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About MemphisFF

  • Birthday 02/14/1976

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Memphis Tn
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    pickwick,sardis,grenada,kentucky lakes

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  • About Me
    Football and bass fishing 

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. Get well Mike.. I'll see you next year.. I didn't get a chance to make this trip but next trip your on I'm gonna be there..
  2. I've fished with Ben Parkers spoon for two years now on Ky lake I hate throwing it but it catches big fish and they will throw it also. Buddy lost a big one last year at the boat it threw it and stuck em in the hand... Had to use the line treble hook trick pull.... theyre huge http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n167/volz4lif3/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-08/197BD0E4-B803-4336-B5E5-0674197F5D64.jpg[/IMG]
  3. How's movement in kayaks! Are they stable like if u lean does it feel like you're going to tump... Also in wind? Jus curious been looking at getting one, but have never been in one..
  4. Another vote for big game, used it for the first time last year amazed how great it was on my baitcaster, performed very very well.
  5. You never disappoint Tery....
  6. Mike do u peg that bullet weight?
  7. Just wondering what you guys think of em haven't fished with them yet, it's the bps answer to the keitech I suppose.. Anyways got the small 3" for my swim jigs.. Should work.. Any thoughts on these...
  8. He got me a few days ago, wife is never happy when the monkey gets messing with my wallet. Some booya and war eagle spinnerbaits some zoom speed craws, missile d bombs, money minnows, some tungsten weights, red eye shad some swim jigs and some big game on sale..
  9. Yea f that noise... I'd rather buy gear and tackle for that gimmick like Sprint said...
  10. Yea I've seen that before...
  11. Or look here on the flea market and scoop one up for less than that... Great deals here sometimes..
  12. I've used the yozuri before.. Appreciate the insite jus curious bout the hi seas, thanks
  13. Been hearing good things from the grand slam hi seas line, I saw one guy talk bout it, anyone else have had good or bad from this line?
  14. Yea I understood that after Mark Daniels explained it in the circuit..never heard that before
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