I would probably suggest a abu garcia silver max for your reel, i picked one up when i started out baitcasting and still use it today. It has a flippin switch which i use onlu to cast now, instead of gaving to start your retive to engage the gears you can just let go of your lil button and the gears are engaged, will probably help eith backlashes as well. I wouldn't start off eith braid like the others have said to pricey to cut. One other awesome thing about a baitcaster and the one thing that always gives nrwcomers to baitcasters is that yiu have to fine tune your bait to the reel, to easy plus you can cast much further and more accurately than a spinning reel. Once you get the hang of a baitcaster you eill very rarley want to use a spinning reel. Best of luck amd tight lines!