What I love about the place I live is that I have the blessing of having a quite large assortment of different environments where to fish, from the wood choked bowl shape form of La Sauceda to the strip pit like configuration of La Laborcita and Otates, everything else in my neck of the woods is in between those extremes. I know where to find the fish in all of them so whenever I fish a completely new place the first thing I do is to study the lake as a whole and in parts: this part looks like this part of ....., this part looks like that part of .... and so on. Once I have categorized I 'm ready to fish, bass are bass everywhere, what attracts them in lake A will attract them in lake X, what attracts them in lake B will attract them in lake X. So now instead of trying to find them in all the extension I have reduced the search area to a lot fewer spots that I can work more in depth and thoroughly.
There 's a starting point, study, analize and categorize what you see.