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Everything posted by Silas

  1. If it puts a smile on your face, then I agree, enjoy!
  2. Bought a Tatula couple of months ago because it was Great price. About $75 shipped. I also have 2 Zillions. The Tatula, in MY opinion is an OK rod. It will accomplish the job. But it left me "cold!" I felt no connection with the rod and it was just "meh" as they say. I never looked forward to using it. ( I let my brother use it) The 2 Zillions , on the other hand were a JOY to use and brought a smile to my face as I cast it. felt part of me. I know that doesn't mean squat to a lot of people. But to me, at my advanced age, I will not settle for "OK!" I have to love to use them. ( by the way, I feel about the same for the Tatula reels) To each his own. If that's what you can afford , then that's what it has to be. But, for me, Life is too short to drink the "House Wine!"
  3. Gosh! To think that I ACTUALLY HAD a rod that did everything. I was 14 years old and only HAD one rod! Oh, I forgot: some techniques came about since that time. I think my one rod was a Berkely Lightning rod. Did everything. But what did I know? Caught literally thousands of fish with it.
  4. I really like my large Cabelas Pro Angler! Just buy the bag and get your own boxes. Holds a ton of stuff. Nice thick comfy straps and lots of compartments I believe the large without boxes was $64. I looked at the Magnum and that sucker could fit the width of a pickup bed!! Perhaps the Medium would be best to tote around on the bank. I liked a long time and although I liked the Shimano bag too, I felt the Pro Angler was superior.
  5. Down in the bayous of Louisiana, the water is rarely clear. If I can see a white spinnerbait one foot down, that would be considered clear. I just started fishing jerk baits last fall and caught over 20 a couple of times fishing a 4 foot flat with a Pointer 78 Sexy Shad. I think I was the only one throwing one. Will try them again in a couple of weeks.
  6. Megabass Extreme Mission! Or Black Elseil X4 Or XX Diablo Spec R Whatever I want to throw, those 3 on deck will do it. As to do it all reels to go with them: TDZ 105 Shimano 15 Conquest 100 HG Steez 100. Or 103HA
  7. Actually, I meant taking EACH reel and trying several lines on it of the same diameter. For instance I might try Trilene, Sufix, Tatsu, Yozuri, Sunline, all of same diameter on that ONE reel, and will find that one brand casts and has fewer issues tan the other 4 I tried. And possibly I'm just getting Senile also. LOL!
  8. I used to do combat shooting and found that each particular pistol had a significant preference for one brand od ammo. So I would begin shooting 5 or 6 brands of the same ammo and ALWAYS, each would be more accurate with one brand especially. I have very similar results with my reels (even with same diameter lines). My Zonda 10 prefers Tatsu. My Steez likes the Biwako Guide special. My Curado 50 loves the Yozuri. The T3 1016 likes the Silver thread. When I say "likes" I mean it casts better, with less effort, and is very manageable with no issues So I do just like my combat shooting: I will try 4-5 lines to see. And I find there is a significant difference and it may be totally different than an identical reel. My 2 Steez 103s prefer different lines. Am I the only person who actually experiences this? It was a breakthrough in lines and reels for me.
  9. Allen, if you find the Visions only "average" then you won't be using them. I'll take a few at $8 each. Just let me know and I'll PayPal you. Mitch
  10. I agree! I have the Champion 704Cb Glass and find it really launches cranks and has the perfect action to keep them hooked. I also have the 764Randy McAbee and use it for a tad more distance. Pretty much interchangeable.
  11. Silas

