I was at home having breakfast and watching Dinosaurs ( call me silly but I liked that series ) before leaving for work, business hours for me are 10 AM - 3 PM and 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM but we start very early or very late many times.
Phone rang, it was my mother telling me to turn on the TV and tune the news, an "accident" had happened, an aircraft had crashed against one of the towers of the WTC
Tuned CNN and I watched how black smoke came out from the top of the tower, reporters said that a "small" aircraft impacted the tower, as they were saying this another camera points to the area where the plane crashed, as I saw it I thought: "small aircraft" my rear end, that's one frigging HUUUUUGE hole !
More takes, bla, bla, bla
Camera take moves away and now I see both towers and then on the right side of the screen the siloutte of another plane appears and begins to head towards the other tower and in a matter of seconds it crashes against the building, I almost choked on the piece of bread I was chewing.
For a moment I thought/hoped that nothing worse was going to happen, back during WW2 A B25 bomber crashed against the Empire State and other than some damage nothing serious happened to the building.
So, we got into the car and drove to the business, it's a 10 min ride from my home, as soon as we arrived I rushed to my mother's home, it's only two blocks away from the business, got into the house and into the living room where my mother watched TV, she was there watching the news and as I reach the couch I witnessed how tower 2 collapsed.
I went back and forth from the business to her house to see the news and I witnessed the entire ordeal.
Let me tell ya'll fellas I am not an emotional person, but if there is a thing, even 20 years later, that can bring tears to my eyes is watching all those firemen, police officers and rescue teams flocking towards the burning buildings trying to save the people inside that inferno. That my friends is courage and bravery far above and beyond of what the words mean.