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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Well, the Torno and the Eon have been two of the worst Abu reels I 've ever purchased so making the assumption that because a company has been doing something for so long is making a wrong assumption, every company at some point has made bad reels. As for the durability, if them Revos are made like my XLT Plus reels they should be bullet proof, if they are made like Eons and Tornos ... run for your life.
  2. When you are in Rome do what romans do. I 've caught trout on practically every lure I have in my T-box ( man those yellow Heddon Sonics murder trout down here ) with the exception of jigs while fishing for bass up in the sierra, heck even caught catfish too. So most lures are not that species specific, the catch any predatory fish. If you are fishing in waters where there are other predatory fish aside from bass and those fish require the purchase of a stamp then you get the stamp ..... just in case the warden shows up, better once blushed than a thousand times pale.
  3. I 'm in love with my CR721 ( only IMX ), oh baby ! :-*
  4. Or wished to have the 100+ extra bones to get the GLX. However, there 's nothing "wrong" in an IMX.
  5. For hunting the big uns: Brush Hog For everyday fishing, well I don 't have a favorite, somteimes I use a grub, other times a straight tail worm, others a craw.
  6. No stinger/trap hook here too.
  7. If you are going to buy fluoro then buy good quality fluoro like P-Line Fluorcarbon, Seaguar Carbon Pro n 'such.
  8. not only they hang around 'gills, they hang around on their own or with anybody they can hang around, tiny bass are larger bass food, security is in the numbers.
  9. You would transporting fish from one body of water to another and that could be illlegal.
  10. It depends, if you are going to pour for your personal use as a hobby, heck ----> forget it !!!, good molds cost money, unless you just fish with one type of bait you need molds for different worms, grubs, creatures, etc, etc, so the investment in good quality molds is large, you can easily shell out a grand just in molds, then you add the supplies ( plastisol, colors, metal flake, etc, etc ) and turns to be quite an investment. The only way for making it less expensive is to sell part of what you make and keep what you need and pour the most you can to reduce the cost per unit until you reach a point where it 's cheaper for you to pour than to purchase. Now, as a hobby the story is different, I pour jigheads, lately I 've been pouring some soft plastic baits, for me is a hobby so cost matters little, plus I get the satisfaction of catching fish with something I made, My compadre, a couple of pals and myslef have been catching fish lately with the baits I 've poured, actually I don 't sell the baits, they give me part of the cost of the supplies, I pour, then we split the production. Good way to spend some time in days when for whatever reason you can 't go fishing, better way to kill some time than spending several hours watching TV or playing with the game console.
  11. Fluoro stretches as much as nylon.
  12. Just to clarify, Chronarch Mgs have never been green, they are silver, actually there 's only one Chronarch 50/51 Mg, and it 's silver; older Mg Chronarchs were CH100 Mg, still, they were silver body with golden handle and spool.
  13. Choose what you like, learn to fish with it real good, while sensitivity is important it 's more important to be focused with your bait and watch your line. I use all types of line but most of my fishing is done with nylon.
  14. It actually depend and varies from state to state and which species is considered by the state as "gamefish" and what is nor considered as gamefish, in some places bluegill is considered as gamefish and if the law says no gamefish as bait then it 's illegal, if it 's not considered as gamefish and there 's no law against using live bait then it 's not illegal. From the site: Game fish are: largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, spotted bass, redeye (Coosa) bass, shoal bass (Flint River smallmouth), Suwannee bass, white bass, striped bass, striped-white bass hybrid, rainbow trout, brown trout, brook trout, white crappie, black crappie, American shad, hickory shad, flier, spotted sunfish (stumpknockers), rock bass (goggleye), redbreast sunfish, redear sunfish, bluegill (bream), warmouth, walleye, sauger, muskellunge, chain pickerel, grass pickerel, redfin pickerel, channel catfish and flathead catfish. There you have, your brother was breaking the law.
