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    Between 6-7 lbs
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  1. I do the same with a senko,got to try the flukes sometime.Although they love the senko's so much I find it hard to commit to something else. The action of a proper twitch is just too hard for them to resist.................lol
  2. I never kept a bass till one night after work.I managed to hook a nice 22 incher through the gullet on the last cast,by the time i got him in the light to get the hook out I knew he was doa.and I'm not one to feed the sea gulls so to the table he went,and man what a meal Mind you that this was on MY private lake........as in I own it.Out of season or not from now on if I have doubts of a fish making it he is table fare if on my property,end of story. On public waters (I RARELY fish them)I would still probably keep a mortally wounded fish,but that has yet to happen.
  3. I've got a lot of "you fish for bass with that thing" when I use my ul rod I keep in my car on #4 line.This was usually followed by some choice words mixed in with "he got another one"shortly after.I actually caught so many bass on the rod(pb of 6lb12.5oz included) I was getting nervous that the next hookset or fish might be the things last.I've since managed to stuff a St Croix in my car for after work sessions,but when the bite is cold/fishing pressure is on I still go for my ul and usually keep from smelling the ole skunk
  4. I wouldnt mind learning a little something about spotted bass myself I'd say I enjoy lmb more but thats because I know where to go to catch them vs very little about spots.
  5. HI,just wondering who all has there own fishing hole and tips on how to manage it,like granting permission,stocking,keeping out the undesirable partying types etc etc. We currently have about a 40 acre parcel with a 18 acre borrow pit that was dug some fifty years back.Spring fed,dug in steps and depths range from 30 ish at it's deepest to a section of about 3-5 ft.All in all it's a pretty healthy eco system and holds some nice fish for the area. Years ago we used to just turn a blind eye and let people fish it but sadly those days are long gone.I just got tired of cleaning up all the trash that would get dumped.It took about 5 years of patrolling it with a 12 gauge and blocking the access road to do it but traffic has been cut down to the occasional straggler (most are too lazy to walk back there)and dumping issue pretty much been resolved. Ideally I'd like to open it up to responsible types that would be willing to help keep it clean,without opening myself up to a massive liability.Possibly some sort of club etc.I just hate having to say sorry bud but thanks to the dirt bags you too have to go,if you know what I mean. anyway thanks
  6. good post I'll add that it is also wise to have copies of the laws printed and near or with you and your handgun.I personally dont have a ccw but while traveling with a friend who is a police detective and does for a hunting trip it came in handy.I figure if he (State Police)does it it cant hurt in these times
  7. I love my bourbon and whiskey and while I drink more bourbon then i should for something special I go straight to a single malt Scotch.My preference is The Dalmore,the 12 year runs about 50 a bottle,15 year around 70-80 if you can find it and the 18 should be right at upper end of what you want to spend but tough to find..................oh and they have a 21 year that is the smoothest scotch I have yet to taste but I highly doubt it can be found stateside and trust me I have looked. By chance is he a cigar smoker too?
  8. either do this or rig up a camera and catch him in the act.
  9. I have lived a lot of places and had some really great pizza but nothing can top Fricanno's in grand Haven MI,Every summer we'd stand in a line that ran down the block just to get a few pies,thin crust,perfect pizza if you ask me.They eventually opened a few more and the one in Muskegeon was just as good as I remembered but easier to get a table ;)Great place to grab a beer and a couple of pies after fishing.
  10. I love my 6'8 St Croix mojo,I find it my go to rod for more then just wacky rigs.If I'm grabbing one rod for a quick outing this is the one
  11. first and foremost would be the time spent with a true fishing buddy....................whether we talk or just fish or do both it just makes the time on the water nice. Second I love searching for that lunker,teaching someone something new and or learning something new myself. Third and by far not the least important is having time to relax,reflect and think....................hard to find in my world and fishing helps put these 3 things together in any order on any given day fishing and you have what makes a big part of me a fisherman
  12. hire someone to take care of the honey do list so I can go again asap In all fairness to my wife I have to say there are 2 types of fishing trips.Type 1 is the hun this is done i think I'll go fishing (60/40 chance i make it to the lake) and then there is type 2.The babe I NEED to go fishing(99.8% chance I hit the lake).............on the I NEED to go type trip I will not leave till I catch a fish,it could take 3 days and a case of dynamite but I won't be home till there is a fish caught While on a need to go trip my phone doesnt ring unless it is a emergency and my wife understands i get home when i get home(this privilege comes with paying for the home). I average about 70-75% NEED to go fishing trips vs want to go trips.....................it's a happy balance in my houshold
  13. adding stabil in a boat these days is about as important as remembering the drain plug.............add fuel add stabil/star tron and have peace of mind
  14. Funny enough but a hunting friend who happens to be a judge was less then thrilled with the judge he bought.I personally couldnt ask for anything better then a Ruger super blackhawk 44mag.I keep a round or 2 of shotshell chambered for snakes and the rest for bear/other large furry problem causing creatures.
  15. good advice, while 99% of my 2 stroke knowledge comes from racing 2 stroke bikes.I wouldn't be surprised either if that cylinder went lean although i didnt notice any signs of detonation.I too think there is a good chance it'll clean up to usable specs as you'll find most of the damage is from the piston left on the cylinder wall.I once finished a race after cleaning a jug for my kdx that was worse then this,and used it for a practice motor long after.
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