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Everything posted by Silas

  1. Long ago....over 20 years or so, the Rogue in black back, gold side, orange bottom was THE bait at TOLEDO BEND, La./Tx.
  2. I have the Frabill, 15 foot with a METAL COIL at the end....about $40. Telescopes and works extremely well! Saved several custom crankbaits and Vision 110's!! Well worth the money.
  3. About a month ago I really started fishing more with custom crankbaits and some Pointers....finally ordered some Vision 110's. After losing a couple of the original RC 1.5's and wasting a LOT of time dropping some large weights on a line and having "varied" results, I decided to buy a lure retreiver. I saw a video of one of the pros using an $8 retriever, hooked up to a DOG LEASH! Looked pretty promising so off I went to Gander Mountain to get one. I had the retreiver in my hand, when a couple of seasoned fisherman, standing next to me, commented that what I had chosen was a good idea. But, a better idea, they suggested, was the Frabill telescoping pole with the steel coil at the end. Their comment was that when you are hooked up good with trebles, the pole did a better job PUSHING FORWARD to dislodge the hook. Well, I took their advice and paid the $39, I think it was. I used it the next few trips and worked like a charm EACH time. I think it telescopes to about 15 feet. Wouldn't be good for deep water, but South Louisiana bayous where I seldom fish over 15 feet, it worked fine. I put it in a rod holder on the side of the boat, so it stores easy. Now I find I'm chunking my good stuff in the "nasty" spots and catching more fish!! I still get nervous with the Visions, though!!
  4. Ya gotta listen to Road Warrior! And, I can tell you this: I live about 25 miles from you and have been doing really well with the Chartreuse Sexy Shad Pointer 78. I know it's a little pricy, but it works right out of the box, and what's more important....it's catching fish in THIS area right NOW! Jerk, jerk, pause! Glad to see a fellow fisherman nearby. Your pond should be relatively clear now and the Pointer should do the trick.
  5. I agree with Kickerfish! The Dobyns Champion 704CB (glass) is a fantastic cranker for medium cranks and jerkbaits! I couldn't afford one, but waited and one came up on the forum, brand new....$110 to my door. Now, If I could just get another deal on a Dobyns, I will jump on it! Several forum guys are lauding the 705CB. Didn't think I'd want one of those, but now I may change my mind. I'm contemplating doing a trade of my St. Croix Legend Tournament 6'9" Dropshot finesse for another Dobyns.....I'm essentially a full cork guy, I found out!
  6. I agree! And.....consider the Dobyns 704 CB Glass! I just got mine used off this board and it is a WINNER! Put a TD-Z on it and it's perfect for medium cranks and spinners.
  7. I have used both the Seaguar and the Yozuri Hybrid on crankbait techniques. I like both of them. The Invisix was 15# and I found it supple, cast well, and was great for fishing in stump/log ridden areas that I fish. I bought the Yozuri Hybrid in 10# because of great reviews and could get 600yds for $10 shipped. I spooled several reels with this and am well pleased. It performed well in the wood also. All in all, I think for cranking, I didn't need the "invisible" factor of the Seaguar. On a worm or jig perhaps, yes. But not on the crank. And the price on the Yozuri was unbeatable! The ONLY critical remark on the Yozuri was that it was a little "stiff" at times and had a bit of "memory." Both those issues did not bother the crankbait technique. As I write this, I'll be ordering a 600 yard spool of 8# Yozuri for $9.95 shipped. Can't beat that!
  8. Reminds me of the dreaded "Japanese Long Lines" that have decimated fish populations in the oceans. If I wanted to use a "seine", I would!! Is ONE fish at a time not enough?? Sorry, But I think this is the WRONG direction for SPORT fishing! Just my opinion!
  9. Keeper, I've been in the educational field for over 45 years, as and Advanced Placement Institute Teacher to a College teacher. I've seen lots of youngsters in your exact position. Lots of wants and desires....not too much on buckling down on what needs to be done. Quite normal and not necessarily a bad thing. I'm glad to see that "Sam" offered some specifics on what needs to be done. But quite frankly, I don't think you will end up doing them. You have one more year in high shool and LOTS of things change in that time. You will change your mind at least 3 times. Again, quite normal. What finally will occur is that you will go to college and take a "general courses" track, and you will figure out what you REALLY want to do after your first or second year of college. I say this because many of my students have gone this route.....it is a safe course. In any case, you are going to have to WORK at it......something that will be a sort of a shock at college.....high school is nothing like it! Coming down "south" is probably a good idea (Sam, I graduated from LSU!) But you will find a whole "culture change." And, as businesses know, a "culture fit" is very important. Don't stress too much at this point as a junior.......next year will bring a whole new WORLD!! Let us know what you decide! And, as others say, READ as much as you can......it will prepare you to WRITE!!
