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Eric Buck

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About Eric Buck

  • Birthday 11/13/1982

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Ludowici, GA
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. I had a blast fishing there. Unfortunately, you will probably experience bass dead on the banks as they are referred to as trash fish. I got a mountain bike and fished everything that looked fishy.
  2. I am getting ready to purchase a 1998 zx185c Skeeter. Anyone know where I can purchase a 2nd console?
  3. I did throw a jig and pig with nothing. I flipped creature baits around structure with little luck. The water temp was 47 and we were in the middle of a cold front. Everyone struggled a little bit, but nice fish were brought to the scales. I know I was picking off the males, but I couldnt find the females. EVERYONE was flipping the bank. I could only catch them with a spinner bait on wood right against the bank.
  4. I was using spinner baits with trailers and a zoom speed craw yesterday. Caught 15 fish. Weighed 0
  5. I seem to be able to catch enough fish but never the right ones to win. I fish a lot of different techniques in a lot of different ares but it seems I always pick off the the 2 pound and less fish. What do I need to start doing to get on bigger fish?
  6. Is the fishing better in your neck of the woods or over here by carlyle?
  7. What lakes do you fish?
  8. Mo do you fish carlyle?
  9. Man I feel for you guys. I'm also curious how you sank your boat snakehead.
  10. So yesterday I was throwing a red eye shad into a big school of white bass that were busting shad on the surface. I put down the red eye shad and had it dangling in the water as I switched to top water. As I casted I looked over to see a white bass had grabbed the red eye shad and drug my pole into the water. I quickly ripped off my glasses and dove in but managed to keep my legs in the boat so as to save my cell phone. Think god I have a skeet Reese rod because the yellow helped me see the rod and saved me $200. Word to the wise don't hang your baits in the water. Anyone have any similar stories?
  11. I cranked the steep ledges. I saw fish but not sure what they were. You can see the shad schooled up. I talked to a old man who said fishing was tough this time of the year.
  12. There's not much vegetation that I have found. I not only beat the banks but I fished the flats in the middle of the lake. I went over some secondary points with my Hummingbird but couldn't find anything.
  13. Here's day 2 observations. Fished the flat a crossed from the dam and caught white bass on lipless and devils horse. They were busting shad on that flat all day. Fished shallow coves with spinnerbaits, jig, devils horse, and lipless. Nothing! Fished those steep riprap and found the shad. Nothing! I threw the C Rig with a lizard on a flat outside a cove where the shad were busting. Nothing! I fished a drop shot around schools of shad in 5 - 12 ft of water. nothing! I talked to a guy who said he caught 2 LMB. 1 on wood and another on a rip rap point that I fished with a jig. The one on wood was with a jig and the point was on a small crank bait. I think they are suspended and eat on the flats under the white bass.
  14. Have you fished here recently?
  15. Just started beating the banks at lake Carlyle and haven't gotten a bite. I found the shad. I have fished rip rap, dirt, transitions, points, flats fast, slow. I have fished docks. I have fished from .5 ft to 12 ft. Nothing. Not even a bite. It was partly cloudy so I threw a devils horse and nothing. If you know anything about this lake, please clue me in. I'm going for revenge tomorrow. Think I'm going deep which is 15-20 ft in this lake.
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