Senkos are great baits, as I said, they are excellent for people that don 't know how to fish and still catch fish, my 7 year old son fishes almost exclusively with senkos and even though you can assume that being my son he should know more how to fish, true, he is my son but the knowledge and skill are not genetically inherited so he 's an average Joe ... Jr in this case and like every average Joe, in order to catch fish consistently he still has a long road to walk before he can accomplish that.
In the words of Matstone: Senko style baits are slowly limiting an anglers ability to adapt and overcome.
That 's the only problem I see with stickbaits as the same problem I see with another practically fool proof bait: the in-line spinner, yes they catch fish, the catch is how many, how oftenly ( numbers and consistency ) in the hands of an unexperienced angler, being unexperienced they are not able to determine yet when the bait is really working or when it 's time to change it for something else that can be more productive and efficient. They just stick to it no matter what.
My son, like many unexperienced anglers is in that phase, and he pays the price for sticking stricktly to one type of bait, there are days ( less than often ) when he does a killing with senkos, but like I said, those days are not THAT frequent, most days you really have to work hard for your catches, of course, the kid got his dad and if we go fishing, well, if senkos are not working he just puts aside his rod, grabs his Nintendo DS and plays waiting for his father to catch something so he can reel it in. What his father fishes ? well in those days with anything he can put his hands on and that includes the kitchen sink.