Been in trouble too many times that I can't rember all of them. The first one that comes to mind was when I was about ten I had went squirrel hunting. It was getting dark so I started heading home. There was a field between the house and the woods. And in the field was this mean mean mean Holstein bull. I came up to the fence and he seen me, came running down there and wouldn't let me get past him. I went back into the woods and walked down a ways and tried to come up at a different spot in the woods. Didn't work bull followed me. By this time it was really dark and , my mother was starting to think something was wrong and freaking out. It snowballed until she got dad down there to look for me. I had finally got past the bull and was almost home when he found me. Nevermind that it wasn't my fault, I got grounded for a long time and the weirdest "lecture" ever from mom. " I thought u were dead"