After a while and being a few baits under ( a "few" .... yeah, right : ) following some simple steps you seldomly loose baits anymore, most importantly, you loose cranks:
1.- Get a lure retriever ( plug knocker or telescopic pole ), best 8-12 dollars you 'll ever spend.
2.- Check the condition of your line regularily while you are fishing, cut and retie as needed, which means that depending upon the conditions of cover and bottom composition can be many times in a day. Don 't be lazy.
3.- Tie good knots, the weakest spot in a line without abrassion is the knot.
With those three you seldomly loose a lure.
Other baits can be a little bit more difficult not to loose, spinnerbaits are almost unloosable, but the same doesn 't apply to other baits like jigs or worms, I think of them as a toll I 'm going to pay for fishing, a jig I pull from my T-box is a jig that very seldomly returns to the T-box, a sacrifial lamb for the Gods of fishing . Soft plastics ? oh well, I have a hate/love realatioship with certain baits, for example GYCB Senkos, yes, there are other similar baits like Dingers, but there are days that they don 't cut it, when I 'm not having the results I expect with them then it 's senkos and I know that I 'm not going too many fish out every bait but you gotta do what you gotta do.