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Everything posted by AbuBassSx

  1. AbuBassSx

    Monee Reservoir

  2. AbuBassSx


    From the album: Monee Reservoir

  3. AbuBassSx


    From the album: Monee Reservoir

  4. AbuBassSx


    From the album: Monee Reservoir

  5. AbuBassSx


    From the album: Monee Reservoir

  6. i use them with the rattles as well and mine seem fine with/without a trailer although i always use a trailer... i get the majority of mine from custombasstackle dotcom and they are on ebay i use 1/4 "neon gill" and i kill it with yum crawbug trailer im gettin 20-30 lbs a day and i only fish for a lil bit!! i would tie a thread or maybe some spiderwire/fireline around it to hold it in place
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