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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Uhhh, what "rage". :-? Uhh, maybe cuz regular hooks are sold out and the only ones left are red you might think so, actually, several times I 've encountered this problem in several stores, no regular colored hooks but a lot of red leftovers which btw I 've found to be chaeper and a lot more times on sale than regular colored hooks. So lately I 've been forced to purchase red hooks, which after a while loose their color and end up pretty shiny. It makes no difference to me, as long as the hook is sharp and good quality I don 't care what color it is. Nope, no difference at all. Now, if you think/beleive/hope red hooks are going to make you catch more fish I 'm the first one to tell you should use them.
  2. Fish that always swim just as aquatic mammals ( like dolphins ) "sleep" , half of their brain shuts down to rest while the other half remains active.
  3. Yes they do.
  4. A couple of weeks ago I got my June edition number of BassMasters Magazine, having as much time lately as I got needless to say I just tossed it where I put my magazines where it remained unopened for two weeks, well, yesterday I just had to take a trip to where the king goes by himself and I remembered I had the magazine unopened, perfect time to open it and see what 's "new", holy cow, it 's purty darn slim !!! , only 80 pages, man, that ain 't enough for having a good bowel relief unless you got a severe diarreah. BM should patent it 's diet and make a ton of money by selling it to the heavyweights.
  5. Well, what can I say ? now RW knows why I can 't decide what I like more between Daiwas and Shimanos. Man, if he liked the Fuego I can only wonder how much he would like a TDZ or a Pixy ( even if it 's "pink" ).
  6. Not every bait works for everybody all the time, I would call buzzbaits of any brand as junk, no matter how much I try I just can 't catch fish on them, but are buzzbaits "junk" ? well, given the fact that a very large amount of anglers catch fish on buzzbaits I don 't think they are junk. So if it isn 't the bait then it must be me. The problem is when you think of a bait as a do it all magic wand. Personally, those Rage craws are great.
  7. Well, it 's the time of the year when my everyday lake is missing at least 20 ft of water and the submerged timber is now visible, something that deters pleasure boaters, water skiers and jet skiers from having fun running up and down the lake at warp speed so they have to stay at the dam part of the lake.
  8. How good is your line after a while, specially nylon line, depends on many factors, most have to do with the storage conditions either on line spools or line already spooled in a reel. Nylon line stored in a cool, dry, dark place lasts many years, I know it because normally I purchase bulk spools ( 1000+ yards ). Extreme dry conditions, exposure to UV light, exposure to heat weakens a lot nylon line, such thing is true either for spools as it is for lines already spooled in a reel. Let me put you an example, I purchased by mistake 6 or 7 years ago a 6,000 yd bulk spool of 10 lbs Trilene Big Game, even though I change line with relative frequency 6,000 yards is a huge bunch of line, since I 've got so much I not only spool my reels but my compadre 's reels and several of my friends ' reels. One day I spooled a couple of Pedro 's spinning reels, two months later he complained that the line broke easily, about the same time I spooled some of my reels with that same line, I didn 't complained about the line, on the contrary, so why the difference in performance ? to make the story short, as soon as I get home I clean my gear and store it in a cool, dry, dark place, the same place where I store bulk spools, my friend Pedro doesn 't do such thing, so in a matter of 60 days the line in his reels degraded while mine didn 't. I must say, besides storgae conditions there are other things like the ones already mentioned, line is cheap, so if you are not shure how it was stored or how much it has suffered then change the line.
  9. The end of the world must be very near because I kid you not, not a penny spent on my behalf on anything.
  10. You mention you dropshot a lot so, pardon me, but I don 't see why the Twitching Bar could be advantageous for droshotting, you give life to the lure with the rod not with the reel and what the Twitching bar does is to retrieve a small amount of line into the reel. For other techniques where retrieving a small amount of line is part of the retrieval technique then I can see an advantage, no need to turn the handle to pick up the slack. I don 't own one but I 've fished with one, the reel is nice, casts well, looks good, has good line capacity, a good drag; I even used the twitching bar to see what it does and how it does it, howver there 's something that bugs me, the A spring that helps operate the Bar, my experience with other Diawa reels that have used that type of sping has been bad in the longer run, the spring looses it 's strenght causing looseness, or the feet of the spring breaks where it forms the 90° angle that attaches it to a hole ( in this case a hole in the frame ), besides, the bar is on top of the reel in a perfect spot where if the reel happens to have an accident ( like falling on the ground or the deck ) it can get broken or bent. Now, it may not sound as so big of a deal if you happen to live on a country where all you have to do is call a 1-800 number and you will get a spare part, for me it is a big deal because I don 't live in such a country and that represents that I won 't be able to use the reel for a long time until I get the spare part. If you want a more in-depth review of the reel check TackleTour, in the reel section there 's a review of the reel.
