First off let me thank you for the compliment. Now, I dont mean to come off rude, or like my feelings have been hurt, because I have thicker skin than that, I just dont like to be accused of something I havent done. Im not "fishing" for compliments by lying about the weight of the fish I catch. If I wanted that sort of attention Id be claiming far more outrageous weights than 7 pounds. The picture is not very flattering to the fish, and I can see your skepticism I suppose, but I dont have a reason to BS, it doesnt give me any kind of gratification to lie and get praise from it, I'm just not that kind of guy.
I dont have a scale so Ive been using a calculation. "Length X Length X Girth divided by 1200" I had one of my bass 9.4lb, weighed on a certified scale at the taxidermist. Then, learned about the calculations, punched in the numbers and it came out within half an ounce to the weight of my bass, so from then on I have trusted it. Is it perfect? No. Im sure it can vary a couple ounces, but thats no 4 pounder Im holding up.
Here's one caught last week, within one inch in girth, and less than an inch in length difference in the bass in my above post. It went 7.6 by the calculations, only 3 oz. difference but it looks bigger, yes or no?'>'>
Worst come to worst the calculation doesnt work, and I just got lucky the first time comparing it to the scale, but I know its not that far off.