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Everything posted by Raul

  1. I 'm a Shimano & Diawa fan, in that range of price ( 70 ish ) Shimano vs Daiwa ---> Daiwa hands down and blindfolded., at 35 that reel, don 't know what y 'all budget oriented ppl are waiting for. I 've fished with that reel and it was a great reel for the money.
  2. For comparison. Your daddy 's 54 year old Mitchell.- My new modern spinning reel:
  3. First of all, do not try to upgrade for the handle you like but for the handle you can, you 'll run into a lot of compatibility issues, for a Sol the cheapest and fastest handle upgrade is a TDZ handle ( handle, nut and nut cover ) if you want a longer handle a TDZ US Trail handle will fit, those can be purchased directly from Daiwa. For Daiwa there are other handles without compatibility issues, check JapanTackle.com, they 've got what you need.
  4. What I love about the place I live is that I have the blessing of having a quite large assortment of different environments where to fish, from the wood choked bowl shape form of La Sauceda to the strip pit like configuration of La Laborcita and Otates, everything else in my neck of the woods is in between those extremes. I know where to find the fish in all of them so whenever I fish a completely new place the first thing I do is to study the lake as a whole and in parts: this part looks like this part of ....., this part looks like that part of .... and so on. Once I have categorized I 'm ready to fish, bass are bass everywhere, what attracts them in lake A will attract them in lake X, what attracts them in lake B will attract them in lake X. So now instead of trying to find them in all the extension I have reduced the search area to a lot fewer spots that I can work more in depth and thoroughly. There 's a starting point, study, analize and categorize what you see.
  5. UV exposure ( leaving them baking under the sun ), ozone, extreme dryness or extreme moisture can cause the soft plastics to degradate and break down. How long they last ? I 've got several bags of plastic baits I purchased more than two decades ago and they are as fresh as the day I bought them.
  6. I 've got a couple of Shimano Clarus rods, granted they are not IMXs, still very nice rods for the money, actually a few trips ago I fished all day with one of them, my GLoomis ' just went for a ride.
  7. 1.- No 2.- I just pull it to the shore, leave enough line not to put a nasty bend on my rod and lip it.
  8. How come there 's lot of people suggesting lures/rigs that hang up ( ex: in-line spinners, roodster tails, wacky rig ) around wood and pads ? :-?
  9. Given that description of cover: Johnson Beetle spin, 3" Yum Dinger or GYCB Senko, Strike King Mini King.
  10. Yes, it does make a significant upgrade when pressure is applied, the drag slips smoothly instead of studdering.
  11. I 've caught tons of fish with in-line spinners, nothing really good, but for keepers they are great. Besides, a lot of people don 't use them so it 's something fish don 't see that often.
  12. In Mexico if you fish from shore you don 't need a license, if you fish from a boat you need 1 license good for all states. So to answer your question, I have 1 license.
  13. S*t, I ain 't got my t-box right now to measure them, but for bass fisihing IMHO don 't go less than size 4, preferably lean towards size 5, sizes 0,1,2 & 3 are very small, better suited for panfishing.
  14. Well, my spirit is young , it 's this danged body that ain 't aging well >..... the All Mighty must be pullin 'a fast one on me. :-/
  15. Wayne, you are the Yoda of wacky riggin ', you can 't expect us young padawans to do the same right away.
  16. Why should it ? I feel no difference in fishing standing up or sitting down when I 'm fishing from my tub, actually I do most of my fishing from the seat, my compadre still hasn 't learned to not move suddenly in the tub.
  17. He must be busy ketchin ' loonkers.
  18. True, my only problem is that the shoulder ain 't what it used to be, the elbow is afu, the left hand wrist is fubar .... man I 'm gettin ' old ! Twenty years ago I could chunk and wind all day long, now I 'm becoming a soft plastics man and not preciselly because I like them, can 't do much with the machinery I 've got. There should be something like the blue pill for them arms.
  19. Yeah, the BaitMonkey saw it, now I 'm here waiting for my stuff to arrive ..... don 't need it though :, but it 's hard to let the opportunity go just like that.
  20. Yuki Ito is the head designer and owns Megabass.
  21. Pro 's don 't pay for their equipment or if they do so pay an irrisorious ammount of money, they can abuse and break as many rods as they want, you, on the other hand unless you 're loaded with cash can 't do the same thing, so don 't do what you see the pros do. Pay attention to DVT 's advice, do not lift fish with your rod, do not hisghstick when fighting a fish, you don 't need a macho style hookset all you need is good hooks, do not underpower rods for what you are going to fish.
  22. My first love have always been crankbaits and it 's easy and effortlessly once you get used to it. What reel and rod BD is using, I have no idea, but this is what I use: GLoomis CR722GL2 paired to a Curado 200B38 when I 'm on a Shimano outing or a Diawa Alphas Type F ( you can use a Daiwa Sol or a Crazy Cranker ) when I 'm on a Daiwa outing. Big game 10 lbs, add lake and fish and I 'm in for some crankin '.
  23. Well, I can say slow in a figurative way, I can 't expect miracles out of a year when I haven 't preciselly gone fishing on a regular basis for one reason or another ( actually it 's been two reasons, work and rainy weather ), for two months I didn 't even touch a fishing rod, fortunately this past weekend I did, who knows when it will be the next time.
  24. I would not apply the term "favorite" to a lure that doesn 't work, lures that I like ( not favorites because that 's a term the lure has to earn ) I have several that fall in the category: does not work, however to be honest, I haven 't given them the opportunity to show their potential. One lure that doesn 't work for me are buzzbaits, fortunately I only have a couple of those and really, it doesn 't take my sleep away.
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