for T-exposed rigging, a must in my everyday lake where octopus hooks hang up on the sumberged timber in an eye blink.
  6. down here when the biguns start the spawn, look at what a pal of mine caught this past week from a yak in a lake about 2 hour drive from my home ( I 've been to that lake and have caught numerous 5-6-7 pounders ) 14 lbs 10 oz on his Rapala scale ( don 't know how accurate it is but it sure is one big momma ).
  7. Hmmmmmmmm, purty darn itsy bitsy teeny tiny baits you got there don 'tcha think ? if I ever tie them size baits you got there in your list it would come to me as no surprizzzze if I only catch dinks cuz that 's waht I would catch by the truckloads, those are exactly the kind of baits I use when all I want is for little Raul to catch feesh; my recomendation, first of all, drop those Standout hooks and get you some real macho dropshot hooks like these 2/0 and 3/0: And then use some real macho baits if what you want is to catch yourself some bigger bass, 7 inch worms, yup 5-6" senkos, 6" lizards, 5" Baby Brush Hogs, 5" Slug-gos. Think BIG.
  8. Speaking of Shad Raps, the bait I fish the most is the Shad Rap, not only it 's available in a big bunch of colors and sizes ( Shad, Shiner and Baby Bass I my favorites ) it 's also available in mutliple variations, wood and plastic, plus different bouyancies ( floating, low rising and suspending ) : Shad Rap Shallow Shad Rap Shad Rap RS Glass Shad Rap Jointed Shad Rap All of them catch fish.
  9. For that money I recommend a Shimano Clarus, very good rod. BPS 'Bionic Blades are also good rods.
  10. Best 11 dollars you 'll ever spend.
  11. Shad Raps are crankbaits, Husky Jerks are jerkbaits. A bait doesn 't have to be fat to be a crankbait.
  12. Ppl don 't know how good a reel is out of the box because they never bother to have it cleaned, re lube and re oiled before using it for the first time.
  13. That reel has 2 copper shims and a spring, the spring is toast or it 's missing one of the shims. The spring becomes toast when you leave the tension knob tightened during storage, reason why you should back the tension knob and the drag after you finish fishing. While you are at it ( ordering the spring and/or the shims ) do yourself a favor, purchase the anodized aluminum tension knob cap, check the schematics of a Castaic 200 BSF for the part number ( the cap is compatible ) and change that EL CHEAPO plastic tension knob cap. Plastic tension knob cap in a 120 dollars reel --------> PLEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >
  14. For you guys complaining about how much they last, there 's this product that makes your baits last a longer: BTW, get the 1 oz bottle, the 1/3 oz bottle lasts nothing.
  15. Well, you got the link provided by T-bird, now on the other hand, why not pay attention to experience ? I 've been servicing my reels for almost 30 years, in theory grease should be used on gears, right ? well, I thought that if grease should be used on ALL gears the levelwind gear should be greased, I did that, some months later I had to replace the pawl of my only BC reel beacuse it grinded so bad that it was no longer working, the dust & dirt bind and get trapped to the grease turning it into a very abrassive paste capable of grinding down the pawl teeth in a matter of months with use. After that experience I discarded the use of grease on the levelwind worm gear and used heavy oil. Problem solved, after changing the pawl that reel has seen more than two decades of use without further part replacement.
  16. Then it 's time for you to get a Bait X Concept, it 's one my favorites and a great producing crankbait.
  17. Bingo ! I 've got those two rods ( 722 & 782 ) and even though rated the same they don 't behave the same.
  18. Heavy bait + factory installed brakes = spool at warp speed rotatation Heavy weight + spare brakes = spool at impulse speed rotation.
  19. Don 't need the fishing line, in my neck of the woods there 's ants ( the larvae are considered a delicacy, they are called "escamoles " ), numerous types of cacti ( you can eat cactus and the fruits they produce ) actually the fruit of two types of cacti are some of my favorite fruits ( tunas and garambuyos ), there 's also rattlesnakes, mezquite trees produce numerous seed pods ( sweet as sugar ), there 's also frogs & toads ( frog legs ---> yummi ! ). Agave grubs are also delicious.
  20. I 've always thought that a 3/0 hook is too small. I shakey head anything I can rig on a shakey head and them 3/0 are too small for baits like lizards, some craws and 7"+ worms.
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