Setting the hook on a noodle for rod is an art form in itslef but you got to have develop the correct hook setting technique, the correct bait rigging technique with the right size/width hook and the right drag setting.
You don 't try to "cross their eyes" with a light powered rod you use the backbone of the rod and the fish 's weight to set the hook, when you detect the bite lift the rod as you reel in the slack quickly and maintain the pressure at all times using your rod as a lever, the more the fish pulls, the more it will hook itself. If you try to crosss their eyes the only thing that will happen is that the rod will absorb the shock and the ammount of energy applied to the hook point is reduced greatly because of the shock anrsobing proprties of the rod.
Rigging the bait properly also helps, most anglers are used to hide the hook in the bait to maintain weedlessness, that works great when fishing with heavier gear, but that doesn 't work with lighter gear, why ? because you loose energy that instead of being directed to the hook point and penetrate the mouth is directed to drive the hook through the bait, To solve the problem your riggig should have the least ammount of plastic to go thrugh before it can exit the bait, T-exposing and skin hooking are your best friends for fishing with low powered gear.
Hook width is very important, the wider gauge the less energy you 'll have to drive the hook through the bait and into the fish 's mouth, thinner wire hooks allow you to drive the hook with less energy and that energy is not lost so greatly, it 's easier to drive in a needle than it is to drive a nail. Light gear has not enough power to drive in a super line hook properly.
Hook sharpness is of the outmost importance, razor sharp hooks all the time.
Drag setting is important when fishing with light rods & light lines, you just can 't tighten the drag all the way down because the drag is there to protect both tools, rod and line, drag too tight ---Z the line breaks or the worst case scenario, the rod breaks. So how much drag you need ? depends on both, rod power and line test, but in general terms, how much drag ? as much as you need to make the rod bow and then the drag slips.
If you want to learn how to fish with light gear I suggest you go panfishing, the best practice you can have is panfishing.