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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Reeling them in steadily is not the only way to fish them.
  2. SHHHHHHH ! They don 't work at all.
  3. Beaver impact on bass because they create prime habitat when they build their nests, lots of cover. Beaver don 't eat bass, they are vegetarian unlike otters which are piscivorous.
  4. Yes it works, but a weightless trickworm takes a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time to sink, you can wiegth it slightly with a nail sinker ( 1/64-1/96 oz ) to make it sink a little faster.
  5. Maybe your jighead weight is too heavy, for weeds normally I fish with a 1/16 oz jighead.
  6. Well, he 's been around for quite a while, we are used to see him around.
  7. Overkill in what aspect ? Too expensive ? In my arseenal my most expensive reels ( TDZ, Chronarch 100B, Chronarch SF, Alphas Itö, Liberto Pixy, Chronarch Mg ) are for worming & jigging
  8. The largest one you can get away with that doesn 't interfere with the action of the bait. Small don 't you think ? 4/0 is more likely
  9. Bass don 't need to see a bait to bite it.
  10. Open "featureless" water is featureless to a certain point if you are visualy oriented ( you fish what you see ), you see nothing, but the fact that you don 't see it doesn 't mean it 's not there, the catch is to find it, you can make use of several tools that can help you find the features: 1.- Like mentioned before ---> electronics 2.- Topo maps of the lake if available, topo maps show the contour of the bottom, that contour is marked by lines which normally indicate an increase in the depth by 5 ft, the closer the lines to each other the steeper the contour is. Also, topo maps indicate the location of sunken roads, bridges, river/creek beds n 'such. 3.- Observation of the contour of the terrain above water level, what you see above is pretty much what 's underneath the water. 4.- Paying attention to small details that can tell you that there 's something underneath the water, changes in how the water "looks" might tell you if there 's a change in depth ( they are easier to spot with a water rippled surface ).
  11. Got to admit one thing guys, he 's persistent.
  12. Still got 8 or 10 bags of them.
  13. My father didn 't fish however I 've been long enough in this sport to have fished ( and still do ) with old school baits, my t box has Jitterbugs, Arbogasters, Hula Poppers, Spooks, Sonics & super Sonics, Tadpoles, Hellbenders, Waterdogs, original bombers, Mud Bugs, Sputterbugs ( now named sputterbuzz ), Lucky 13s, River Runts n 'such, they still catch fish .... which only proves that bass were as dumb 30 years ago as they are now.
  14. A 6000 size Abu is purty large reel, other than that I see no reason why it wouldn 't be a good deal, LRs are very good rods for the money.
  15. How bout this for some more DUH moments: A couple of years ago my friend Pedro and I went shopping to MacAllen, no shopping trip is complete without visiting Academy, Pedro and I purchased several things we needed for our boats ( a TM arm extension was one of them ) and while we were at it in the boating accesories section Pedro saw bilge pumps, grabbed a couple then the conversation followed this route: Pedro: "aren 't you going to buy one ? ", Raul: what the heck do I need a bilge pump for ? ", Pedro: "well, sometimes you need it, all you need is a piece of hose and you can conect the pump to your TM battery " Raul: Dude, but all I have is the tub .... nah I don 't need it ! Then on the next aisle I saw the anchors. Raul: "let me get one of them anchors" Pedro: " what the heck you need an anchor for ? you already have anchor " Raul: " well, sometimes you need another anchor, one for the front and another for the back of the boat " Pedro: " c 'mon man, Poncho can make the anchor for you, let 's not carry more junk !" ( I understood what he meant because by that time the car was already packed with stuff, plus all the stuff we were going to purchase ) Raul: "man, how nice would it be for your boat to have a couple of pedestal seats " Pedro. " which pedestal seats ? " Raul: " ya know the pedestal butt seats, like the ones you see on bassboats" Pedro: " ahhhh, yeah !, do they have those here " Raul: "shure, there are the seats, now lets find the pedestals .... see, here they are, let 's take a couple" Pedro: " two ? what the heck for, let 's take one and that 's it ! " Raul: " but ... " Pedro: " I only need one ! " Raul: "ok, it 's your boat ..." Several months later while fishing with my friend Rigo it rained, and rained and rained ...... wish that I had purchaed that bilge pump Pedro told me to buy cuz after a while of being in the middle of the rain for a couple of hours we had maybe 8 inches of rain water inside the boat that we had to scoop out with a Coke can. DUHHHHH for not paying attention to him on the bilge pump. Later in the year in another fishing trip with my compadre this time I found a super hot spot but the wind kept us dragging away from it ......... if I had only purcahsed the other anchor, DUHHHHH for paying attention to Pedro on the anchor. Then one day Pedro and I went fishing on his boat, I took the pedestral seat to operate the TM and he took the other seat, after a couple of hours we changed places cuz he was complaining his back and legs hurt and, Pedro: "Man, this seat is frigging awesome !, you are seated but not really seated, I have to purchase another one !", Raul: " remember I told you we should take two but you sent me to hell then". DUHHHH for not paying attention to me on the seat. The moral of the story is: you are not a complete idiot, you still have some missing parts so don 't feel bad about it.
  16. Tiemco not only has baits, has some of the most expensive Fenwick rods in the market( TGB, Super Techna ), GYCB also manufactures baits for Tiemco that are exclisive to them ( GYCB Silk Worm ), sunglasses ( Sightmaster ), Jun Shodi was their top Japanese Pro Staffer a couple of years ago.
  17. Rat L-Traps are the same everything, yeah, that includes the same s*y hooks Spooks are the same as they used to be, that includes the same s*y hooks Torpedos ---> idem Jitterbugs ---> idem Some lures old lures I would change without hesitation ( ex Spook vs Sammy ) others, probably not, I still fish with a lot of my old lures.
  18. The deal is: the snap is not ever going to eliminate the need to check/cut and retie oftlenly, that 's something you have to do with the snap or without it, if you don 't do it don 't be surprised you loose lures and fish out of pure laziness, nobody or nothing forces you to do it, checking/cutting and retying is a matter of procedure.
  19. Well, as I say: you don 't have to match the forage because I don 't believe you have too, faithful to that principle I fish with rainbow trout, brown trout, perch, walleye, shad, herring ( to name a few ) patterned baits, the point here is, none of those species live in my homewaters and I still catch fish on them on a regular basis, actually, rainbow trout is one of my favorite patterns. If you are one of the "match the hatch" believers then yes, that was a DUH moment. Well, we have the forgot to install the drain plug in the boat DUH moment .... several times over. :-? Forgetting to tighten the knot on your bait DUH moment and when you cast it the bait flies through the air like a friggin rocket.... several times too. Not thumbing the spool on the BC for whatever reason with the direct consequences ( a megabacklash ) ..... several times too. Not checking your surroundings when waving the rod to cast just to hang up on that danged brush behind you ..... several times too. Forgettting to plug in the battery charger the night previous to a trip just to find out your battery is dead in the middle of the lake .... ¿ guess what ? several times too, yes siree ! I 'm constant !
  20. Landing it was the easy part, make it bite was the hardest one.
  21. Well, finally downloaded the pics from the camera, here it is in all it 's glory:
  22. Well, fishing spots are the same it 's just that you are fishing them from the opposite side if you know can recognize those spots that produce fish for you from the shore it 's a matter of adjusting your mind to work the other way around.
  23. Never have caught anything inside this cove, you can literally draw a line from that small point behind my compadre to the next point in front of him, however right in front of my compadre there 's another very similar cove ( doesn 't appear in the picture ) which has been of the most productive places for me for years. Go figure.
  24. Yeah, you may fish in theory about the same style in your words but you are not him and he is not you so in the practice what is theoretical does not apply so results will vary and you end up with what BB said: who ever has the technique mastered best will win and in this case is not who but which bait will win. Fun battle to perform but the results are useless.
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