  10. The In Fisherman was a great show.....it DID show how to techniques. I quickly tired of Roland Martin's "look at me catch the big fish" with very little info.....sort of narcissistic. Enjoyed The Fishing Hole years ago.....laid back and easy. And some of the old Bill Dance shows, on the ONE lake he fished.....heck, a Jimmy Houston show was good for laughs. Sadly, today, I don't see ANY fishing shows that I feel are worth my time. I would like to see a more lesson oriented series again, but I can see that's not going to happen. But, it's not so bad....NOW I just go out and FISH. Others can sit home and WATCH.
  11. I gotta agree! I had John do one for me, and had him tweak it to my specs....very satisfied! I had the grip specified to full cork, which suits me better.
  12. I found a GREAT cranking stick at Academy a week ago....a FALCON COASTAL. Usually retails for $120. Academy sells them for $90. On Clearance NOW for $30!! You have to look carefully for them and they may not be priced right.....stick them under the code reader and the price will come up. I bought 2. And both are great. They come in several actions: I bought the "Topwater Special" and "Redfish Caster." Do a little research on these rods.....fantastic buys! Not just for saltwater, but the guides I think are stainless.
  13. Yep.....that was the standard way of fishing for catfish in the Mississippi river. Throw it out as far as you could....get a Y shaped branch and stick it in ground....tighten up the line, and sit back and wait for the rod to "bob" Later, we found we could use 2 or 3 rods set up like this with little bells on the rod. That's why I smile at the whole "dropshot technique" as being so new. Very, very old!! Worked then, works now.
  14. I have found there is a "symbiotic" relationship between rods and reels and lures. You will certainly know when all is well......the outfit will be almost effortless to cast. Everything works in sync. I have experimented with different reels and lures on rods, switching them back and forth. What I find is that there is a "sweet spot" with the outfit. For example, my Dobyns Extreme 702C, (1/8-1/2 oz)paired with a Curado 50E really syncs with a Pointer 78. Just the right weight. The Pointer 100 is a bit overmatched for the rod. However, the Loomis 782 (1/4-3/4) paired with a Curado 200E5 is the perfect match for the Pointer 100. I totally agree with Clackerbuzz......that's why many of us end up with "dedicated" rods. Expensive, yes....but well worth it in the long run if you fish a lot. After you get the rod/lure weight down......then you move to "just the right reel!"
  15. My weakness is buying entirely too much tackle! I have multiples of many things.....if I find a reel that I really like, I buy one and then look for another. As I look at my rod/reel combos leaning against the wall, I find that I have 9. Just ordered another reel, my first TD-Z and rod, a Dobyns Crank/glass, in the last couple of days: I feel that I NEED them to be complete. So I find myself with lots of tackle.....and checking this forum, I find new baits to try so I order them. Just today, a Staysee 90 arrived by mail. I'm going to have to stop buying stuff....I see that it has become some sort of "obsession." And, to think, in my youth, I had ONE rod/reel.....an ABU 5000C and a Fenwick rod. Had to rent a boat at a little landing and Paddle 5 miles (sculling with a 3 foot paddle while sitting on a boat cushion in the front of the boat. One bait usually.....a white/chartreuse spinnerbait made by H@H with a double hook. And.....I caught TONS of fish. I feel I'm becoming a "tackle freak!" But now, on a fixed income, those days are rapidly closing. But it is difficult not to see a "deal" and not buy it. I'm working on it!
  16. Absolutely!! With 8# Sunline Sniper!
  17. Yes, in my youth I did well in local tournaments. Thought about becoming a pro.....but, I realized that I LOVED to fish....I found that fishing was becoming a JOB! Sort of like later I got in to motorcycles and was invited into the elite moto police. Tried it a bit but then When I got off work, on the bike, I didn't feel like riding for pleasure. Did not want to confuse the two. I'm a little jaded with the whole "tournament trail" thing at this point. Not sure if this is where the future of fishing should be going. I'm sure I'm in a minority. But, while you have youth, chase your dreams, go the tournament trail......it has its own rewards. But now when i'm on the water, I enjoy the outing, the wildlife, the serenity, the peace.....take time for a leisurely bite to eat under an overhanging oak. I remember shoving food in my mouth as I was hurrying from one point to the next......and rapid fire casting, and eeking out the very last few moments before racing in to weigh in. I laugh now when I think back......I simply look at it as a "Great Adventure." One has many adventures in life......they begin, they take effort and sacrifice, they are rewarding in their narrow sphere.......and finally......they end. A natural progression. Good luck in your endeavor!
