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About logan9209

  • Birthday 02/04/1977

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rome, GA
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Swan Lake Mobile Home Park community lake

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  1. My fishing buddy spams catfish sometimes. Shimano......someone gave me one last year. Poor thing just sits on my fishing rod rack. Never use it.
  2. X2 Also, I'm starting to learn that even though weather seems to be cooperative, the bass go through a readjusting period. Now if it stayed that way a couple of days then the bass might start behaving the way you think they would. I had that problem a couple of weeks ago. Temp was low to mid 70's, overcast skies, and winds were 4-6mph, but it was like they were clamped down tighter than when it was very hot and sunny. After a few days they started biting better until the barometric pressure started going up and down all crazy. We're still having rain, storms, and some nice weather compared to the triple digits, but I haven't been able to get back out yet. Maybe today depending on how I feel.
  3. Oh, I forgot to mention.....did anyone notice that they borrowed A-jay's rig? That is cool. If I came up with a new rig and someone like Strike King used it, it would be such an honor. Note that I didn't say "steal". The reason being is that I have no idea if it was A-jay's original idea or if other people had already been using a similar rig.
  4. My internet finally was good enough to allow me to watch the 2012 Rage Tail ICast. I'm even more excited about the shell cracker because I didn't know it had a belly slot similar to a fluke. More importantly I learned something that I had always been curious about. I've only seen frogs like the Rage Toad or the Zoom Horny Toad fished on the surface. I had often wondered if they could be fished on the bottom and middle water column. I wasn't able to get a hold of the Rage Toad so I settled for the Strike King "normal" version. First one I pulled out had a small packaging deformation which keeps it from kicking like it should. Now, I know I can drop that surface impaired lure down to the lower levels and still get bites. Of course, it won't be the same as the Rage Toad, but still should do good. Thanks Big-O.
  5. I kinda got off topic, but because of the meds I can't remember when or if I said anything about being sick in other posts. I'm sure by now that I seem like a whiner. I'm just not used to going this long without at least fishing for an hour or 2. My fishing buddy knocked on the door this evening and I didn't even bother answering it. First, I've already explained to him what's going on 3 times. And second, if I had answered I probably would have went fishing and make matters worse for me.
  6. Ah, I believe the post in question and the poster in question would be me and mine. I made the comment because my post was going to be a vague reference to a previous post that was locked out. However, if you noticed my next statement was to the effect that I know the mods are good people and would assess the post in fairness. Having no warning points myself, I personally don't fear the moderators. I do, however, believe in living in peace with everyone as much as can be helped on my part. So, I try to find the balance of speaking honestly while not offending anyone. It's impossible to do that 100% of the time, but it is possible to make sure that what I'm saying isn't driven by the need to purposely offend someone. Even if I had gotten a warning point, I wouldn't worry about it. I would just asked the mods where I stepped out of line, if I wasn't already told, fix the issue and move on. Also, I'm not going to always remember the rules. For instance, there are unmentionable lures that I don't have so wouldn't think about or know what the rules say concerning it. If I did come across one, had I not seen the post I might have made the same mistake as someone else. Although I do try to do a search on here prior to making a new post. To boil it down, the post I made was originally designed to be a response to another post. The other post brought up an interesting topic in my mind but was locked before I could get the thought out. So when I made the post myself, I didn't know what would happen and decided to give the mods a fair heads up. Unfortunately you can't tell a poster's mood from the txt most of the time. If you could, then it would be known that I wasn't making a slanted crack at the mods and I don't want anyone on here to be afraid of the mods. These guys have constantly went beyond expectation to provide a fun and informative place for us to get together. And they've brought various power houses, like Big-O, who further that learning experience while giving us some inside info. Shoot, I blame it on the meds.....they're slowing my thought process down. Just kidding.
  7. I agree that usually "mystery bags" and "grab bags" may not sound very good. But it seems like, in this case, it's not a bad thing. I remember when I was a kid my dad would take us to a local auction and buy these grab bags for $1. They usually had some cheesy or cheap toys in them, but there was always 1-2 really good ones in there. The retail price of the 2 would more than pay for the $1. It's the allure of christmas and birthday presents, not knowing what you're going to get.
  8. Where did I get Charlie Parker at? I've never even heard of him. It was Charlie Polk. I felt sorry for the guy. He didn't get to talk much and he couldn't seem to land anything. Anyways, here's the vid for it. Jimmy doesn't look much different then from now. http://youtu.be/xi6JWIx0wXM
