How bout this for some more DUH moments:
A couple of years ago my friend Pedro and I went shopping to MacAllen, no shopping trip is complete without visiting Academy, Pedro and I purchased several things we needed for our boats ( a TM arm extension was one of them ) and while we were at it in the boating accesories section Pedro saw bilge pumps, grabbed a couple then the conversation followed this route:
Pedro: "aren 't you going to buy one ? ",
Raul: what the heck do I need a bilge pump for ? ",
Pedro: "well, sometimes you need it, all you need is a piece of hose and you can conect the pump to your TM battery "
Raul: Dude, but all I have is the tub .... nah I don 't need it !
Then on the next aisle I saw the anchors.
Raul: "let me get one of them anchors"
Pedro: " what the heck you need an anchor for ? you already have anchor "
Raul: " well, sometimes you need another anchor, one for the front and another for the back of the boat "
Pedro: " c 'mon man, Poncho can make the anchor for you, let 's not carry more junk !" ( I understood what he meant because by that time the car was already packed with stuff, plus all the stuff we were going to purchase )
Raul: "man, how nice would it be for your boat to have a couple of pedestal seats "
Pedro. " which pedestal seats ? "
Raul: " ya know the pedestal butt seats, like the ones you see on bassboats"
Pedro: " ahhhh, yeah !, do they have those here "
Raul: "shure, there are the seats, now lets find the pedestals .... see, here they are, let 's take a couple"
Pedro: " two ? what the heck for, let 's take one and that 's it ! "
Raul: " but ... "
Pedro: " I only need one ! "
Raul: "ok, it 's your boat ..."
Several months later while fishing with my friend Rigo it rained, and rained and rained ...... wish that I had purchaed that bilge pump Pedro told me to buy cuz after a while of being in the middle of the rain for a couple of hours we had maybe 8 inches of rain water inside the boat that we had to scoop out with a Coke can. DUHHHHH for not paying attention to him on the bilge pump.
Later in the year in another fishing trip with my compadre this time I found a super hot spot but the wind kept us dragging away from it ......... if I had only purcahsed the other anchor, DUHHHHH for paying attention to Pedro on the anchor.
Then one day Pedro and I went fishing on his boat, I took the pedestral seat to operate the TM and he took the other seat, after a couple of hours we changed places cuz he was complaining his back and legs hurt and, Pedro: "Man, this seat is frigging awesome !, you are seated but not really seated, I have to purchase another one !", Raul: " remember I told you we should take two but you sent me to hell then". DUHHHH for not paying attention to me on the seat.
The moral of the story is: you are not a complete idiot, you still have some missing parts so don 't feel bad about it.