  18. Aaahh, Youth!! So refreshing! I once thought just as you, but now, at 69, I feel a little differently.....I find that if I weigh the options, consider the consequences, and want to have a good time.....I do better when I pick my battles. I fished a lot in sub optimal conditions( but none like yours, for sure.....only had boat in the ice ONCE) and have become about as good as I can get. Time to relax! In fact, I just finished that magnificent cup of coffee, and am preparing my tackle for TOMORROW.....much better conditions. And, I can see your point.....I'm just further down the time line!
  19. By living on the water, my great strength is the ability to NOT get in the boat, after I go down and see the bad condition of the water, and a big East wind blowing. I just calmly walk back to the house, have a magnificent cup of coffee and wait for a better day! This strength has saved me countless hours beating the water. I choose my hours and make them count!
  20. Just got a new small Tracker this summer and I need to learn how to use the Lowrance "cheapo" depth finder that came on it. Not used to using electronics.....many years ago actually had an expensive paper graph......loved that thing, but rarely used it. But been years.....now I have to look for drop offs in my small bayous. Found a few and the jerkbait fishing has been great. Second thing is learn a little more about using jerkbaits.....especially the Pointers and Vision 110's.
  21. I think if the future of bass fishing is to be preserved for our grandchildren, we are going to have to evolve from the "SPECTACLE" of the weigh in......with the technology that we have, it is certainly possible to RECORD the fish, and their statistics, ON BOARD, IMMEDIATELY, sent to a central place.....or have a "Black Box" if you will, in each boat, recording catches.....so that NO FISH have to travel ANYWHERE....they won't be stressed out in the boat all day, and during the trip home, then the wait for the weigh in. I know this seems blasphemy to a lot of you.....but, it's just my opinion. Then all of the questions about what will happen to the bass....do they return to where they were, do they die, do some of them die shortly, etc....will become non issues. I really think the days of the "Super Rock Star" fishermen, is limited. We are watching a well oiled "machine" in action. I'm not at all sure if it's good for the resource.
  22. I just started using jerkbaits a couple of weeks ago. After looking through the forums, I chose to buy a couple of Lucky Craft Pointers: a 100 in Ghost Phantom Chartreuse, and a 78 in Sexy Shad. In the past couple of weeks I've been trying to fish some flats.....I've never fished them before. So, in 2 weeks, I have caught more and bigger bass than ever at this time of year. A personal best yesterday over 6 pounds, with several over 3 pounds. And all of this on a little bayou in South La. I'm delighted with the success, and ordered a couple more Pointers and even ordered a couple of Magabass Vision 110's since so much has been written about them Went out for an hour today and caught 5 bass averaging 2 pounds on the Pointer 100. Learned a lot from the videos about retreive (jerk, pause, jerk, jerk, long pause) and about using a moderate action rod and mono line. All have worked well. Now, I just have to do the same with JIGS. Haven't fished them much and should do well here.
  23. Silas

    Windy Days

    Very windy today....15-25 knots!! Cast into the wind with a Pointer 100. Did very well! Seemed like the wind helped the bite. I find that side arm casting against the wind is easier.....wind doesn't catch the bait as much.
  24. As a matter of fact I caught mine TODAY!! 6 pounds 3 oz. Also caught a 5 pounder and a 4 pounder. My best one day trip this year!! And all on a new bait I've been fishing for only a week......Pointer 100 in Ghost Chartreuse Shad!! Just ordered 2 more baits......Wow!!
  25. Wow! How things have changed! In my youth, the old Abu Ambassadeur 5000, 500C, or if you were really going light, the 1500C, plus ONE rod....about 6 feet long with a pistol grip. Threw everything I had in the box with it. Somehow I must have successfully "adapted" to the different presentations and lure weights because I caught LOTS of fish. But now, with advancing age, I find that I much prefer the lighter rods....with lighter actions, with smaller baits. I seem to be gravitating to more "effortless" casting. More accurate presentations. A bit of slowing down and concentrating more. In the past few months, I have gone from the original Lew's Speed Spools and the round Calcuttas to the low profile, lighter reels.....even the ultra lite Pixies. My rods now are all Medium, or Light, or Medium light actions, and my baits rarely reach 3/8 oz. I went from 17-25# mono to 6-8# fluoro or small diameter braid. All my outfits feel "balanced." That would be the best word. I have swapped reels on different rods and found a world of difference. For example, a Pixy on a Loomis 721 I found a perfect balance. So was a Shimano Curado 50E on a Dobyns Champion Extreme 702. A Daiwa TD-X on a Falcon Lowrider, medium. And I am experimenting with 3 other set ups. I think it takes awhile and much experimenting to get "just the right combination." Where everything seems to "mesh." I find that I enjoy the fishing a bit more since I have several "instruments" that are in perfect harmony and make my day breeze by with the least effort.
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