    Rage Craw

    While the Rage Rig on a Moaner Weighted hook has done well for me in the shallow La. Bayous, I find that tha Space Monkey rigged weightless has begun to take the place of my favorite : the Stanley Ribbit, as a frog substitute. Pull it over the lily pads and it catches fish!
  12. Good catch Glenn! LOL!!
  13. As I'm beginning to understand that this is more boring and more "work" than fun, I'm not really interested in a one bite one big fish day. The technique sacrifices much of the pleasure I get from fishing. So I won't be pitching or flipping. A flick of the wrist and a precise "roll cast" will suffice for me, thank you. I'll be content to cast away at a leisurely relaxing pace and let you fellas catch all those big ones! LOL!
  14. I have a Dobyns DX 702C and use an Airy Red Pixy with 6lb Tatsu fluoro for very light 3 inch Humdinger 3 inch worms, small cranks and small 65 Pointers. Also the Loomis 721 with a 2004 Alpha with same baits. However my Megabass Hedgehog I fantastic! Oops, I forgot that my Jackson Trickster JDM in 6'4" also is perfect with a Pixy.
  15. Yesterday I ordered the St Croix Legend elite at the factory sale price of $252 shipped. I consider that a possibility in the $250 class. Update: received the Rod yesterday and was delighted!! Brand new Rod , perfect in every way. I put a SOL on it lasts night with 10# Sunline mono and rigged it with a VMC weighted hook and a Keitech 3.8 Swing Impact Fat and will head out to the bayous tomorrow to try it. I've had an LTB and I have an AVID now and the Legend Elite seems to surpass them both. Now I'll have to see how it performs.
  16. I've fished over 65 years. Ran a sporting goods store for awhile. Down in Louisiana, fishing , for ME, I came to realize, was NEVER about catching fish. It's the total synergistic experience, a revitalization process in my life. It is a time of relaxation, enjoying the beautiful bayous and swamps. I HAVE caught a lot of fish while enjoying myself, also. There is an analogy to riding my motorcycles. We are ONE , me and the bike. There is that perfect moment when all meshes and the bike is an extension of you. Same with fishing rods and reels. There is that pride of ownership, and that perfect moment when you and the rod and reel are one. It becomes a joy! Catching fish is not really in the equation. I've bought a lot of gear, but will eventually ( read NOW) keep what makes me smile when I use it. Some things that make me smile: Dobyns DC702C matched with a Steez 103. Airy Red Pixy on a Jackson Trickster. Megabass IP73C on a X4 Cyclone. NRX 893 with 2015 Aldebaran. Megabass Zonda 10 on a X4 Hedgehog. Megabass Ip79 on an X4 Black Elseil. These are works of art that I put in the boat. Many times I'm casting each one just because I like the way it feels. What those have in common is they are EFFORTLESS to use. Like artists brushes. When the end comes I'll probably leave these to the grandkids as a legacy. So to answer the question: no, I chose this path because it makes ME happy , and I would not changes a thing. But then, I've always been known to be a little "strange."
  17. Good old SNAGLESS SALLY! Young un's down here haven't even heard of it. Pork Chunk trimmed on back.
  18. Down in my bayous the SEXY SHAD is most productive. Probably because the waterside fish are ALWAYS stained to different degrees. NEVER really clear.
  19. I have the Alde and the Metanium. I prefer the Alde because it is so effortless on the NRX 893. Use it for Wacky worming. I have the 13 Metanium on my IMX 893. Use it for finesse jigs.
  20. Good point on getting back in the boat, Tom. At 72, I fell off the boat near the pier and had one of the Mustang HIT self/manual inflatables. Expensive but worked like a charm!! Face and head bobbed right up. Then tried to climb into my Tracker 16 Pro. Could not lift my leg to do it. Swam to the pier. Went to Academy and purchased a small hooked ladder. Fits along the side of the boat and bungeed there. I can reach into the boat from the water, unfold the handles, hook them to side or back (3 rungs) and climb in. I think I was lucky falling in because it never occurred to me I might not be able to climb back into the boat. A very fortuitous fall!!
  21. Dobyns 702DX paired with Steez 103 and Griffin Crank. Cumulus 6'10" with 2004 Purple Alpha and Pointer 78 Sexy Shad. Jackson Trickster with Zonda 10 and wacky Flick Shake. Love to cast those 3. Don't have to catch anything to enjoy myself. Seems I'm more interested in combos that cast effortlessly and accurately.
  22. Poison, what line do you have for pitching on the T3? I have a T3 and will try it on my Loomis IMX 893 to see how it does. As you say, the snap close hood should be perfect for pitching. I've only tried the T3 a couple of trips and I find the TW guide more a hindrance than a help. I'll never buy another TW reel.
  23. Hatrix, What Rod do you use for the lighter 1/4 oz baits. That's what I'll be using. Up to 3/8.
  24. I understand and appreciate your contribution. I just do not have the time or inclination to separate the wheat from the chaff. And I am way past " pretty good" for an answer. "House wine is "pretty good" too, but as for me, I prefer something better.
  25. The Flick Shake is your favorite one. It's thin profile makes hookups easy. I'm not happy with fat worms. I don't need the weight because I'm casting with Pixies and M/light rods and 6# line.
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