  9. I am posting this hoping that it doesn't get locked or worse get a warning. Having said that it is not my intention to upset anyone and I know that the moderators are decent people who will make a fair assessment concerning this post. Huge advancements have been made in the last 10 years of fishing that not only help us catch more fish but are better for the environment. However, let's not just throw away techniques and lures just because they are "old". Sometimes on heavy pressured waters, it's good to bring out the old because bass haven't been seeing that lately. They've been getting a heavy dose of all the new stuff and that raises the pressure. Fishing in some ways has gotten as bad as fashion. Grant it, I would never ever ever wear plaid or bell bottoms, but something you wore that just came out in 2011 all of a sudden is out of fashion in 2012. Personally I don't care about that stuff. I've still wear a hat I bought back in 2005. Point is that we tend let our tongue hang out over every new lure or rig that comes along and let the old lures and rigs fall to the way side. There's nothing wrong with the new stuff. I'm itching to get a hold of every Rage Tail product coming out (and all the ones that have already came out). But, I seen a vid of Jimmy Houston fishing one spot with Charlie Parker in 1986 on YouTube. He was using a Mann's 10" worm (I have no idea what kind). Within an 9 minute period he landed 4 5-6# and 1 4#. If they worked 10 years ago, they will work now. On the flip side, I wouldn't mind getting a hold of a Pennacle Vision Slyder baitcaisting reel or the equivalent. It would be cool to be able to thumb a dial to crawl a worm or lizard across the bottom rather than having to try the same thing with a reel handle that brings in 25-30" every full turn. I wouldn't mind having a rod that has all the benefits of graphite plus the benefits of fiberglass. I wouldn't mind having some of the new line hybrids on the market. Just like lures and equipments, I love watching Kevin Van Dam and Mike Iaconelli fish, but I also enjoy watching Jimmy Houston. They all three are very knowledgeable and all three are very passionate about bass fishing. However, each have discovered things that work for them. Things that include or derive from old techniques. Now, I have no idea how long the t-rig or c-rig have been around (Glenn could probably tell you), but technically they could be considered old news. Does that mean they stopped working? Nope. We've just found better modifications to it. Really most of your rigs that seem new have actually been around, but only just became popular because someone used it to win a major tournament. Back in late March to mid May, I found really quickly that I could take 3 or 4 different colored lizards and fish the same spots every day or every other day at the most and catch the same bedded bass. I ended up with 45 bass in April (which is big numbers for me) and most of them were repeat customers. However, if you took a black trick worm and fish the same spots every day for a month eventually they will stop hitting it (except for an occasional brave bass). What am I saying? Bass will either be lure educated or just plain tired of them. Part of the reason that new lures work great for a while is because the bass haven't seen them as much. Yet, the same could be said about old lures. So don't be afraid to pull out your old lures that you'd but all forgotten about or that old technique that you let slip because you were busy learning new ones. They may be old, but they can still kick some bass. Remember, the A-bomb will still jack you up and that's old.
  10. Dang that girl is fat! That belly is about 5 pounds by itself. Did you look in her mouth to see what she's been feeding on? And, like everyone else, I would love to know what lure you was using? Details, man, I need details.
  11. I blame it on the postal service. For the last 2 months or so, I've been getting bills and notices after the due date. Thankfully my wife keeps up with them. If it was just one bill from one place then I'd say it's the company, but it's 3-4 different bills/notices from different places. Another weird thing is that if I get mail from out of state it takes less time than in the same city or state. For some reason they run in city/state mail all the way down to Atlanta and then back up to Rome. As stated before, it's not like I paid money for the hooks or shipping. Which begs the question as to how they are even making money at all if they are giving away that many hooks. Now if I can just get to feeling better. I'm on the last 3 days of my meds and they are having a worse effect on me now than when I fist started. I have pretty much been sleeping all day today, but my waking hours have been very painful. It's like rolling the dice to see which joints the antibiotics will screw with each hour because it's never the same places all the time.
  12. Good job! I can't wait to see the pic.
  13. I'm sure there's not too many people like this, but I've seen my fishing buddy throw a perfectly good rod and reel into the lake. All because he can't tie a knot to save his life despite me trying to show him (he's been fishing way longer than I have). Of course, I've also seen him break a rod over his knee simply because he getting hung up in a tree. I told him that maybe he shouldn't cast at the tree, but he didn't listen. There's one tree with 3 bobbers in it that we look at to see how deep the water is now.
  14. Disregard the date on bottom right. I need to get that fixed. Too lazy to mess with the menu options and it runs my cheap batteries down.
  15. Just got one pack of hooks for doing the survey today. Still waiting on the pack for doing the quiz. I got the 2/0 EWG 6 pack. At wally world here they run about $7 so no complaints. Plus, they look bigger than my 3/0 hooks that I usually use made by Gamakatsu. It took around 3 weeks, they were free, and I didn't have to pay shipping. You can't beat that. Now if I can just get Strike King to send me a free pack of Rage Tail (anything but the Thumper, Anaconda, or Smokin' Rooster). Here's a pic just in case anyone has any doubts. Of course, I hid my address though.
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