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Everything posted by Raul

  1. X2 My favorite bait; as of tonight, I've caught 510 fish so far this season on 5" grubs... 8-)
  2. I 've said it before and I 'll say it again, forget about the "match the hatch" nonsense once and for all, your bait doesn 't have to look like __________________ ( place here the name of whatever species you desire ) in order to catch fish, what catches the fish is the action of the bait, not what to your eyes the bait looks like. Realistic and ultrarealistic fisnishes are meant to catch you and not the fish, A good bait design in the hands of a skilled fisherman will catch fish regardless how it 's painted. Why I say it ? because of experience, bass in my neck of the woods have never seen and will never see these fish: shad, walleye, brown trout, perch, pike, pickerel. Only in very few places like up in the Sierra ( and you can count those places with your fisngers ) bass and rainbow trout can be found in the same body of water, but that 's an exception not the rule, so add rainbow trout to that list of species, however baits painted in those patterns work as well as baits painted to resemble fish that bass can "identify" as food such as tilapia, minnows, shiners, carp & bluegills.
  3. Not quite when you "start it up again", because it 's suspended you can wiggle, twitch, shake, knock as much as you want to trigger strikes. That 's the real deal with a suspending crankbait. Only problem with them is when you fish heavy cover, they hang up purty frequently purty good.
  4. Ignorance can be corrected, stupid is forever.
  5. If you say there 's a thermocline at 10 ft then anything between the surface and the thermocline is fair game, no point in fishing deeper because there 's nobody there, you say there 's standing timber, standing timber how ? 1.- evenly distributed along the surface 2.- distributed along a particular pattern Now, you say there 's a creek channel, a creek chanel and what else is present ? are there flats near the creek channel or the creek channel has cut through the flats, is there timber or other kind of cover along the creek channel, what else you see ? With what, how and where has a lot to do with fishing the structure and cover efficiently, but for that first you have to identify the layout of the structure and cover.
  6. Curado or Zillion.
  7. Neither I am familiar but in Spain they are big. Spanish anglers talk good things about them.
  8. I don 't see purchasing a good quality reel as an "overkill" even if it is a 500 dollars Stella or Steez vs a 50 dollars Regal, it really boils down to how much you want/have or are willing to spend.
  9. Depends on the presentation. In theory when followed the match the hatch school of thought a jig when swimed represents a bait fish, when hopped along the bottom a crawfish. Since I don 't believe in the match the hatch theory I don 't really care what in theory it represents all I know is that it works, swimming or hopping along the bottom.
  10. 1 bait for the rest of my life ..... tough one, but ......... 5" single curlytail grub plus a good assortment of terminal tackle ( hooks, jigheads & sinkers ) can make a 5" grub an all around bait in the hands of a skilled and experienced fisherman.
  11. It does fit the $150-200 budget ----> 12,600 yens = 149 dollars.
  12. The greatest inventions/designs/innovations/discoveries in the history of mankind were/will be given to us by that very small and select gruop of people with inquisitive mind that does not settle with what 's given but with the audacity of asking .... What if ?.
  13. Yup, that 's me holding the bass and in companion of the brothers. Speaking about tazing, down here where I live the city every year celebrates it 's foundation date with a fair that lasts a month, obvioulsy you just gotta go, and there are these people that make a living by charging you a small fee for the pleasure of being electrocuted with these portable devices, so it kinda becomes like a manhood contest amogst the youngsters, who can take more voltage for the longest time, sort of a higher tech version of bull riding. The loser pays the fee, plus whatever you might think the bet can be ( a round of drinks or the entrances for the **** fights, n 'such ) So the deal here is, physically I 'm as far away from Charles Atlas as we are from the nearest galaxy, I 'm not too tall, not too muscular, not too heavy, there used to be this guy that was completley the opposite which was a friend of a friend of mine, I didn 't like him much and really I avoided him as much as I can, why ? because he was verbally and physically abusive too me. Then one day I agreed to meet my friend at a bar in the fair and when I arrived there was this guy, should have walked away but I didn 't, this time I was going to get even my way, the opportunity was there and I was going to take it, knowing that his alpha male behaviour was one of his weaknesses I took advantage of it, we took a few drinks and went walking around the fair when I saw one of the guys I was talking about, I challenged this guy for a round of shocks; so there we were, my turn first, I grabbed the electrodes and the man turned on the device, needless to say I imediately surrendered, as you can imagine the bully made all sorts of remarks about my weakness/wussiness; his turn, he grabbed the electrodes and began the punishment, more voltage, more voltage, more voltage .... he contorted like when you drop salt ona slug, eyes popping out, mouth shut tight ( maybe to avoid the metal filling in his teeth from popping off ), man I swear I could see smoke coming from the top of his head but he just didn 't go them electrodes, after a while of punishment he finally released the electrodes. Ok, so I lost the electrocution fee, I lost a round of drinks ( the bet ) but man, the pleasure of seeing him getting electrocuted was well worth the money. A few days later I saw him again, as you can imagine he immediatley refered to that event where he beat me to which I replied, " are you shure you beat me ? " , he just got the I don't understand ? face, " you didn 't beat me at all, the truth is that you lost, it was you contorting like salted slug, it was you the one in pain; beware of the Greeks bearing gifts ", after a while ( the time necessary for irony to permeate through a thick skull ) he just laughed like crazy, he finally understood that the joke was on him, he 's muscles, I 'm brain. After that he never behave abusive with me anymore.
