I went to my favorite point around 7am and left around 9:45am this morning. Grant it, I was only there for almost 3 hours and I did get there late, so I guess 3 wasn't too bad. I was too late for poppers. Normally I have a bigger window, but it started warming up quick and the bass didn't want it. I switched to the Yum Dinger black/blue flake (pre f2) and caught 2 hand length and one 2lb. It had been so long since I caught a 2lb that I thought it was maybe a 4 so I took a pic of it. Then I weighed it. I'm still thankful for it, but I should have weighed it first. All that by 8:30am.
After that I couldn't even buy a strike. I threw a 10" ribbon tail red shad, a watermelon red flake tube, a watermelon blue flake tube (both were 3"), a Bomber model A foxy shad, and a green/ white Yum Dinger F2. Oh I also threw my brown swim jig with a june bug Smokin Rooster, but quickly got reminded that the point isn't a good place to use b/c reels. I need to get a machette to clear out some limbs and the weeds by the bank.
I seen 3 or 4 bass swimming close to the bank, so it could be just a matter of not throwing what they wanted. Or, they could be just not interested in feeding. I don't know. It's been along time since I have walked away with less than 7 bass from that point.
I forgot to mention that I did try the Anaconda. Darn thing scared the crappie out of one bass. It will get better soon. Sometime within the next 5-10 days we're supposed to drop back down to the middle 80's for the high. The bass should go back to work then.