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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Hmmm, now blaming the otters for not catching fish ....... that's a new one.
  2. I fish 3 baits: 1.- Jitterbug .... may not be the most productive and I really don't care if it ain't, there's nothing in this world that can compare to the sound of a bass striking it, besides, I like how it sounds. 2.- Rattling lipless crankbait, have caught thousands of bass at night with them 3.- Single Colorado/Tennessee blade spinnerbait, color don't matter at all, as with the lipless crank, thousands. In my neck of the woods as early as early Feb all the way down to late Nov is nightime fishing. Full vs New moon ..... well there is a huge difference, with full moon at least I can see where or to what I'm casting, with new moon I just got to figure it out.
  3. Got a really soft spot for the old & venerable Hula Popper, have caught tons of fish with it.
  4. / thread It wasn't your hook size. 13.5 lb 4" senko with a 3/0 Owner J hook.
  5. Noticed something, click on Dealers and ..... error 404 so I guess nobody is dealing with them.
  6. Now I find out why when I logged to BR the foul stench of 10 year old rotting thread flesh offended my sense of smell.
  7. http://www.usreel.com/products/BaitCasterFeatures.aspx Somebody must still be paying the domain otherwise the website would be kaput.
  8. Then forget all that match the local forage base, THE ONLY FORAGE YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND ANYWHERE IN THE PLANET WHERE BASS ARE FOUND IS -----> BABY BASS.
  9. Get the ROF 12, I got both and the ROF 5 is ..... made for people with more patience than Jesus Christ.
  10. Tell me, would you throw the "regular" model here ?
  11. look closely at that worm.
  12. There are no trout where I live, Hudds catch some really nice fish .... so much for "matching the forage closely"
  13. Religiously after every trip I clean everything, even lures.
  14. Don't got no slit ---> voilá, now it has one.
  15. The difference is that blue is .... well, blue, red is ....
  16. Now I get from where the foul stench of 10 year old rotting flesh thread comes.....
  17. Raul

    Lure ID

    Yum Dinger.
  18. Yada-yada-yada 1.- you can cast with both hands 2.- you can get used to right reel or right why do I choose RH ? 1.- back the old days there were only RH reels BC and spincast, I learned to fish that way 2.- it ain't broke don't fix it 3.- you ain't gonna beat me with all that logic I can cast, flip, pitch, skip faster and more accurately than you for a good reason, unless you are my age or older I've been doing it for a lot more time than you. more questions ?
  19. Ok, I can tell you when, where, how and with what, I don't mind sharing, but that don't mean you'll catch them, hell, my compadre can't and he is barely 8 ft away in the same boat. Two of my favorite breeds !
  20. I know ---> Veterinary Medicine ! Great to be a veterinarian, you make good money and can afford all those wonderful toyz we call " fishin tackle " and if get really good at doing what you do and get a lot of clients more toyz you can afford, now as for fishin ..... ok, did I mention you can now afford lotz and lotz of wonderful toyz ? I get it ! Always wondered why now instead of purchasing tackle I purchase videogames, the only fishing I've been able to do for the past three years is on my consoles.
  21. HELL -----> ! I'm not much into knobs, handles n'stuff, but spools for the reel it's another story, I've purchased a couple of SV spools and a Steez spool ( now I have that Type R+ I was never able to purchase ).
  22. It's a matter of personal preference, I have a couple of XF rods which I like very much, a MH XF Shimano Clarus spinning which I love for fishing weghtless "flukes" and jigheads and a H XF Clarus which I use for flipping/pitching/spinnerbaiting in bewtween woody cover. For most of the time I fish with F rods but those two do what I do with them really well.
  23. True ! Man the day I got my 12 ft tub was one of the happiest times of my life, I no longer had to worry, instead of having to select which baits to carry now I was able to drag almost all my s*t with me instead of leaving it at home, of course I didn't need it, I catch fish with almost the same handful of stuff everywhere all year long, but what the hell ? Better have and not need than need and don't have, at least now I don't have to carry it on my back.
  24. Perfect is never outdated.
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