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Everything posted by Raul

  1. If ever KVD would come to my everyday lake and fish against me that day you could easily put your money on me cuz I 'd whup him good, let KVD fish my everyday lake for 3 days then I would not be that shure I 'd whup him, give the man a week and I 'll be putting my money on him. Just because a pro is a pro doesn 't mean the person is unbeatable, they are human operating at a level you could hardly level in the same circumstances.
  2. Old habits hard to break, uh ? Not exactly d-shot nor jigging spoon in my case, Rapala jigging jerkbait, yup that kinda stuff them northern guys use to fish through holes in the ice, there ain 't a lot of iced lakes in my neck of the woods, one of those what if ? moments
  3. For what I read you guys never fish a topwater frog ( or mouse in this case ) in open water, you should try it.
  4. Well, if you decide to trash it I wouldn 't mind accepting part BTN0829 ( anti reverse pawl ) from you, I need that part to put mine back in business. :-/
  5. Revos SX Daiwa Advantage Daiwa Tierra
  6. When Chuck Norries goes fishing Chuck Norris doesn 't cast the bait, the bait runs away from Chuck Norris.
  7. Setting the hook on a noodle for rod is an art form in itslef but you got to have develop the correct hook setting technique, the correct bait rigging technique with the right size/width hook and the right drag setting. You don 't try to "cross their eyes" with a light powered rod you use the backbone of the rod and the fish 's weight to set the hook, when you detect the bite lift the rod as you reel in the slack quickly and maintain the pressure at all times using your rod as a lever, the more the fish pulls, the more it will hook itself. If you try to crosss their eyes the only thing that will happen is that the rod will absorb the shock and the ammount of energy applied to the hook point is reduced greatly because of the shock anrsobing proprties of the rod. Rigging the bait properly also helps, most anglers are used to hide the hook in the bait to maintain weedlessness, that works great when fishing with heavier gear, but that doesn 't work with lighter gear, why ? because you loose energy that instead of being directed to the hook point and penetrate the mouth is directed to drive the hook through the bait, To solve the problem your riggig should have the least ammount of plastic to go thrugh before it can exit the bait, T-exposing and skin hooking are your best friends for fishing with low powered gear. Hook width is very important, the wider gauge the less energy you 'll have to drive the hook through the bait and into the fish 's mouth, thinner wire hooks allow you to drive the hook with less energy and that energy is not lost so greatly, it 's easier to drive in a needle than it is to drive a nail. Light gear has not enough power to drive in a super line hook properly. Hook sharpness is of the outmost importance, razor sharp hooks all the time. Drag setting is important when fishing with light rods & light lines, you just can 't tighten the drag all the way down because the drag is there to protect both tools, rod and line, drag too tight ---Z the line breaks or the worst case scenario, the rod breaks. So how much drag you need ? depends on both, rod power and line test, but in general terms, how much drag ? as much as you need to make the rod bow and then the drag slips. If you want to learn how to fish with light gear I suggest you go panfishing, the best practice you can have is panfishing.
  8. By having the having the right stuff you won 't have to end your fishing trip after hooking a good un, get a fish chain stringer.
  9. 5-6" are far from being light, any reel can cast them.
  10. Light baits won 't fly far and easily with 10 lbs test and a MH rod; 6 lb test and a ML-M rod is more likely. Light baits ( I 'm not speaking about a 5" senko that weights 3/8 oz, any decent baitcaster can cast that ) don 't have enough weight to load the rod, to load the rod you need a lighter powered rod, also 10 + lbs line is quite thick so the bait doesn 't have enough energy to pull it out from the reel and make the spool spin. Reduce the braking and the tension to allow the spool to spin more freely. Casting light stuff with bc gear even though the reel has a part in it is more about the proper line and the proper powered rod.
  11. Tough choice, I like all my setups, however that tennis elbow case made me fish with spinning gear I acquired this strong taste for this set-up which I originally purchased for the foot patrol: GraphiteLeader Bosco GLBS602ML/Daiwa Revros 2004/6lbs YoZuri Hybrid. Been using it every week for over a year and a half for practically evreything except for the largest/heaviest baits. Tennis elbow sucks bigtime ! >
  12. The worm I fish the most is a straight tail worm ( trickworm ) Why ? because it works and back then during the age of the dinosaurs when I began fishing there wasn 't much assortment in shspes from where to choose.
  13. There are a lot of good rods for under 100 dollars, some: Shimano Compre ( my first choice ) Shimano Clarus Falcon Original Falcon Low Rider All Star All American Classic All Star Team All Allstar
  14. I was born and lived in Mexico City until I was 16, and ...... I don 't trust air I can 't see. ;D
  15. Raul

    WTH ?!?

    Them gators sure don 't look skinny to me, on the contrary, they look well fed.
  16. Raul

    WTH ?!?

    Found it in another site, actual Florida road sign .... too funny ! ;D
  17. Common carp jump a lot, specially during the morning and at dusk.
  18. Boy, there are other good trickworm colors: Yellow Sherbert Bruised Banana Black Yellow Swirl Green Yellow Swirl Funky !
  19. Fishing THE MOST dangerous sport ? More dangerous than rock climbing ? more dangerous than Luge ? more dangerous than snow skiing ? Nah, I don 't think it 's THE MOST dangerous sport, it depends a lot on how you practice it, a foot patrol in my neck of the woods can be dangerous depending upon where you go because we got all kind of poisonous critters down here like rattle snakes, africanized bees & scorpions, plus other nasty critters than can give you a hard time like fire ants, wasps and bumblebees, plus really thorny vegetation, however when you have grown in such a place you are used and know how to deal with those hazards. You and your lack of skill, knowledge, precautionary measures and a good dose of stupidity are what makes a sport dangerous. If it comes to danger, heck, you can drown while drinking water from a glass.
  20. A bait doesn 't have to mimick anything in particular a bass could find to eat where it lives to be effective. I use a lot of 'dad baits in ponds that have no 'dads ( never have and never will have ) and they catch fish.
  21. It is indeed a Baby 1 minus, it used to come as part of the gift pack you got with your subscription to BM magazine. I got one somewhere in the old lure/ collectible T-box but I don 't remember when I got it.
  22. Man, you have resolved on of the mysteries that puzzle my everday life, I began realizing that the TP roll suddenly fit the TP dispenser when a few years ago it never did.
  23. Yup, 3 casts later after I released it.
  24. nah, nah, I don 't think someone poisoned him, me thinks he just grabbed that unfamiliar rig freewillingly and poisoned himself in the process, kinda like stepping on poison ivy.
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