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Everything posted by Raul

  1. In my neck of the woods there are no shad and one of my favorite weapons are crankbaits.
  2. One thing is sure for me, those Sure Set hook are purty darn sure setting for wood in my everyday lake > . I have replaced them for normal trebles in my cranks that came with them.
  3. Casting far is a matter of rod length, rod power, line diameter, reel brake settings, casting techique, lure weight and lure aerodynamics. There are many lures that may fly like a rocket and others even though having the same weight fly like crap, there it 's not the weight what matters but the aerodynamics, a good example are Rapala original floating minnows, those fly like crap no matter with what you cast them, you won 't win any distance casting contest with them.
  4. So: Best sub $100 baitcaster... This one Daiwa Procaster PR100H My arsenal is filled with TDZs, Alphas, Chronarchs, etc, lots of mid high-high end reels and I tell you that reel at clearance for 40 dollars @ TW is not only a killer deal but also that reel is very far from being junk.
  5. Which Procaster ? TW is clearancing the Procaster 6+1 ( PR100H ) @ $40.00, now between that reel and a Callisto ----> Procaster PR100H hands down and blindfolded, not only the price is a killer deal, but also that reel is a very good reel, I know it because I 've fished with it, hardly a POS.
  6. The tension knob is loose, when you tighten the tesnion knob the sideplay on the spool and handle disappears.
  7. Been saying it, them Rage Craws ( regardless of size ) are the real deal, best craws I 've fished with.
  8. I had 2 Magnesiums, 6 '6" All Around and Crankbait, ok so here 's the deal, the rods I purchased was when Kistler used Batson reel seats and guides, I did not like those components and was one of the reasons why I got rid of them, other things I really liked about them, the blanks were great, great cork ( better than the cork in my GLoomises ), excelent finishes, the handles were a little bit too wide and bulky for my hands. Now that the reel seat has been changed for a Fuji reel seat you will find the Magnesium a very nice rod to own.
  9. Cut the hooks, add a split ring and do not unscrew the hook hangers, add a drop of Super Glue to the screws.
  10. Doesn 't matter to me Doesn 't affect at all.
  11. Are Jigs Too Big For Ponds? No I caught my first 10+ pounder in a pond Actually that same day I caught another 2 I 've caugh a lot of 10+ pounders out from "ponds" if you can call a pond something as big as a swimmimg pool. So no, jigs are not "too big" for ponds.
  12. It doesn 't expire but it dries out, the acetone vaporizes and it dries, so you need to check it frequently and add a little acetone when it thickens.
  13. Black Jitterbug. Why ? because besides that it works I like how it sounds
  14. I 'm old but ...... not THAT old ! However I do have to admit that I remember my dad purchasing 8 tracks for the player of his Galaxy 500. I learned 'puter on an Apple II and on a HP 3000 III series at high school, man that HP was BIG ! ( it needed an entire room. Cable TV, phone, running water, color TV n 's such, we 've always had those.
  15. Another Zoom lizard fan here.
  16. On a hookset: 1, defective polymer injected tip new model Berkley Lighting Rod, the rod exploded Trying to unsnag a lure when I was fishing from shore: 2
  17. The rod can break, is not wise to exceed too much the MFR 's specifications, let 's say for example you have a rod with a max rating of 1 1/2 oz and you got this 1 3/4 -2 oz swimbait, well most likely the rod is not going to break, yeah it 's going to cast like crap that bait but you are not exceeding the rating by too much, but pushing it by tying let 's say a 2 1/2 oz then you are exceeding by too much, don 't cry if your rod breaks.
  18. I 've fished Trilene XL for more than 2 decades and even thoufgh it 's a great very limp line it 's abrassion resistance is near zero so I don 't fish it in abrassive environments because of that, you will loose a lot of lures when fishing with it if you don 't check it ofenlty, any nick will cause the line to break easily under tension.
  19. Use spinning gear.
  20. The bail spring has lost strength, it 's just a matter of replacing it. Just a question, do you close the bail by hand or turn the handle to do it ? turning the handle to close the bail causes the spring to wear out fast, I never do such a thing, I always close the bail by hand, I 've got several spinning reels some of which are more than 20 years old and they function normally.
  21. Mend-it as you mentioned. just one little tip, when you apply the glue to the bait the bait will break all along the places it was damaged, worse holes than it had in theory, don 't freak out, the glue melts the plastic all you need to do is to press the nose of the bait and hold for a few seconds so the tear can join, then release the pressure and allow the glue to dry ( a few minutes ), ther you have the bait will be reapaired and ready to use again.
  22. A plano 3700 will hold 4-6 bags per row ( depending on bag size and how many bags per bait ) x 4 rows = 16-24 bags of baits per box.
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