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Everything posted by 11justin22

  1. Oh yeah I landed a 7 1/2 lb a month ago or so on that rod. Handled it like a dream
  2. I could narrow it down to three and sometimes do when I go down to the small local lake in my little 12' vbottom. But when I'm in a regular boat or a tournament I usually have 6
  3. I have a casting rod and it is great. If u look around there are very few bad reviews on them. Its a good product a great price
  4. It's the dead sea, I hate going to that lake. My next tournament will be there and I'm not looking forward to it.
  5. Brush hog for me, I can always catch them on those. Jig would be a close second
  6. experince... longer u do it the more u can differiant between the bottom and a bite. but also better tackle makes a huge difference.
  7. What would u use a mlxf rod for? Senkos maybe but what else?
  8. I have several different models some new and some older. As long as u stay towards the upper end they are very good rods IMO. Not to say the lowers end rods are junk just money better spent if u go higher. My dad had the rod u are asking about though it is a little older. He uses it for a jig rod and loves it.
  9. Fair enough
  10. A fish mouth is more or less a oval that is enclosed one end, meaning even if a hook did roll it is still going to catch something. Same goes for bending the hook point out or up. Doesn't matter which way the hook rolls it will still catch something. Seems to me that u are only wanting to hook a fish in the roof of the mouth?
  11. IMO no they don't work as well, doesnt mean u can't catch them in top but it's always easier to catch something on a deeper lure
  12. Bass have a tendency to stay in deepest water when levels start going down. Probably some instinct to keep them from getting caught in a receding low water pool.
  13. Been in trouble too many times that I can't rember all of them. The first one that comes to mind was when I was about ten I had went squirrel hunting. It was getting dark so I started heading home. There was a field between the house and the woods. And in the field was this mean mean mean Holstein bull. I came up to the fence and he seen me, came running down there and wouldn't let me get past him. I went back into the woods and walked down a ways and tried to come up at a different spot in the woods. Didn't work bull followed me. By this time it was really dark and , my mother was starting to think something was wrong and freaking out. It snowballed until she got dad down there to look for me. I had finally got past the bull and was almost home when he found me. Nevermind that it wasn't my fault, I got grounded for a long time and the weirdest "lecture" ever from mom. " I thought u were dead"
  14. I use offset 90 percent of the time. The only reason is because of the hookup ratio. I did a test one time at a creek that is full of little brownies, I mean like u catch one every cast. I use a ewg and offset of the same brand and size. The hookup ratio was far better with the offset. I don't think they hold fish quit as well as ewg but well enough. BUT one thing U can do to ewg hooks is take and bend the point out slightly, this takes the point out of alignment with the eye. I tested this also and it brings the hookup ratio up to about the same as offset. Vmc has recently released some of their hooks that has a 3 degree offset built in so u don't have to bend it.
  15. Flouro for me. I switched to it awhile back and will never look back. I fish around a lot of timber and rock. I have heard that rock will cut braid especially the knot so be aware. Also most of the jig fisherman I fish with(I'm in a bass club) fish with flouro.
  16. With those I usually use a zoom chunk jr or a two inch plastic craw dad that a million different company's make
  17. I'm guessing u have backlashed and got a kink in the line, its pretty common with flouro. Kinda the nature of the beast. Also it will snap at the kink. I talk from experience
  18. Maybe a spinnerbait rod, jig rod, or something for topwater?
  19. Not so sure I totally agree with this. The speed has to do with where the rod bends, meaning xf will bend all the way towards the tip, f will be back a little, mf a little further etc... But what that means is a rod that only bends in the tip will recover from a bend (as in moving your lure) faster than one that bends towards the middle because there is less rod blank to physically move back.
  20. There is a new me opening here in about two weeks. Super stoked about it. I have been to several onesin the past and always liked them
  21. Watermelon, watermelon candy, green pumpkin, pb&j, black and blue. That is all the colors i carry and fish them equally just depends on the body of water.
  22. Baby brush hog and ten inch worm
  23. Black is the general color that will get suggested. Jigs, big worms, spinnerbaits seem to be the best producers but many other lures will work. Noisy top waters are also popular
  24. I've caught them with worm hooks still stuck in their lip before but generally I would guess they shake them out.
  25. Thanks...my mistake I should have been clear. I wanted to know if was different how. And u answered what I wanted to know. And if it's more stretchy than invizx I will stay away. That stuff is REALLY stretchy and I couldn't imagine fishing with a stretchy line.
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