I live in Arkansas and we haven't had rain in what seems like ages. Around my house there lives about 9 different small ponds, most of which are drying up at a drastic rate.
One pond in particular used to be about half the size of a football field and teaming with fish...a lot of which are some pretty nice bass. This pond is now reduced to the size of your average swimming pool. I can walk across parts that used to be a few good feet deep.
I haven't seen any dead fish lying in the dry areas yet (probably because wild animals got them) and it appears that most of the fish are cornered up in that little pool. If I walk beside the water, the whole thing pretty much moves from the fish stirring around.
Recently I've been trying to catch as many as I can and transplant them to a larger healthy nearby pond. However, as you can imagine this process is going very slow as I'm (surprisingly) only 2 or 3 per fishing session. I even thought of trying to net them, but there is still enough water for them to shift away from the net, so netting (with a standard net) is out of the question.
I need advice. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can catch these fish and transport them on a slightly larger scale. I'm afraid if we don't get a lot of rain soon, the pond will be almost completely dry and we'll lose all the fish in it. Any and all suggestions are welcome.