  11. [quote author=767D70796B777A7B7E72717A7B1F0 link=1274796149/12#12 date=1274982498 Gotcha. Thanks! Why is a double fluke rig called a monkey rig anyways?
  12. Monkey rig = double fluke rig
  13. I got the SF, get the Curado E. The only reason why I would get an SF over a Curado E is because I like the SF a lot but it 's not that better over the Curado E, no HEG, larger, heavier and it performs about the same.
  14. Narco bandits carry big guns, usually automatic rifles or submachineguns not your grandpaw 's shotgun, usually it 's not one narco bandit but several so that means several guns, normally their intent is to rob you not to kill you, so there you are feeling all full of it inpowred because you are carrying a gun, dude, you ain 't Chuck Norris, you are outnumbered and outgunned, in a macho act of stupid bravery you pull out your gun to "protect" yourself from them narco bandits and what was only a robbery pretty much becomes an encounter at the OK Corral with you as target. Let them take the boat, the gear and let your insurance company deal with it, no boat or gear is worth your life.
  15. My Berkley Lightnings are more than two decades old and they feel and behave the same way like they did when new, actually, I still fish with them, not as much as back then and they have been relegated to to perform the least glamourous chores now however I don 't think they are worn out.
  16. If you are going to carry a bag on your back for 1/2+ mile hell, the more you carry the more it weights and you ain 't a mule. I do a lot of foot patrol, yeah I own a boat but there are places I can 't carry it, so foot patrol ( something I 've been doing for most of my life ) is my main way to fish. I found a small bag which holds a 3600 size box in the larger compartmet and 2 small compartments where I carry other stuff, doesn 't weight a ton and now that I come think about it ..... don 't know what 's the reason for me carrying a big bunch of stuff when I fish from the boat while I 'm capable of fishing with a much smaller and lighter amount of lures. :-?
  17. Snap ---> cranks, hard swimbaits Snap-swivel combo ---> in-line spinners Direct tie ---> cranks, swimbaits, spinnerbaits, hooks.
  18. T-Rig C-Rig Split Shot rig Wacky weighted or unweighted rig Shakey rig Neko rig Monkey rig Live bait rig D-shot rig Weedless rig
  19. Heavier wire hooks help stabilize baits like the Rooster and the Eeliminator, one of the things Big O said when I inquired about the eeliminator was that he used super line hooks when rigging the eeliminator I didn 't use a super line hook when I tested mine, I used what I had at hand, regular wire 4/0 EWG hook and the bait kept spinning, after changing the hook for a super line hook ( heavy wire ) the problem of spinning disappeared when rigging the bait weightless.
  20. A lot of factors come into play when about casting distance is involved, some are in the reel, some are in the rod, some are in the line, some are in the lure and some you can 't do anything about it because it 's not in your power to modify those factors. Can a Curado cast a 1/4 ounce bait ? yes it can, any decent baitcaster can cast a 1/4 oz bait but, how far ? ----> with which rod ? with which line ? with which lure ? with which settings ? Some cranks cast and fly like a friggin rocket others cast and fly like crap.
  21. Breaking rods is an exception and not the rule, if you guys see how rods are manufactured and the quality control that 's made to those rods then you would not blame rod breakeage to the manufacturer but to yourselves most of the times. I 'm going to play the devil 's advocate in this issue. the material is cut and rolled, then baked, depending upon the manufacturer and upon the level of rod samples are taken randomly for testing before blanks are assembled, take to a lab where the techincians perform performance and destructive tests to those samples from each lot, why before assembly ? because if there 's something wrong in the lot they can detct it before assembly and take the precautionary measures to insure the quality, if the samples perform like they should then the lot is given approval to continue the process, that 's why I say that rod failure is rare occurence. We are talking here about two guys breaking a total of seven rods not about seven guys breaking seven rods, the chances of such event happening are minimal. You are either really unlucky or you are doing something wrong.
  22. I 've always loved to watch TV documentaries, specially National Geography documentaries, I remember particularily this one about sea turtles, I must have been 5-6 years old, it 's been more than 40 years from that I visualize like if I 'm watching it right now when the baby turtles dig out and crawl on the beach to the sea as fast as they can trying desperately to reach the sea and a bunch of sea birds ( seagulls and other species ) eating them, I cried, my mom when she saw me crying only told me that it was Nature 's way and that death is a natural occurence that takes place every second of every day and that 'it has been going on since the birth of times, one species is the food of another.
  23. 4 broken rods , man or either you are terribly unlucky or you are doing something terribly wrong. I 've been fishing for 37 years and I 've only broken 3 rods, 2 of which were broken by my own fault, so in 37 years and a bunch of rods from different brands only once I 've got a defective rod.
  24. It depends upon who is on the front of the boat.
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