  15. If you are born in the States you are not an inmigrant you are a citizen so behave like one regardless of where your ancestry is from. If you are not born in the States but by law you can be a citizen and live in in the States then be a citizen. Now, if you are an inmigrant ( resident alien ) you are the prospect of a citizen until you become one, behave like if you were a citizen. Robert does have a point, lot of people don 't know why 5 de Mayo is a celebration, BTW, did you know that General Ignacio Zaragoza the hero of the battle of Puebla ( 5 de Mayo ) was a Texano ? ( was born in what now is the City of Goliad, Texas ), unfortunately he died of typhoid fever a few months later, as result of loosing a commander of that quality the Mexican army was defeated by the French army a year later. Shameful behavaior if you ask me.
  16. I 've got a bunch of those, actually I collect them, they are purty darn pretty, the truth is, they don 't have better action nor are more fish catching than Rebels 's Wee Frog ( an old favorite of mine ) however they cost 3 times more. So for fishing ---> Rebel 's Wee Frog For collecting ----> Megabass Type X Actually Rebel 's Wee Frog has been around for more than a decade and it 's a very good bait to catch numbers of fish, I 've never caught anything big on it but it shure has been fun to use it. Unfortunately they have been hard to find nowdays so you have to order them direct from Lurenet.com, that 's how I replaced the ones I 've lost throughout the years.
  17. Raul

    Mothers day

    Well, I did go feeshin yesterday , in Mexico mother 's day is always May 10th regardless of the day of the week.
  18. That 's some good advice, if you can only have one then go for the middle one, even though fast is a little bit stiff for the cranking business you can compensate the rod stiffness to a certain point by fisihing with a lighter drag setting when cranking, the drag will slip when the rod takes the full load when the fish pulls hard.
  19. Not to my knowledge. For example, my most productive popper is the Hula Popper, but how can 't it be my most productive if have fished with it for 3 decades ? but there are days they don 't want the Hula, they want something else, then I pull out another trusted one, the Chug Bug and that does the trick, it 's still a popper but the profile is different and the sound is different, so you never really know what they want in particular until you try, you start with the trusty ones nad if they don 't work then change for another.
  20. Another solution, get a transducer mounting bracket for the TM or a suction cup transducer mounting bracket, that way you can switch back and forth in between boats.
  21. Instead of checking the max HP rated check the weight of them HPs, why ? cuz them 4 strokes are pretty large and weight more than 2 strokes of the same HPs, do the math of the max loading capacity of your boat and if it 's within the limit of the boat then you can get the bigger 4 stroke engine, also in flatbottoms correct weight distribution adds stability and safety. I remember when I had this truly unjustified urge to get a bigger engine for my 12 ft tub and jumping from 6.5 Hps to 10 Hps ( max rating of the boat ), I went to Academy and they had both 10 Hp 2 stroke and 10 Hp 4 stroke, man, the 2 stroke looked like a toy next to the 4 stroke, also the 4 stroke weighted a lot more. Finally I ended up discarding the idea of an upgrade, the truth is that for the places I fish on a regular basis 6.5 is a lot more than I really needed and if I ever wanted to go somewhere where I could benefit from a larger outboard it was just a matter of asking my friend Pedro to lend me his boat, or better, talk him into going with me.
  22. There are a ton of variables in fishing success, the hard part sometimes is to determine which ones are making an importance and which ones are not, line color would be at the bottom of that list of variables, when two anglers fishing the same bait & the same gear with the exception of different line color have two significantly different results in the catch ratio I would blame it more on the multiples variables of the presentation than on the line color. I use clear, fluorescent blue, green & smoke colored line in different set-ups ( I use line color to identify the lb test ) and seldomly can put the blame on line color for having different results than my partner.
  23. I 've got several PopMax and for me they perform well, just as well as the Hula Popper, Skitter Pop & Chug Bug. It 's a matter of finding what kind of sound they want.
  24. Gar are prey munchers, they do not behave like northerns, muskies and many other predatory fish which come and swallow their prey fast, gar chew on the prey for a long time before swallowing it, so for fish like gar you can fish with cut bait and a large bobber ( you can use a balloon for that purpose ), let the fish take the bait and move with it for as long and as far as it wants and when the bobber sinks get ready for a good hookset to penetrate that really hard bony mouth. They can be quite hard to catch and apparently if they know you are after them they don 't bite, I 've caught many by accident while fishing for bass or for catfish ( with cut bait ) but it 's more like they know I 'm not after them, it 's only a matter of me planning to fish for them and they dissapear. :-?
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