  14. Why not ?
  15. Yes I can suggest such a thing, this one: Oh baby ! :-*
  16. When somebody finds such a thing as "the perfect all around everytime ultimate fishing technique" I want to be the first to know, meanwhile I 'll keep on split shotting/monkey rigging/d-shotting/ nekoing and such.
  17. Flukes in all it 's sizes Sluggos Jerk Worms Bass Assasin Shad Assasin Shad Shape Worm Shaddick In practical terms, any soft plastic jerkbait.
  18. Shimanos do have a very small amount of backplay but an inch is just way too much.
  19. Holy cow, man that 's just too funny ! ;D ;D ;D
  20. BTW, we latinos or brothers don 't fear guns FYI, why ? cuz when you 're latino or brother you grow up in the 'hood, you got any idea how high are the probabilities of getting shot when walk/drive around the 'hood ? all I can tell you is that they are very high so .... there you are walking to the store and BANG ! .... s*t happens.
  21. Shooting bean bags at us latinos don 't work , we 'll be back for more bean bags. Well, I have to say this, law enforcement gadget developers ( and even some may be latino but they kinda forget it : ) sometimes they ain 't too bright, why ? cuz they develop stuff that work on anglos but don 't work on us latinos or brothers, let 's take another example: taser guns; boy they do work on anglos but on us latinos or brothers ? ....... uhhh, nope ! Why ? Cuz when you are latino or brother most of the times you grow poor, and when you grow poor you get electro shocked by s*t all the time, haven 't anglo 's seen our houses ? look at the electric outlets, we got the TV, fridge, iron, 2/3 or 4 lamps conected to one oultet, electrical safety codes ? yeah... right ! : So, taser guns: Law enforcement officer: FREEZE !!!!! Latino or brother: Yeah .... right ! Law enforcemt officer: FREEZE !!! OR I 'LL TASE YOU !!! Latino or brother: give it to meeeee !!! Law enforcment tases latino or brother, latino or brother ( sahking as the gazillion volts run through his body )---> dang! it don 't sting more than that time when I plugged in the Christmas tree to that already way overloaded electrical outlet. Tear gas ? on us latinos or brothers ? yeah, right. It ain 't nuthin ' when compared to them digestive gasses after having a decent soul or latino meal, that gas will make you surrender immediately, we ? oh, we are used to it, actually we make fart contests.
  22. Hooking to reel to scratch away the anticorrosion coat on my Chronarchs and Scorpions Mg, no thanks !
  23. I think that it has a lot to do with the material of the weedguard and the shape of the hook than with the mental aspects. For ex, the hook up ratio for me of a Gamakatsu Wide Gap Weedless Finesse hook is exactly the same as the non weedles version.
  24. I was actually wondering if his success was due to fish seeing a bait that they more than likely have not seen in their life. I doubt it. Actually old baits are "new" baits, there are more new anglers than there are old farts, newer anglers use more newer baits than old farts ( we old farts to a certain point are creatures of habit ) fishing the new baits so that 's what the fish see more oftenly, you come a long and throw an old school bait to the fish it 's "new."
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