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Everything posted by Raul

  1. From where, may I ask, you heard such nonsense ?
  2. Did you use backing before spooling that braided line ?
  3. Owner Mutu Light.
  4. I've caught the same 10+ lber 4 times the same week in almost the same spot. That on it's own should be a record.
  5. MAYBE ---- > DON'T COUNT.
  6. How can you know it was the largest if you didn't land it ?
  7. Well, I don't think they can get GROUND shipping right to the UK.
  8. flouro breaking easy? how come I'm not surprised ?
  9. Oh well, this one has been with me for a while and never saw the need to get another one :
  10. Well, I don't have to worry for the next ...... ( looking at just how many I got ) 5 or 6 decades !
  11. And hopefully a bigger one with my name written on her .........
  12. Pork like.
  13. Armadillo stew .....yummi ! Can't help it, I'm mexican, we eat anything ! ( well, I don't eat insects )
  14. As long as you don't go back for another one ........
  15. 'how bout those videos where G Brown catches ( and releases ) near 20 lb big mommas ?
  16. Cowboy boots and supper ...... hmmm, gator burgers .....
  17. WHUT ?!? All my spinning reels have BOTH printed on the spool, on half of the spool there's the lb/cap, on the other half is the dia/cap.
  18. Why not YoZuri hybrid ? 8 lbs would be my choice, more user friendly than 10 lb and ridiculousy strong, better sensitivity than plain nylon.
  19. It's a 9 YEAR OLD POST.
  20. 1/2 oz makes 90% of my lipless crank fishing.
  21. 6 lb test YoZuri Hybrid. ( I HATE Fluorocarbon )
  22. Well, to my eyes that's the answer, unless you precious AR floats ....
  23. How can you have a "confidence lure" if you don't fish ? A couple of fish on a crankbait ain't exactly nuff to make that crankbait a confidence lure. ..... ahhhh, the good ole days when I was teaching myself how to fish for bass when, for months, the only thing I used to cast was an in-line spinner hour after hour ..... then, after many months later when I consistently caught fish with it was time to try something different, how about a jerkbait ? .......
  24. Dropshot Texas rigged Carolina rigged Jighead rigged Split shot rigged Split shot nose hooked rigged Fish Arrow got this cool jigheads with a propeller. Live bait rigged.
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